
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Ann, You are venting here Dear instead of at Bill, which is why we're here. Not all Caregiving (nor the majority of it) is a walk in the park. One question for you....how much time are you spending for Ann, not Bill and Ann, but just Ann. It's good that your step-son does help out but you are still taking on too much yourself. It's vital for you to be physically and emotionally healthy to be able to carry on and be beneficial to all of you. As to the decorating - there is no law that says you must go all out - reduce what you do put out to vary the "Christmas look". (((hugs)))
  2. dstraugh

    New York City

    :clap: :clap: :clap: That is WONDERFUL news. So glad the trip was a success and all went well. We can and do suprise ourselves even by accomplishments. So much for those in the medical community who say that we "can't" or "won't" be able to make further progress.
  3. Sue, Good food and fun = tremendous Christmas Party. Glad you had a great time.
  4. Kathy, Dear girl, please be careful on your search and procurement of additional funds. "Graceful" was never part of my demeanor but it has definitely gotten worse post. Good thing hubby could grab a hold of you and keep you from tumbling. Yes, the holiday season has begun...it is sad the way some of our family and even friends treat us - we're NOT lepers - we're still "us" just different now. Hang in there, you have those around you who love and support you. As to the others - it's their loss. Glad your doc appt will well. Congrats on the Flat Stanley project - I'm sure you'll get an A+++.
  5. Bonnie, Glad your Thanksgiving went ok. Sorry about your "blues" - I'm sure Aaron watches over all of you each and every day 24/7. That's quite an honor from Bill regarding your cooking. Glad to hear Tracy and Bear's doc appointments went well. I'm sure the business will pick up - it's only natural to have concerns though.
  6. dstraugh

    Sick of feeling sick :-(

    My morning sickness with my daughter would "hit" mid-afternoon. I took the suggestion to nibble on crackers and it helped bunches. My "ickies" went into 2nd trimester and there were certain foods that set me over the edge completely - to this day I can't eat them (my kiddo is 15). It will get better and you will put this behind you when you hold that darling for the first time.
  7. dstraugh

    Feeling Crappy

    Dear friend, First of all, you can use the word "crappy" all you wish. Have you contacted the doctor regarding how you are feeling? Please do so - we don't want anything to happen to you. When you are feeling better/spunky again you will restart your work towards your goals. (((hugs)))
  8. Kimmie, Glad to hear your Thanksgiving went well and that you received lovins from your lil buddy Dawson. On Thanksgiving Eve, my Auntie's apartment was visited by numerous teeny tiny spiders (we think their nest got disturbed in the basement when my cousins brought up Christmas decorations. Fortunately, they were not dangerous ones, just annoying. Good luck on the garage sale.
  9. Sue, How absolutely terrifying for you and additional sadness getting the answers from the doctor. Thank goodness Trev arrived home to assist. My heart aches for all of you. Sorry to hear Trev's birthday dinner was a flop. Happy Belated Birthday to him from the U.S.
  10. Ice Cream Diaries? What a clever name to give that period of time. It's possible, since you have so much on your mind right now, it could be contributing to your inability to fall asleep. Flying cockroaches.....I definitely don't miss the roaches in AZ. The apt. complex we lived in before moving to Pittsburgh was infested with the creepy things. My daughter and I both were concerned as we packed up boxes to ship here would end up having stow-aways. Fortunately, none followed us. Other than lady bugs I don't DO bugs well lol. Wish you the best as you transition into winter climate. We're trying to adjust - takes time.
  11. Hi there dear girl. Great to hear from you. Sorry you didn't ride in the Parade but you were on tv - cool. Glad to hear classes are going good and that you're involved so much. Just be sure your studies are not affected by outside activities. I know...who am I to talk? I was a college student and working and a single Mom so time does fly by at a rapid rate. As to your driving...yes, with today's concern over lawsuits, a doc is probably nervous to grant permission for you to get your license. It's not like you had been driving previously and had a driving history that could be reviewed on your behalf. Whether to drive or not to drive is a question that doesn't have a simple yes or no answer. Do you feel you could be a safe and responsible driver with your visual limitations? If you feel you can as well as there are no added concerns over seizure activity then perhaps pursue driving. For now though, with all you've got going on with school and activities, why overload yourself with another concern - personally, I'd arrange for transportation and place the driver's license on the back burner (that's my 2 cents worth :yadayada: ) Good luck on all your finals.
  12. Leah, I hope you and your hubby do get to visit NYC during the Holidays. That would be so cool!!! I always dreamed of going to the Macy's Parade. Talk about a zoo....think I'm safer watching it from home. Like you, I have much to be thankful for. Just need to remember my thankful thoughts the rest of the year as well. Love reading your blogs.
  13. Kim, My condolences to you and your family with Chris's passing. You will have fond memories to cherish in your heart. I am sure your faith will help guide you and I'm also sure that Chris is watching over you from Heaven. )))Hugs))) and God Bless.
  14. Fred, You have a very wise friend. Wonder if this has been forwarded to the White House...if not it needs to be. I can only imagine where the world will stand for my child and future grandchildren. Very scarey. Heh dear friend...MERRY CHRISTMAS to you as well! (I dare someone in Government to tell me I can't say it)
  15. Marty...How dare they not wake you to carve the turkey - for shame. Glad all worked out well for you though.
  16. Kathy, Another Super Blog entry dear gal. Glad your Thanksgiving went well. Ours is an extended celebration (3 parter) - we've completed 2 parts and both were quite good. Glad to hear doc appt. went well - yes you were brave getting all those shots. I've heard the botox shots are so painful; I will still be talking to my doc today about them (temporary inconvenience vs improvement I hope). Each and every day that goes by makes me more thankful for finding Strokenet and thankful it's here for us.
  17. George, You are an inspiration in what you've been able to accomplish. Hope your Thanksgiving was good and that the rest the Holiday Season is terrific.
  18. Dear Sue, Glad you and Richard had a good time - especially that YOU got some needed and well-deserved R & R. The camp sounds postively gorgeous and it's terrific the staff is so attentive to everyone. It would be nice if you 2 could go more often but perhaps this occasional trip is better as it's something to look forward to.
  19. Hiya Phyl (or should I say Ms. Piggy) Glad to hear your feast was delectable. I haven't been to a buffet for a long time - the last one was Old Country Buffet - very very yummy. I didn't have the piggy feeling so to speak from consuming to much. Post, I get "stuffed" rather quickly which is good for the waist-line :thumbs up: Our feasting so far was within two households, one more to go - ours. Now your reply to Stu's topic the night of Thanksgiving makes even more sense to me.
  20. :clap: :clap: :clap: :congrats: I am sooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you. That is wonderful news. I could "see" your smile as you were typing the news.
  21. Bonnie, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well. Glad the kids are coming and that Bill will be with you as well for dinner. I am in awe of what you can accomplish in the kitchen. I miss holiday baking but have adjusted with my one-handedness. Me and Mrs Smith baked an apple pie yesterday and today I prepared an ambrosia salad to take to my Aunties house for this evening's festivities. Tomorrow we just have to be present with our appetites :thumbs up: as my nephew is chief cook and his wife does sides and his MIL does desserts.
  22. dstraugh

    ness L300

    Rich that is fantastic news - best of luck.
  23. dstraugh

    Better News

    Bonnie, I'm glad the test results showed an improvement. Keep on keeping on with what you're doing. Hope your right arm starts doing better. I 2nd Kim's offer to take any extra banana bread off your hands As to fine strapping grandson of yours, perhaps one day he'll be a pro and even be be drafted by the STEELERS. Fred, I've never had fried Turkey but it does sound delish.
  24. Fred, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. There is much to be thankful for outside of our own homes and we must remember that. Thank you for the reminder. (((hugs)))
  25. Phyl, Glad to hear Pinky is well established in the house. Of couirse he's not talking. He probably "laughed" wherever he was hiding that you 2 couldn't find him. And but of course there is solidarity between the animals - I think it's the CLU (Critter League United) that they are all a part of. So sorry to hear your week is not starting off well because of that dumb stupid jerk. I wonder if he's ever experienced anything in his life he really wanted but was denied.