
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    sad and happy

    Kimmie, I never saw Dan Fogelberg in concert but did often hear his songs on the radio. His talent will be missed. Enjoy your visit with your son and furry "grandson".
  2. Lorri, Yes dear, it will get better in time. Nothing is worse for a Mom than her child experiencing a trauma. Sorry to hear of the nightmares you are experiencing both in waking and non-waking hours. I have not experienced any severe traumas with my daughter, than God above; but we never know when we might. I pray for your strength in your personal coping skills. Perhaps some counseling would be beneficial for you.
  3. dstraugh

    The end of my list

    Super List Vi. Great job!!!!!!
  4. Ken, Best wishes to you and Kathy for a great Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Fantastic news on your therapy. Keep on truckin'.
  5. Lorri, I too will pray for God's blessings for the "kids". Like you, I can see both sides and can understand why they want to have a child. On the other hand, how are they going to care for the baby? Is it expected Grandma (You) will take on that responsibility? Are you prepared to do so, if asked? Please don't let your prior issues of guilt make you feel you owe this to Joey and Chelsea. The past cannot be changed - no matter how much we would like it to be. You'll need to set boundaries and stand by them. I do hope that they come to you for advice. If not, what you are doing...turning it over to God...is good. As it is said (and I try to use this outlook) Let go, Let God. (((hugs)))
  6. dstraugh


    Marty, Congrats on the nomination. First this honor - how soon will we all say we knew you when after you become all famous. Maybe we should ask for your autograph now I am sure to that you are quite enjoying being in the male minority at your classes I'm sure they'll miss you while you're gone.
  7. dstraugh

    New Picture

    Lorri, Thank you for sharing the pics with us. Joey has come a long way......his complete medical team and you are his Angels :Angel: :cloud9: here on Earth
  8. dstraugh

    100 Things

    Lorri, Great list Gal!!!! I'm an Aries as well. My b.d. is 3/31 We'll have to throw a party in chat :monkeydance: :music_band: :thumbup: :wish: :yay:
  9. Hiya Kathy, Things happen in HIS time, not ours and He doesn't give us what we can't handle - though I do think, at times, He likes to "push" us. Your house will sell; with the holidays right around the corner, this could explain why things have been slow. Although you do not have a specific time frame, you want all to be done yesterday huh? I liked Kimmie's idea about the Halloween teeth lol. PS - Like your pic you posted...it's great to put a face with a name :santa:
  10. Happy Anniversary to you and wishes for many many many more. Merry Christmas to you as well.
  11. very nice picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have a handsome young man Asha
  12. dstraugh

    my 100

    Great list Dear Kathy!!! Even though you're a Pats fan - love ya
  13. Katrina, I can totally empathize with you about feeling like a burden to others when they have to drive you. There should be medical transportation within your area. You should check into it. I know you really want to drive...but consider this also: the upkeep of the vehicle...you say you have to pay for everything....think of gas, insurance, maintenance. It's not cheap to operate a car, especially with today's rising costs. Good for you in making your own medical decisions - You go Girl!!!! Are you on break now? How'd your finals go?
  14. Glad to hear you 2 are doing ok. Quite the travelers...frequent driving miles are definitely in order. Glad your travels were enjoyable.
  15. Hi Marden, I'm getting inspired to write one of these myself for a blog. We have a brown tiger-striped kitten named Lili.
  16. Lorri, As a survivor....I'm gonna say 2 words to you BURN OUT. Dear, I can totally understand and empathize where you are right now. But unless you start to separate yourself and have a life of your own, you MAY start experiencing resentments. Is it possible to arrange for alternate transportation for Joey to his therapy sessions - even one day a week - to relieve you. Check with Red Cross in your area as they have a transportation program. If you must continue to transport Joey, then it is vital for your own well-being to take time for yourself away from the area. Can you make arrangements with the therapy personnel to give him his medications. Delegate as much as you can (you're still showing your love and support) In addition, letting go somewhat is also good for Joey in helping him to gain independence. (((hugs)))
  17. dstraugh


    Lorri, Lives post stroke are definitely not boring, which is a good thing. Your love for Joey shines through your words. I hope Joey is able to qualify for a guide dog. I'm so happy for you that you have a supportive partner as well and are not facing each day without "live" love and support.
  18. dstraugh

    She Graduated !!!

    Stu, Congratulations to your son & niece! That's wonderful. As to the idiot who parked on top of your car.....I sincerely hope the person didn't do so deliberately.
  19. Lorri, Welcome to the blog community - glad you took the plunge and joined us. The water is fine . None of us parents know if we're doing a good job of parenting our kids or not. I don't think many of us were raised in "Cleaver"-type households. And.....we sure as heck can't go back in time and change the past. The present is what we have at our fingertips, we have choices. Congratulations on your sobriety thank you for sharing.
  20. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and keep you in my thoughts and prayers that therapy is successful. Glad computer is cooperating.
  21. Fred, You're in my thoughts and prayers dear, as always, that the docs find out what's going on with you. On the plus side, if they are saying the problems are NOT stroke related that's a good thing. Hang in there and remember we all deeply care about you and love you. (((HUGS)))
  22. Kathy, You are definitely not alone dear. We all tend to plop ourselves on the pity-pot on occasion and that's understandable. On the up side, you received a great report from the cardio - that's wonderful news. You're going through a lot right now with putting the house on the market plus the holidays approaching. I wish I could wave a magic wand for you to feel better. But since that's not possible, I'll send (((HUGS))) your way and wishes for better days.
  23. Congratulations on the one-year mark George!!! Your recovery has gone well....my sincere hopes are with you for continued progress. Yes, warm bread sounds great - especially topped with peanut butter :Munch:
  24. dstraugh

    Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    My Brother's 8th Annual Christmas Party
  25. From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Billy thought it would be neat to re-enact a picture from when Kristi was a baby and he was holding her the day of her Christening. By the time the camera was snapped, this was the available shot :yukyukyuk: