
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. My last entry discussed Plan B - the actual getting to our destination - 2,400 miles from here. My Brother called yesterday (Sat) and we discussed the travel arrangements. I was put on a mission (he's so good at delegating) to check with airlines on prices. Well, I had a volunteer who offered to check the prices. We then emailed Bro and are awaiting his response. Driving is not feasible especially as he suffers from critter allergies. One drawback is that Tinkerbell cannot relocate with us. Crystal can, but not Tink. Crystal will be considered carry-on and her carrrier will go under one of our seats. Today, we put an ad on Craigslist for Tinkerbell :crying: . As to our belongings...they will be shipped so we are now faced with downsizing immensely. We're compiling a list which we will email to Brother and other family letting them know what we'll be needing. Will be listing apartment moving sale on Craigslist also. The next several weeks shall be interesting in my household to say the least. Tentative date to leave AZ is July 17th via USAirways.
  2. My last blog entry was right after the new year. This past week has been full of ups and downs, highs and lows. My dear Brother has been in Arizona visiting and staying with his mother - I know, she's mine as well but for my sanity I try to squelch that fact. He flew out on Jan 8th and will return home some time tomorrow (15th). On Thursday (10th) I had an evaluation for medical transportation. I went with my hemi-walker. The transportation company did provide me with a ride to and from which was an interesting feat all in itself. First of all, the driver was early so I had to scramble to get outside. I was picked up in a mini-bus and driver had parked it out on the street - he said he couldn't help me get to bus. I managed to get to almost end of property to where it was steeper before street. The driver did help me there the last few steps down to the street. He did give me an "upmf" up the few steps into the bus as well and seat belted me in. Once we arrived in town, he got me into the building then I was on my own. With no difficulties, fortunately, I got myself into the waiting room. The gal who was interviewing and taking my picture was very sweet. The therapist was from the Easter Seals (she comes in and conducts the evaluations for the medical transport) I was put through various exercises including a timed simulation of crossing an intersection (I would've been run over probably if it was a real life situation). The therapist and I also walked outside (no street crossing thankfully). She then walked me back into the lobby of the building to wait for my ride back home. Unofficially, I was approved for medical transportation. I'll get the official word in 2-3 weeks. The ride home was non-eventful and I got in safe and sound. I was exhausted and in bed quite early. On Friday (11th) I had appt. with my PC to review all test results. Mark, who works for my Brother, transported me. He and his Wife are totally SUPER. Anyway...test results....diabetes and cholesterol under control, carotid Doppler - nothing to be concerned about, stress test - 1st part of test was excellent; however, during nuclear medicine part of the test there was a possible abnormality discovered - I may have ischemic heart disease. Before I left the office, they scheduled an appointment for me with a Cardiologist for tomorrow (15th). My doc also wrote script for lopressor (generic of course) and changed my lisinopril hctz to straight lisinopril 10 mg. She told me to take it easy - no over-exertion or stress. I also will be having additional blood work done as there was elevated readings in renal something or other. So....at this point I'm trying to chill out as much as possible. My nephew and his girlfriend came over Friday evening and asked if they could move in with us for a while. He was told that it was against the lease and he'd have to speak to his brother/our landlord. The way he spoke to me, it would only be for a few weeks - the way he spoke with Kristi, a few months. They left and Kristi went to spend the night with cousins and see the movie Juno. Kristi had texted his Sister and in Taffy's words - "once he gets in you won't get him out". This Monday (14th) - a bit ago Kristi called me from achool and said that Joey had sent her a text message saying they're moving in. I called my nephew/landlord and spoke with Billy. Billy said that Joey had called him yesterday while he was in checkout at grocery store. Billy told Joey it's between me and Joey but he did tell Joey NO parties. Billy said he wasn't sure if his Dad knew any of this or not. I then called my Dear Brother. He was quite surprised as he had not spoken to Joey since before he left for AZ. He had helped Joey and Angel get the motel room they've been staying in cheaper than the normal price of $100/night. As Joe said, Kristi and I are the only ones who haven't rejected Joey as of yet. Joe did say that, if Joey does actually come to stay that I should have a list of rules and regulations that MUST be followed. I told Joe about doc appt - Mark had filled him in on me seeing the cardiologist (and guys say we women are bad with talking :yadayada: lol). Joe is to call here when he arrives back in Pittsburgh (1-15) to see what's going on with me as well as Joey). Please everyone pray for my sanity and peace of mind and that all goes well. Yesterday morning (13th) my stupid drop foot caused a problem. As I was getting out of bed and going to bathroom, my foot and ankle flopped over. I didn't fall but her 2 "pops". I've been hobbling around since then. Don't think there's a fracture as I can get my AFO on and off. There is some swelling tho. I sat yesterday with it elevated a good bit of the time. I'm falling apart or so it seems. On brighter note - of course as proud Mom - prior to Christmas break in Kristi's Civics Class they were working on a project dealing with Presidential Election. The teacher assigned a project of a mock election - Kristi was selected as democratic nominee. Last Tuesday (8th) she had to present her campaign speech to the class preceding the actual mock election. I'm now the President's Mom lol That was definitely the highlight of the week. One other definite highlight - our bathroom is now Lili-proofed. My cousin messed with the door and the latch - it now closes and little tint terror cannot get the door open - Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Kristi, the "girls" and I spent New Year's Eve at home. We were to go to a party with my brother but the weather forecast called for rain/snow showers so we stayed home. Good thing we did as Bro-dear partied hearty and had a massive hangover yesterday when he drove Kristi to Target. He admitted to Kristi, not me, of how close he'd been to getting a DUI. Thankfully for him and for other drivers, he made it home safe and sound. For our New Year's Eve, we rented 2 movies through Comcast: Georgia Rule and Premonition. Both excellent movies - I recommend seeing them if you haven't already. At midnight we toasted with non-allcoholic cold duck (nasty stuff - I like sparkling cider better but Giant Eagle was sold out). Shortly after midnight Kristi and the "girls" went to bed - I rejoined New Year's Eve Chat - what fun we had. We east coasters (Phyllis and I) helped ring in the new year for the rest of the time zones - way cool :clap: At 3 am I departed chat and shut down the computer and ventured to the 2nd floor of our humble abode. I crawled under the covers at 4 am and was wakened at 9:30 by a certain 15 yr. old who hadn't known what time I got to bed - nor did she care when I told her :SLEEPING: Yesterday, New Year's Day, was my 3 year anniversary. We cruised through the day much more relaxed than in the years previously. Being here in Pittsburgh and closer to family is the definite reason for the calmness. Of course, we did talk about how we both are thinking about our friends in AZ - the funeral for Alina's mother will be Thursday - noon our time. Thankfully, Alina still has her Dad, Brother, and other family and friends with her. Life is so fragile. I told Kristi that, God forbid, should something happen to me she has family close by. I was promptly informed that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Kristi and I did discuss New Year's Resolutions - mine is to continue working on improvements and hers is to start running when the weather warms up. Before our traditional New Year's Day dinner of pork and sauerkraut, we rented another movie through Comcast - Wild Hogs. Another super selection. As I was sooooo exhausted, I retired to my room around 6:30. Kristi did ask if I was having another stroke (bless her heart - as THAT particular year I had spent the entire New Year's Eve in bed. I re-assured her I was just tired as "someone" wouldn't let me sleep. I was sound asleep by 8:30. Good thing for me cos this morning, at 6 am I was awakened when she HAD to inform me they were on a 2-hour delay for school. I had to smile though as today was first day back to school after Christmas break and she was wearing the sweater I got her for Christmas. I was on the computer when she left for school all bundled up in her fake ugg boots, very warm jacket, and matching knit hat, scarf and gloves which she received from my cousin and her family for Christmas. We didn't get much snow accumulated but the temp is nasty (wind chill factor is single digits). I'm thankful I'm indoors snuggled and warm with a mug of hot tea next to me :thumbs up:
  4. Ok...just rejoined the blogging world and have 2 blogs in 1 day. God has answered prayers and we are moving to Pennsylvaniia. My nephew will be my landlord as he decided to rent us the home he was planning on selling. Just have to iron out getting us and critters there. So Plan A completed, Plan B is in the formatting stage. :bouncing_off_wall: Kiddo has shed several tears and wouldn't talk to her Uncle when he called tonight. Over past few hours she's done better.
  5. dstraugh

    I have returned

    I kinda sorta ranaway for the past week and a half. I was (and still am kinda) in a royal funk. I was in a worse funk at first which resulted in me deleting all my prior blog entries. In addition, I've somewhat posted on the message board - not my usual self. I can't explain all what I've been going through as it would take up way to much space and bore everyone to tears, including ME. As an end result, I have adopted a song as my theme song - Martina McBride's "Anyway". I'm trying to live by the words of the song: You can spend your whole life building, Something from nothing One storm can come and blow it all away, (The storm for me was the stroke) Build it anyway You can chase a dream (The dream is my recovery) That seems so out of reach And you know it might not ever come your way Dream it anyway Chorus God is great, but sometimes life ain't good And when I pray It doesn't always turn out like I think it should But I do it anyway, I do it anyway This world's gone crazy And it's hard to believe That tomorrow will be better than today Believe it anyway You can love someone with all your heart, For all the right reasons, And in a moment they can choose to walk away Love 'em anyway (Repeat Chorus) God is great, but sometimes life ain't good (God does things in HIS time, HIS way and says NO at times) And when I pray It doesn't always turn out like I think it should But I do it anyway, I do it anyway You can pour your soul out singing A song you believe in That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang Sing it anyway, Yeah sing it anyway I sing, I dream, I love Anyway
  6. Molly, Welcome to the blog community. My daughter was 12 when stroke smacked her mother (me) in the face. I experienced a massive right-sided ischemic stroke that affected my entire left side. After one month in rehab, I was able to return home. I have progressed farther than anyone anticipated and that is due in part to the motivation I received from my daughter. She's now 15 and we've weathereed some pretty severe storms as a result of the stroke. The largest being financially as I've been medically retired since 1-1-05. Life has been a definite roller coaster ride but we've been on it together.
  7. dstraugh

    Sunday Morning

    Hiya Vi, Your dinner sounds totally delish - how about saending some over? Your beautiful weather is heading my way I do believe. The next few days were to be above normal temps. I can't wait to get out and about in my power chair.
  8. Kakii, Thank you for sharing. You are a survivor of so much that has happened. I too hope you are able to accomplish once again those things you hold dear to your heart. Til then you do have the memories.
  9. dstraugh

    The Cruise

    Stu, Sorry the beginning and end of the trip did not go smoothly - but the cruise itself sounded wonderful. For us stow-a-ways in your luggage, we didn't like being jostled around and locked in a basement but it was an adventure :roflmao:
  10. Maria, I'm glad you can rest a bit easier knowing the "why" you're not hearing from Marc. As Kimmie said, I'm sure the host family is watching over him. Hope the phone issue gets resolved but that the phone bill doesn't resemble the national debt.
  11. dstraugh

    Checking In

    Oh Bon, wish I could be of help to you over these next few weeks - instead I'll send hugs and prayers out west to you and John both. You're both going through a trying time. Critters fighting over headless mice doesn't help either lol. They definitely "break up" any monotony in the house. I'm sure all will get done before John leaves for AZ - hope MIL is not in too much pain, bless her. Congrats on the non-smoking. I'm still hanging in there but have had a few mini "meltdowns".
  12. Maria, Those apron strings are mighty hard to cut loose. I can whole heartedly understand your might mixed emotions. From where I sit though I see your Marc as a well adjusted young man ready to venture out into the world as a foreign exchange student. Boys/males do not express their emotions as we females do - after all that "would not be cool" to do so. Your sons have faced challenges in their young lives - divorce and stroke - and have weathered these. I'd bet any money on the fact they will never NEVER completely walk away from you - their loving Mom, their rock. (((hugs))) to you dear - hope you feel better soon.
  13. Elondie, You have every reason to be a proud Grandma. Bless her heart, Taylor continues to push ahead to be the best she can be. Your daughter is an angel for persevering and constantly cruisin the internet to find ways to help her daughter. I too see Taylor with a very bright future. It's fantastic how you've had community support for your miracle. You all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. (((hugs)))
  14. Ruth, How sweet and touching. Yes, love is in the air and spring will definitely follow suit. I have heard that using singing as therapy for aphasics is effective. Your hubby proves that and just think of the crooning you can be the recipient of :harp: :violin:
  15. I'm so sorry and angry Sue that this happened to you. Let's growl together - 1.....2......3....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. That's the best I can do with all the miles between us. We'ew experienced the same "contagious" myth - I've learned to understand some of it is denial, "head buried in the sand" outlook on life. But you don't have that sweetie - you can smell the posies and the fresh air around you.
  16. Dear Kathy, Yes you're tired - you've been through quite an upheavel and busy times. But I hear a contentment in your words and can just envision you playing and having fun with the wii game. Will your new home be near Andy? You know we'll all be expecting pictures in the gallery of your new home (once you're settled in of course). What fun you'll have setting it up. The weather here has been the pits too; 2 hour school delay today. But each day we get through is one closer to nice weather. Hope the groundhog was wrong :yucky:
  17. Sue, Your insight into what is occurring is so full of love and enrichment. We. as readers of your blogs, also can see Ray's gradual fading. You will have all the fantastic memories the two of you have created to treasure forever. As Ray ventures off to his camp, I hope you are able to enjoy your time and do some fun things for you BESIDES chasing dust bunnies around the house :cleaning: . Yes, it's hard for both you and Ray to have different individuals coming in to assist. Change can be a challenge even without having stroke deficits in the mix. You do one thing though that an anchoress does not perform - you jump in there and advocate AND accomplish what is in the best interest for you and your sweetie. Bless you both and continued (((hugs))) and prayers coming across the miles to Australia.
  18. Ken, Wonderful report. As in everything for us survivors, it takes time. Thankfully you didn't do a belly-flop and/or drink the water. Next week will be even better I bet. My affected leg would probably float away on me. I think most of the time my AFO is what holds it down. Keep up the good work :i_did_it!:
  19. dstraugh

    I'm baack!

    Bob, Yes, been a while since you've blogged - time does fly. Glad the business aspect of your life is going good and hope all medical issues subside for you as well. You deserve a break.
  20. dstraugh

    mom's gone

    Deenie, My thoughts, prayers, and sympathies are with you and your extended family at this time. Your Mom and Dad are now together and watching over everyone from Heaven. Take care and God Bless
  21. My thoughts and prayers are with your Mother-in-law and the rest of the family (including you) for a good outcome for her. Congrats on the Chantix - I'm so proud of you. That's great news for John and his med change. I'm glad you have in-laws close by to help you while John is gone. Not that I'd be much assistance but I wish I wasn't on the other side of the country. I hope the smoking "triggers" ease up for you - miss seeing and talking to you - but I do understand. Smoking is an addiction that's for sure - today is 14 day mark that I've been wearing the patch.
  22. Beth, So glad to hear things have been on an even keel in your home. Just like our recovery, baby steps lead to progress no matter how small those steps are. As to volunteering, like Maria said, your health and family come first and foremost. Others will step up to the plate if needed. We realize that we can not and should not do everything ourselves.
  23. Hi sweet college-girl with a boyfriend. You Go Girl!!!!!!!! As long as he treats you right.....if not all your Aunties and Uncles are going to pay him a visit :BashHead: . I'm glad you went to see the counselor and made some modifications. Sometimes it is easy to just give in and be defeated...but not our girl - she's a fighter. We're all so very proud of you and how you're facing your fears and challenges and moving ahead. I hope all continues in the right direction for you to be able to drive. Continued (((hugs))) and prayers coming your way.
  24. Welcome to the blog community Kim and way to go for your 15 miles. There are cyclists here, but I'm definitely not one of them - not pre even. Growing up I never learned to ride a bike as my mother forbid it saying I would get hurt - yep she is an anal type of person. my bike riding came during post-stroke out patient therapy. Look forward to getting to know you better.
  25. Hiya Beth, Thank you for letting us hear some about you - I too hope things start going better for you. You've got enough going on. By reading this blog I can see you're pro-active and trying to be the best you can be.