
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by dstraugh

  1. Karen


    What a beautiful concept behind the planting of your willow tree. My Dad as well did the belt thing - then it was corrective parenting LOL. I as well turned ok (maybe LOL) which is something that still confuses my Auntie (Dad's sister)

  2. Look at you Leah in your new pic - whoohooo! you are a very beautiful lady dear. I'm so glad that you and Jerry had a relaxing time in Rocky Point. I loved it there the one time I got to go. For me though the trip ended in sun poisoning on my forehead as I had gotten my hair braided (on the beach LOL) The hotel we stayed at was an older hotel as well and enhanced the time away.


    I hope that with the help of the psychiatrist you will be able to let go of your emotions regarding the stroke. As much as we'd like to, we can't change the past and the baggage that we can carry around is not healthy for us at all. As we don't know what the future holds in store, we have today. I bet sitting out on your back porch is good for the soul.



  3. Vi,


    Glad you were all safe from the tornadoes. Mother nature is definitely acting up in you part of the country. Yep, just like a man to stand out there to watch - was the little boy coming out in him LOL Sorry to hear some of your flowers got damaged - though better them than your home.

  4. Katrina,


    Happy 20th Birthday Sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You two make an adorable couple. Congrats to him as well on his graduation and valedictorian. Gorgeous picture. Your beauty shines from the inside out dear girl. Both of your smiles radiate with love and caring.


    I'm glad you have your new sisters to be with you and your co-workers. Here's to many many more years of blessings for you that you truly deserve.


    Your cyber Aunties adore you.



    Auntie Donna

  5. Butch,


    I will hope and pray that Lisa and ger family understand your feelings. Caregiving is not for the weak hearted and you have proved you are a very strong person.


    As you face this change in your life, know that you will be thought of here and missed very much; please keep in touch as you can ad feel comfortable in doing. You are family to us.


    As Jeannie said, you can pm any of us.



  6. Jeannie,


    I'm tired after reading your entry gal LOL - just kidding. You Go. It's such a sense of accomplishment to get things done. And you've done it yourself!!!


    My Mom was just like yours - perhaps they were related somehow ya think? Mine I always considered "anal retentive" when it came to the house. While I was raised that way, I'm not nearly as bad as she was. Yes, at times I could name my dust bunnies (hey, they don't sass back or require attention :silly: ) but I'm not a candidate for the board of health either.

  7. Ann,


    Welcome home dear and Happy Birthday too!! The family pictures are terrific. Could see your contentment as you had the opportunity to spend time with Matt and the boys.


    You definitely deserved this break ad the opportunity to create loving and lasting memories. I'm so happy for you.


    Now, it's back to work :)

  8. Yolie.


    It has been quite the busy time for all of you. Taylor would look adorable no matter what she is wearing. She has progressed so far from the early pictures, God bless her. With God's loving arms and her family's support and encouragement the sky is the limit for Taylor.



  9. Hi George,


    Welcome back ol friend - I do hope spring and summer come to your neck of the woods soon and that you can say farewell to snow and ice for a bit. Squirrels are smart little critters for sure. I love to watch them run around here. When I go cruisin in my power chair down my street they sit and watch me go by. Gonna have to get some nuts to feed them when I'm out and about.


    Wish I could cruise on by your place to do some taste testing with you yummmmmmmmmmmm :happydance:


    I'm being evaluated for the walkaide - just have to overcome the tone to be totally effective - I am a good candidate from what I was told Wednesday. We'll see.