
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. From the album: Christmas 2007

    Here's me with Dar and Lisa. We were close growing up, like Sisters. My Aunt and Uncle always considered me "one of their girls".
  2. From the album: Christmas 2007

    Kristi and I with cousins Darlene, Lisa, and Lisa's daughters: Tori and Becca.
  3. Dear Kathy, I wish you the best for 2008 as well. Ya know...I've tugged so hard at my boot straps sometimes that they could probably fit over my ears by now. There are days when acceptance all but vanishes and we sit on our pity pots. But the important thing is that we get up off the pitty pot (sometimes needing a grab bar) and keep plugging ahead. Stroke is brutal and should be declared a cuss word, ya know? But we're survivors - nuttin's gonna keep us down. This site is the best and so are all the members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Stu, I'm sure there's 95 things you want to tell us about you. :Nodding: Please......don't keep us in suspense.
  5. Hi there and welcome to our blog community. Blogging is totally therapeutic - for the writer and the reader alike. Plus it gives us a chance to get further acquainted with each other here on site. I'm glad your Mom was able to assist you before you crashed into that glass wall. As to those "gawkers", there are times when I feel like a dang fish in the fish bowl. I just try to tune them out as best I can. At least your family are by your side and aren't embarrassed. Before I relocated from Arizona, my mother was embarrassed to be out with me - her loss - I haven't been "perfect" in HER eyes since I had to start wearing glasses as a teenager. The stroke was the icing on the cake so to speak. My daughter is not embarrassed nor is my family in Pennsylvania. I'm not either. Hey, stroke can happen to anyone at any age. Life goes on after stroke and we can't be expected to be couped up and out of sight. Glad you got pretty earrings - maybe next trip will be more productive for your brother.
  6. Leah, You did what you could do dear and that's what's important. Glad you had "helpers" and they were understanding. You just proved that life does go on after stroke - just differently.
  7. Lorri, I'm so happy for you regarding your daughter. Time does heal wounds. Things happen sometimes for a reason - perhaps Joey's accident has a silver lining for the family relationships. Just remember to take things slow and easy until the ice completely melts. Your New Year's resolutions sound doable that's for sure. My Bro was telling me about a smoking cessation medication that is supposed to have a very high success rate. You take the pill and continue to smoke. The urge to smoke is taken away within a week. You could check to see if your insurance would cover it.
  8. Stu, K, 5 things bout you dear - tho you forgot your 6th - your nickname of BubbleMaster lol. 94 things to go :big_grin: .
  9. Leah, Belated Christmas Greetings to you and your family. Somehow, I missed your blog - darn damaged brain cells love to trick me :nana: Here's wishing a fantastic 2008 for you :Cheers: :You-Rock: :thumbs up:
  10. Phyllis, I got my one touch can opener last year for Christmas. Bless her heart, my Aunt is always thinking of ways to make my life easier (and she's disabled herself - has both hands working though). We love it...even kiddo thinks it's the best thing that's come along. The gameboy story was a hoot.
  11. Kakii, So glad you're back with us...missed you dear. My thoughts and prayers will be with your daughter and the babe on the way. Your 2008 will be busy. I too sometimes experience problems processing math. When I'm doing the bill paying, I recheck myself frequently to keep close tabs on my balance. Shame you had problems with that company continuing to charge you after closing the account. I had a similar situation with one who pulled that on me as well - fortunately, after daily nagging, they righted their wrong.
  12. Jean (((hugs))) and prayers to you, Don, and Cooper. Hope Don is home soon. Prayers were answered that the surgery went well. Prayers will be answered for his successful recovery.
  13. Sue, It is Christmas mid-morning here in Pennsylvania. Glad you had a good time with the grandbabies. We had a huge family Christmas Eve celebration with Auntie, cousins and their hubbies and the younger cousins. It was an overwheming day for Kristi and I - her with being soooo many family members for Christmas, me 2-fold - being home again with family after 13 years and just the hub-bub dealing with a damaged brain. There were things that "went over my head" but thankfully my daughter has a photographic memory.
  14. Lorri, Thank you for sharing your gratitude list with us. We're grateful too....to have gotten the pleasure of meeting you. :santahat: Smart friend you have for suggesting it.
  15. dstraugh

    happy again

    Wow Kimmie, a housefull of family and grandcritters...what more could a girl want?????? Wishing you the very best for Christmas and for 2008. (((hugs))) from all of us to all of you.
  16. Merry Christmas to all of you. Hope you have safe trips in all your travels. :santa: :ChristmasTree: :bell: :reigndeer:
  17. Merry Christmas to you and Santa. I can just imagine Noah's excitement...how precious
  18. dstraugh

    so long for a while

    Marty, A very Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Marty - may your trip be safe, your time spent in Florida fantastic - including your "even" bathroom days. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughbounce: :clap: See you next year - we'll miss you while you're gone :crying:
  19. I'm glad that you've been able to get your preparations done, including "stuff" for yourself. So sorry to hear that Bill has had some additional issues; may God give you both the strength to deal with them. May your Christmas be blessed.
  20. Rich, Merry Christmas to you and congratulations on the progress you've made with the therapy. That's fantastic news. I'm so happy for you.
  21. Maria, Fantastic list there lady!!!! Though I disagree with you on one point..I'd say you ARE a confident woman - that's what I see. Your sense of humor is contagious as well.
  22. dstraugh


    Lorri, You just did a brave thing by admitting that you are not brave and have a hard time with bravery. Not only by this blog entry are you showing bravery but in the face of adversity (with Joey's accident) you have stood beside him and cared for him when another mother may have run in the opposite direction (as mine did when stroke entered my life). As far as I'm concerned the only one in our lives who is totally brave is our God. Here on earth, we work at it the best we can. Hopefully Santa brings you a new mirror for Christmas :santasmiley:
  23. From the album: Kristi

    Here's Kristi spiffied up for her Winter Concert at school.
  24. From the album: Donna

    Here's me and my girl before we left for her school Winter Concert
  25. dstraugh


    Marty, With your personality and sense of humor, you would be wonderful to have working with survivors. I wish you luck and hope that all goes as planned.