
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    new thing to do

    Animals are nortorious for the sympathy ploy - I had a cat years ago who was declawed. After he received attention when he'd sit and hold his paw up, it became a habit lol. I never declawed a cat after that th there was no adverse problems. My cats are always inside kitties. Glad Teddy is doing better. Free Cell is also fun computer game.
  2. Vi, Merry Christmas to you as well dear - hope your holidays are blessed. Your brother will be in my thoughts and prayers that he does not suffer for too long. Your cousin is now at peace, bless him for the battle he fought. I love to watch the dog shows. I'll be on the lookout for the darling who won.
  3. dstraugh

    Nasty Weather

    Yes John, winter weather is upon us. We've had about 3 inches here in the city. My daughter is thrilled as she has no recollection of snow (she was 2 yrs old when we first left PA). I give her until about January and she'll lose the interest. It is pretty to look at from within the house lol. Keep warm and be careful venturing out.
  4. Sue, May the Dear Lord above continue to watch over you and your family. The fond and loving memories you are creating for your grandchildren will remain in their hearts forever.
  5. dstraugh

    What would you do?

    Fred, That was awesome. I also received it a while ago through email. I hope others shared it too.
  6. dstraugh

    Hey Everyone!

    Billie Jo, Glad you are doing well and keeping busy. You're your Mom's rock as she is yours. Hope you and Jeff have a great trip - it will be good to have a getaway.
  7. Testing....Testing....This is a test of the Stroknet Blog Community :thumbup:
  8. I take it though that, about now, you're not singing "Let It Snow" :cold: Hope you're able to get the ATV to make plowing easier.
  9. dstraugh

    me and Kristi

    From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    say "Cheese". No...I'm not scared - just not my best side lol
  10. From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Kristi with long time friend/Adopted Sis and her daughter, Mandy
  11. dstraugh

    Billy and Kristi

    From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Nephew Billy with Kristi
  12. dstraugh

    Taffy and Kiara

    From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Taffy and her youngest, Kiara
  13. dstraugh

    Me and Niece

    From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Taffy and Auntie say :cheese1:
  14. From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Here's me with Bro-dear and Kristi
  15. dstraugh


    From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Here's the family minus me lol
  16. From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    my youngest nephew Joey with Kristi and Tori and her sis Jayme
  17. dstraugh

    Kristi and Kiara

    From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Kristi and her youngest cuz Kiara
  18. dstraugh

    Kristi and Tori

    From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Kristi and her cuz Tori
  19. dstraugh

    Kristi w/family

    From the album: Family/Friends Christmas Party 2007

    Kristi with my niece Taffy and her daughter Tori
  20. dstraugh


    Marty, Thankfully you guys made it home ok. Your Guardian Angel was with you.
  21. Bonnie, Sure sounds like winter is settling into your neck of the woods. Last night we had freezing rain - glad I was snuggled inside. Post stroke, you've answered John's prayers - less shopping (every guy's dream and goal)
  22. From the album: My Girls

    Still the Queen of her domain
  23. dstraugh


    From the album: My Girls

    Lili helping with homework lol
  24. dstraugh


    Hi Jamie, Welcome Welcome to the Blog Community. Look forward to getting acquainted.