
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Phyllis, I do hope and pray that everything finally falls into place so you and your "chi" can bask and relax on your own property. You deserve this isue to be resolved very soon. I also hope kitty has been found by now safe and sound. I know on my end, Crystal continues to keep us on our toes by finding new hidey holes. And now...we have a new addition who, as she's sooooo tiny, can almost disappear. You can read about Lili dear in my blog.
  2. Best of luck - please keep us updated
  3. Marty, I wish you and your family a terrific holiday. I too would stay away from the shopping expedition and let the women "go for it". If you are brave though or get talked into it, have fun.
  4. dstraugh

    missing out

    Sue, Kristen is so right in what she wrote to you. Because you are the caring loving person you are, you attended the funeral and gave up the majority of your special weekend. Others may have done differently - but you are anything but selfish. From having crying babies to a sleepless night to a missed massage and to not feeling well yourself, I know you handled it all with superb grace and dignity which identifies to me who you are...an Angel here on Earth.
  5. You had a very busy and fruitful couple of days. Congratulations on all your accomplishments - including apt. and furniture obtaining and being able to "jog" to retrieve your purse. You've come a l-o-n-g way and your still on the move.
  6. Hiya Kathy, Great 2nd Blog Dear. Sorry to hear your Barry is having some medical issues. I'm sure you'll keep an eye on him as he does you. I can understand your fears though mine are slightly different as I worry about my kiddo's health. We are both going to visit our PC next week. She knows the things she is to discuss - but hopefully I will also be in the room as I'm sure she will minimize the problems she's experiencing. We just have to move ahead though don't we. Don't spend your 43 cents in one place lol. But it would be kinda fun to put the money in a jar to see how it accumulates. When I was gainfully employed, I never had change around (except for pennies) cos someone very close to me would snare the change - I wonder who?????? lol Best of luck in getting the house ready for the sale. Post, we had to sell our townhouse - it was a mini nightmare - but we survived it. Just take it one day at a time so you both don't get too stressed out.
  7. dstraugh

    walkaide system

    Kimmie, Sorry to hear that the tone in your ankle is not cooperating. I'll pray for you that you can get therapy and try the walkaide again at some point. Glad to hear your DIL is doing well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well; though I'm sure we'll be "talking" before then. You say Go Cowboys and I say GO STEELERS!!! Love our Teams.
  8. Glad the dishwasher dilemma is over for you. I bet the 3 of you looked comical though trying to get the water controlled; thankfully no one got scalded from the hot water. Glad to hear your Tracy is doing ok
  9. Thank you for the heads up on this. I was saving the info - no inconvenience dear.
  10. dstraugh


    What Super news about Lucky/Luke. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you. Hope the kids also agree. Thank you for the info too on sending a card to recovering soldiers.
  11. Bonnie, So glad to hear the surgery went well for Tracy. With time this will be a distant memory - part of the little bumps that are encountered along life's path. She's lucky to have you and John there for her and her great fiance. Now you can get a chance to recoup yourself, although you will still be worried about her. I'm sure she will follow doctor's orders.
  12. Sherry, That is so cool for you and I sincerely wish you the best. You have come sooooooooooooooooo far - another reason to never give up. YOU GO GIRL!!!! :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  13. dstraugh

    Treadmill Study

    That is sooooooooooooooooo cool that you'll get to participate in the study. Perhaps part of their funding requirement was to have individuals interested in the study. Hope the funding is approved and is beneficial for you. I've just recently participated in 2 studies from home but they were nothing like that. Best of luck - definitely keep us posted.
  14. Ann, 2 days and countin' Dear-lady until your bunny is home with you, Hope you do take advantage of these last days to give yourself some special treatment while you're planning healthy non-beige meals. It's good to hear Bill is making good progress. I hope he cooperates with the home-based PT.
  15. Sue, I suppose the old saying "The best laid plans...." applies to you. It figures that the 2 events would overlap. Bet you wish you could be like Samantha from an old US show Bewitched and just wiggle your nose and you could have everything done and attend all. But alas, we cannot do that - if you could find a way to do it, you would be a very wealthy woman You will make the most of the situation, have complete faith in you. Although the circumstances will be sad, you will get to see your grandchildren.
  16. George, Glad to hear things are going well. Your positive outlook and attitude is commendable. That's good you're getting the drop foot issue under control. Mine comes and goes - just remember caution. I have found, for me anyway, if I continue to concentrate there is less flare-up.
  17. dstraugh

    A HUGE Thank You!

    Dale, Welcome to the Blog Community. Now that you jumped in, hopefully it will be easier for you the next time.
  18. Susan, I sincerely hope the little guy will be just fine. I hope too that either the father receives counseling or crawls back into the woodwork so this little guy doesn't grow up a loser like his Dad.
  19. Susan, ((((HUGS)))) and many of them for your friends as well. I do hope that the Momma of that newborn baby will have the strength and fortitude to remain from the father after what he did to her and could have done to their child. To your friend, whose child faces prison time, perhaps he will be afforded the chance to turn his life around during his incarceration. What he has done does not mean that she is a bad parent. I hear the same thing from my dear Brother...2 of his 4 grown children have not made the best decisions in life and 2 have. You are a good friend as you are there for them...you cannot change what has happened to them but you are able to comfort them and lend a shoulder. We are brought what we can handle and we do not walk alone.
  20. dstraugh


    From the album: Kristi

    Kristi's sophomore Picture
  21. Gary, Glad to hear all is well. Hopefully you can catch some R & R before you're on the move again. But, your busy schedule is for worthy causes.
  22. Stu, It's hard to learn our lessons and not overdue it during activities. Glad you had a good time and got a lot accomplished.
  23. dstraugh

    WHAT A DAY!!!!!

    Marty, Individuals can be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rude! Good for you on your comments. Heaven help my child if I ever hear of her being rude like that to someone :whack: I do hope you are able to finally use the type of flooring you want. Hope your dinner out was good.
  24. Sue, My condolences to you and your family. His memory will live on in their hearts.
  25. Karen, Glad to hear all is doing well for you guys. When we don't hear from someone for a bit, there's always that ? is everything ok in their neck of the woods? Not enough snow...lol....I should send my kiddo to stay with you for a bit. She doesn't remember snow as she was so young when we relocated from PA to AZ. Now that we're back and settled in PA she can't wait for that "lumpy rain" to fall from the sky. We had flurries yesterday. She was as excited to see them as she was the first time to sit on Santa's knee about 14 years ago. Best of luck on the job. Glad to hear the guys are managing in your absence.