
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Hey Girl...now I know a few more things bout you.
  2. Sue, You and Ray are definitely what is meant by life DOES go on after stroke, just that it's different. You and Ray have made your fair share of lemonade from all the lemons; and you keep plugging onward. Personally, I think your blogs should be a part of mandatory reading for all newbies. Bless you both and continued (((hugs)))
  3. dstraugh

    Counting down to D'day

    14 days and counting - that is way cool. Your anxiety is natural but do try to relax so you can enjoy the trip to its fullest. All of your "stow-a-ways" will also be your Guardian Angels and watch over you as well as having fun too.
  4. dstraugh


    Hibernation is good for us Bonnie at times. Your quilt sounds so snuggly. It must be with your critters joining you. Enjoy the time and keep safe and warm. Spring will be here before you know it.
  5. Hi Billie Jo, Sorry to hear about your TIA dear - was wondering where you've been. Hope you start feeling better. My deepest sympathies to you and your family in the loss of your Stepdad.
  6. Bonnie, So glad you were able to meet Lyn. It's so cool to be able to have a face-to-face get-together.
  7. Glad you got the doors open. Guess freezing temps slowed your reaction time in hitting "unlock" button. All is well now :clap:
  8. Ken - glad your day was enjoyable though quiet. For me, getting out and about hinges upon weather conditions - not only for me walking outside but for whoerver is transporting me to and from. But that's par fort he course for our winter climate. Good luck in your hydrotherapy.
  9. dstraugh

    vivir [[ to live]]

    Hey Kiddo of mine, we're back to normalcy. It was nice they left earlier than what they said, thanks to your Uncle helping them out. Please keep in the mind the pressure he's been under...everyone always needs him for something.
  10. dstraugh


    Rich, Thank you for the update - was wondering what you were up to. Glad to hear you're doing well and moving ever onward on your quest. Good to hear of the positive results you're experiencing.
  11. Sue, So glad to hear your evening festivities went well and that Trevor was available to assist Ray in getting home afterwards. I don't think it would be easier to move with the packing that would be involved. Unless you happened upon a windfall where you could walk away and get brand new everything. Wouldn't that be divine?
  12. dstraugh

    21 days till pampering

    Oh how exciting. 21 Days and counting. All your stow-a-ways are excited too :hahaha:
  13. dstraugh

    starting my list

    Wow Ms. Kimmie...now I've learned even more about you. Your caring nature is still so prevalent today. So you skipped school huh? You were braver than I was lol. Your love for animals is same as mine; however, I was not brave enough to bring them all home with me. I tried the "look who followed me home" but it didn't work. You are a sweet dear person. Looking forward to hearing the other 74 things about you.
  14. dstraugh

    just an update

    Hope results from the scan will be favorable dear lady. I bet you are thrilled about your son moving home. You'll get to see Maddy more then . I'll be watching the Superbowl from a combo 2 year old birthday party/Superbowl Party I found out today. Keep snuggled and warm.
  15. dstraugh

    Remember Me?

    She speaks...lol - glad to hear all is going well in your neck of the woods and the "frozen tundra" :beer: We're mighty cold here in Western PA - it's 19 degrees as I'm typing this reply .
  16. Kathy, My thoughts and prayers are with all of you for a safe journey. Yes, things do happen in a blink of an eye and lives change forever. Change is hard but can also be fun as adventures are encountered and fond memories are created. You have much to look forward to, reuniting with family and old friends. All of us here will be with you in spirit.
  17. Susan, Yes, it has been awhile since we've heard from you. Glad all is moving along. My daughter, so far, has had only 1 late start day. They are wrapping up their semester as well with mid-term exams this week. The new school addition sounds exciting.
  18. Sue, I'll remember the phrase "dear old duck" though you are no where near ready for that term to be applied. Bless your heart for all you are able to accomplish on a daily basis. I get "pooped out" for you.
  19. dstraugh

    25 things about me

    Thanks Angie for sharing a bit about yourself. Look foward to hearing the other 75 things as well.
  20. No Fred, no Superbowl for me lol, even if the Steelers were there. Funds don't permit the trip and the battery on my power chair would not last that long to make the trip. Can you imagine me stopping every so many miles to recharge? lol. I'll cheer the Giants I suppose, from the warmth of my living room.
  21. Fred, I saw in your response to the blog report that your recent blog wasn't visible - so I check and published it for you. Check in your control panel to be sure after you post a blog it's published. Or maybe for this one you may have clicked on draft. Anyhoo - Congrats again on the 4-year mark as well as working towards the 5 year one. I hope this next year brings to you better health. I love your greatest thoughts. (((hugs)))
  22. dstraugh


    Sounds "right purdy" ma'am. Glad you got the color "fixed".
  23. Wendie, I can't offer you any advice dear but I feel for you. So.....(((hugs))) to you.
  24. Sue, I could just envision your smile of contentment with having the family present. I can also feel your exhaustion as well - you'll need to recuperate and adjust to the peace and quiet once the whirlwinds are gone. Glad all went well.
  25. Hi Kathy alias "Dorothy". Yes, it would be great to be able to click our heels together as Dorothy did or even wiggle our noses as Samantha did. But alas we cannot. I hope the kitties will be good for the trip. When we flew with Crystal we gave her the tranquilizers provided by the Vet and they did not knock her out. Her adrenaline kicked in the minute we put her in the carrier and she was wired the entire flight. Obviously she doesn't travel well either. I hope the "calming" spray works - perhaps some ear plugs for you might be helpful. Will be thinking of you.