
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Hi Sarah **hi** , Good to see ya back. Your blog did NOT put me to sleep lol. I too will look forward to your updates. Hope you have a great "adult" evening at the play.
  2. Sue, Yes, you are strong dear as many of us are in our own ways and lives and what we contend with. I've always been told "God only gives us what we can handle"; I've added to that with "He likes to push it to the limit and test me". There are days chock full of "tests". Glad the kids got out of the flood area before it hit.
  3. Beth, Dear lady, you need to care for you and your children. Have you spoke to an attorney? If I were you, I would. The there are many things that could be a part of the divorce decree such as medical insurance, spousal support, etc. Especially if his relationship with the children is not healthy for them. As to his comments to you - how very rude of him. Do you have anyone who can talk some sense into him? (((hugs))) to you and the kids.
  4. Cathy, Glad to hear your Valentine's Day was so positive and uplifting. I'm sure you'll have loads of fun on your trip. Your fellow bloggers (us nosey ones) will want a report on how the trip went :bouncing_off_wall: .
  5. Beth, Welcome dear to the wonderful world of blogging. Hope you continue with it. It is enlightening (really) to look back on older entries to reread and see a progression in our recovery. I do hope and pray you get accepted into the pain clinic soon and are able to get some relief. Have you tried to "nap" in the afternoon before the kids get home from school? I have discovered an afternoon "break in the action" helps me to be more of a Mom when my kiddo returns from school. I've discovered, if I push all day long, I'm grumpy, irritable, and resemble a snapping turtle or should I say snapping penguin (as I so resemble one when I walk). I've discovered it's best to give in and rest versus pushing ever onward.
  6. Billie Jo, Hope your dinner is delish and you have a special evening with hubby. Good luck to your daughter's dance team.
  7. Amie, Happy Valentine's Day to you and Dave. I'm a single gal but do have my valentines in my daughter and our furballs.
  8. dstraugh

    Two days :)

    Glad to hear you guys worked out the prescription issue. Try to relax between now and departure so you will be wide awake and taking plenty of pics. Be sure to save crumbs to feed us stow-aways lol. :idiot:
  9. Hi there Kakii, Glad to hear your terst turned out ok for you - hope the results are as expected. My sympathies to you and your family with the passing of your Uncle - you have I'm sure fond memories to hold near your heart so he will never totally be "gone". He is at peace now and is I'm sure too with your Mom. Be sure to perform extra "TLC" for yourself the next few days or so - any procedure for us tends to take so much more out of us than it would have pre.
  10. Ken, Best of luck in the hydiotherapy - please be sure to keep us posted on your continued progress.
  11. Sue, As I read your entry, all I could think is what else do these two dear people have to endure. For Ray and his health and for you the added work and decisions to be made. I would think the Lion's Club friend and the group would not consider you a bad guy in not getting the scooter for Ray as long as they knew it was not feasible. Unless, they can also provide you with a trailer for it and a new vehicle for it to be hitched to . One can but dream huh.
  12. dstraugh

    Just about that time

    Stu I'm sure you and Kath will get your to do list completed of all that you need to take with you. Your blog reminded me of a skit that George Carlin performed on Your Stuff. It was hysterical the way he described going on vacation and staying with friends. It's a shame that you guts need to take all your medicine with you for the trip. Is it possible to get some pill bottles and corresponding labels from the pharmacy that you could use. Or perhaps leave some of the meds at home rather than take the entire supply with you. Don't know if a pharmacy could do that - I never had to inquire as I've never taken a cruise. When we flew to Pittsburgh, I had my scrip bottles in a plastic bag in my carry on - no one even inquired. Anyhoo - 4 days and counting - wow!! :thumbs up: I wish you and Kath a terrific trip as well as a Happy Valentine's Day.
  13. Anne, (((hugs))) and prayers to you and Dave. Glad to hear his surgery went well; however, sad to hear of the episode today. No, you don't want him to have a heart attack if he puts up to much of a fuss over going to the VA. On the other hand, he might possibly have experienced a TIA(s) that need to be addressed before a full blown stroke occurs. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Please update us when you have the chance.
  14. Oh Marden I love the start of your list - way to go girl!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
  15. Hi Marden, Glad all is ok with you even though your days are quiet and home alone. Sounds just the same as myself as my kiddo doesn't return home from school until after 3 pm. I like your idea of doing 100 things I've learned after stroke.
  16. Oh Dear Sister....I'll be praying all goes well for you guys at the bank and you are able to get your abode. Sunday night around midnight here it was -10 windchill - :yikes: . Schools were delayed 2 hours thankfully. It's almost 10 am Monday morn and it's a whole 6 degrees/windchill of -5. Heatwave lol. I'm sure, like you, that some will laugh at us but after what we've been climatized to this is brutal. Though the summers will be easier, hopefully. Going up and down the steps IS a challenge....but just think of the added exercise you're getting :uhm: right now. That's the mindset I've adopted now living in a 2 story home. Be careful in all your trudging around in this cold. Good to have you back on-site
  17. dstraugh

    Mema's Brag Blog

    Vi, What a wonderful bunch of kids you are Grandma to. Like Asha, some day I'll be a grandma - but I can wait for the day lol as Kristi is 15.
  18. dstraugh

    Stroke survivor!

    Hi Jeanie and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Sorry to hear you're under the weather. "tummy bugs" are one of the worst. Hope you can shake it soon.
  19. Wow! The emg summary set me on my ear - bless your heart for successfully completing it. I've only flown once post stroke - thankfully my daughter was with me as I couldn't have begun to do it alone. Getting past security itself is exhausting. Been wondering how you were doing - thanks for the update - keep up the great work.
  20. You are definitely an intelligent man thinking of ways to resolve all these issues. Would be so nice to have the maladies of the world resolved.
  21. Sue, Dear lady...when I read ythis, I wanted to hop on the quickest plane and come to your aid - but then what use would I be other than to supply you with (((hugs))). Hope you continue to feel better - thankfully Trevor was around.
  22. Hiya Mel, Good to see you in the blog community dear girl. The "small town" mentality stinks sometimes. What hubby did was definitely wrong but it does take 2 to make it. Some guys are just larger versions of small boys - what I mean is that when he does do something positive, praise him for it - positive reinforcement. I can understand and empathize the hurt and distrust you're experiencing; however, there will come a point in time where you'll understand it is better to let the past go. We cannot change the past although we would love to. We only kinda have control over today and tomorrow. The fact that hubby is willing to and attending therapy is a plus. Way back when I had tried to get my ex to go to counseling so he wouldn't end up an ex...well.....after the fact he said he wished he would've listened to me. I pray for you for better health and better life on the home-front.
  23. Rick, First of all - congrats on the upcoming one year mark. The first year is one of the toughest - not that it becomes a paradise after that but, for me, it marked a time when I began my acceptance of what happened. Don't get me wrong here - I don't think I'll ever fully accept what happened that day but I've learned to count my blessings - large and small - post stroke. I reached my 3rd year mark on New Year's Day 2008 and have finally stopped comparing myself to my life pre- stroke. When I think back to that time it's almost like a lifetime ago, a "once-upon-a-time". I have learned to focus on what I can accomplish now that I couldn't accomplish on that fateful day or shortly thereafter. Life is today and the tomorrows to come. We're blessed to have another chance. I wish for you continued recovery and God's blessings for many many many more years to come.
  24. dstraugh

    no title

    Hi there to our sweet smiling college-girl. I sincerely hope the baclofen and botox help you. Ya know that very old saying: "Rome wasn't built in a day"? The same applies dear girl in a college degree. When I was a student, like you, I tried to overdo - and I wasn't a stroke survivor back then. Please take care of yourself; if it means cutting back on your course load, do it. It's better to succeed at fewer credits than barely pass many. I'm glad you updated us, been wondering how you were doing. As to getting tired of now being "different", I think we've all been there at some point. Some days are tougher than others. But we're still here (YOU included) fighting the battle and doing what we can to make the world a better place. You may not think that way but I bet many admire you for your perseverance and goal setting to achieve your college education. You Go Girl - You WILL succeed.
  25. dstraugh

    we made it!

    Kathy, Glad to hear you ALL made the trip safe and sound and still speaking to one another. I'm sure the weather was a jolt to reality. No Kathy isn't in Florida any more :nuhuh: I pray you, Barry, and critters find the perfect home for all of you.