
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    Bla Bla Bla

    Bill, Have definitely missed you friend. Sorry to hear about the continued "stuff" you're experiencing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and sweet Bud. :hug:
  2. dstraugh

    Thank You

    Bonnie, I feel the same as you. Here is a safe place to open up. As a child our closets were full of skeletons and things that were just not discussed. Denial to the max - life was not perfect that's for sure. Granted we are not in a perfect world but here we can open up and reflect on how we're feeling and even what we're fearing. God Bless Steve for giving us Strokenetwork. God Bless our cyber family.
  3. Hi there and definitely welcome to the world of blogging. You are definitely motivated and have the "umpf" to trudge forward on this road to recovery. Great attitude and outlook. I am a survivor as well - 3 years post.
  4. dstraugh

    Random Thoughts

    Beautiful blog Ms. Bonnie. Trying to pick up the pieces can in itself be a challenge but we do the best we can with what we have been allotted. I know over my time post I've surely made alot of lemonade. It's a challenge but I'm glad and thankful to be here to face that challenge.
  5. Sue, Yes, the Christmas hustle and bustle is over. That's the one advantage of my life right now - I don't have to go out and about in that madhouse. I sat here and received reports from everyone else on what they encountered. How nice you'll have your visit with the grandkids to look forward to this weekend.
  6. George, As I was reading your entry. we're getting light snow falling here in Pittsburgh. Weather Channel is saying 1-2 inches for today and another inch overnight (Nothing like your footage lol) :cold: Though how many times the weathermen are "off" in their predictions and forecasts. We know it's winter so anything is possible. Glad Leslie made it home safe and sound and was getting warmed up. Shame you won't be able to ice-fish this year as you were really looking forward to it - hey...next winter :fishing1:
  7. Kathy, Thinking of you during this trying time. There is light at the end of the tunnel though. I sincerely hope that the move and being with family will be a big relief to your hubby and you both. The critters may be trying to be assured they too are making the trip. I remember when we were moving in AZ post stroke (twice there) Crystal was out of sorts. The move to PA was hard for her initially but she adjusted quicker than we anticipated, considering she's 7 years old. Even all was so new here with surroundings and furniture she adjusted well - think she picked up also on family being close by and our contentment. As to misplacing your brain, I still misplace mine it seems and have to "pause for the cause" to figure out where it is. I think the damged cells try and take control lol. Hang in there - ((hugs)))
  8. Lorri (alias UMC tour guide), (((hugs))) to you - I'm sure that was so hard to do with Katy but she is an adult. Hopefully she will get the help she needs and can turn her life around. It's never too late - well, it can reach that point but let's pray it doesn't. She reached out for help - which is a good indicator. Important for her is also going to be to learn lifestyle changes, ie who her friends are. That's super that Joey's feeding tube was removed and that the doc is addressing the pain management issues. Joey has enough to deal with let alone coping with a prescription addiction.
  9. dstraugh

    Dr visit

    Ouch Dear Lady. Glad doc appointment went relatively ok except for the ear zapping. Congrats on the weight loss as well.
  10. Sue, Ray must have looked liked the walking wounded, poor dear. I'm not on prescription blood thinners but do take low-dose aspirin daily. Even with those, I see a difference in my "bleeding"; especially with my diabetic testing. There are times when the tiny pin-prick bleeds profusely. Bless that soul's heart for still visiting with you and even bringing fresh strawberries. It is sad how friends "vanish" after a crisis occurs or a change in the norm. Is it human nature to have the outlook out of sight, out of mind? I think it is - those who have stuck around since the stroke I hold even dearer to my heart. I always wonder if all of us survivors in the Caregiver Chat scare away the Caregivers from attending. I would hope not as we're all there for each other.
  11. dstraugh

    Things About Me

    Hiya Bon, Great first 50 - so you like going to the zoo? Good thing as you have your very own "zoo crew".
  12. Gary, Happy New Year to you as well. Technology is definitely advancing.
  13. Katrina, Congratulations dear on making the Chancellor's List with a 4.0 - I had no doubt you would. I always look forward to your updates "Auntie Katrina" - I don't get asked to babysit as I would have difficult time handling the little ones in the family. So...I can fuss over them and send them onto someone else lol. Wishing you the best of luck with the review for driving and for the botox treatments. I'm sure your hair is still very pretty; as you stated, it's healthier now that it was cut. Of course you're receiving positive attention - everyone is learning what we already know - you're a sweet, intelligent, and brave girl. You're making your cyber "Aunties" and "Uncles" so proud.
  14. Dear Kathy, Yes, congratulations are definitely in order for getting the offer on the house so quickly. That's wonderful news although I don't envy you the packing and such. The upcoming weeks ahead will be busy for you, wish we could pitch in and help you prepare. Know that we're with you in spirit though. That's nice your son is coming down to help in the driving.
  15. Sue, Glad to hear you're going to be "putering" again with chat. We've got the new chat rooms as well with additional options that will surely make the chatting experience more fun (although chat has always been quite fun). You are getting some R & R time with your reading amongst all the time you spend on your daily chores and projects. (((hugs))) coming across the way to you and Ray.
  16. Lorrie, We each have our destiny and purpose in life. Since I was a child, I was taught I'm not to question Him and what happens. It is hard. We are survivors for a reason - we may not yet know that reason or fully understand the reason, but we've been blessed with another chance. So sorry to hear about Joey's friends. Hopefully, Amber will recover. Joey IS making great strides in his recovery as you are in yours (though from different reasons). Is Joey receiving any counseling right now? He might benefit from counseling just as you benefit from having your sponsor.
  17. Carol, Glad to see you blogging and great resolutions. Once you take that cruise with hubby, we will expect a very full and detailed report on the trip lol - especially for those of us (me) who doesn't get the chance to travel. So...I'm nosey...I admit to it lol. Wishing you a terrific 2008.
  18. dstraugh

    Sad start to 2008

    I'm so sorry dear to hear of the pending miscarriage. If it is any consolation to you right now may not have been the best time or perhaps something would have gone wrong during delivery. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers - we're here for you.
  19. Sue Happy New Year to you and Ray :happy new yea: . Thought of you last night while attending our cyber New Year's Eve bash. Hope you get your computer computering soon. Glad you guys had a nice New Year's and you're able to look at 2008 in a positive way. Eight years and running is quite awhile - Bless you for all you can do. Our weather here is cold - :cold: it's 33 degree F/with wind chill factor it feels like 20 - Glad I'm snuggled inside sipping on a mug of hot coffee (decaf/unleaded of course)
  20. Ann, Wishing you and Baz a happy, healthier and Blessed 2008. You 2 are definitely keeping busy. It's great that Baz is getting out with the guys - helps to give you some Ann time as well. Sorry to hear there have been family problems.
  21. George, Thank you for sharing with us the things you are thankful for. Yep.....you're so right.......stroke proves there was a brain in our noggins that could be affected. Wow, Tippy is 40 pounds already. Just seems like yesterday you posted puppy pictures of her.
  22. dstraugh

    Christmas 2007

    Our 1st Christmas back home in Pittsburgh
  23. dstraugh

    Me Christmas Eve

    From the album: Christmas 2007

    First Christmas with family in 13 years
  24. From the album: Christmas 2007

    After the conclusion of services, family pictures were taken
  25. From the album: Christmas 2007

    CIL (Cousin-in-law) Bryan (Dar's hubby) is a minister. At Christmas Eve services, Chuck and Lisa renewed their wedding vows during the service.