
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Sue, It doesn't surprise me you were busy busy - and this was just the first day! I fondly remember back to my dust bunny chasing days - NOT - LOL. My mission now is to point them out to kiddo so she can chase them before they procreate. My chores primarily revolve around the kitchen. We've got a system here...Kiddo cooks...and Mom cleans up LOL. We had election day in our city yesterday for Mayor. The young (mid 20's incumbent) won and will serve the remaining 2 year term of the former Mayor. Our former Mayer passed away from a brain tumor and this young man had taken over. My Brother has personally met him and says he's nice and will do good things for the city. We'll wait and see. Sorry I couldn't make it to chat. Last night was the season finale for a television show that Kiddo and I both enjoy watching.
  2. dstraugh

    tonya and dawson

    Tonya will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so glad you got to see Dawson for your granny visit - dogs are soooooo outgoing showing their love. Cats are so much "cooler" about it lol. Congrats, yes congrats lol on your Cowboys game. Yep, my terrible towel is poised and ready to go tonight. Just wish it wasn't on so late here - I'll have to keep my cheering to a small roar as Kiddo will probably go to bed before it's over. She gets up so early for school that she can't last too late (although they do have in-service day tomorrow as it's end of grading period).
  3. dstraugh

    Scratched weekend

    comfort food...best kind. Glad chili turned out good - recipe sounds yummy and I generally don't eat chili.
  4. dstraugh


    Congratulations!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely positively stupendously better than gigantic news!!!!! We will definitely have to have a baby shower for you in chat, complete with virtual games, prizes, and of course food and plenty of it.
  5. Poor Shrew Lady....at least the nice lady returned after a hug from her polka singing hubby. God Bless you both.
  6. Oh Mommie Phyl.....I feel so bad for you. I too hope they pay up easier than the set-up and follow-up were. Didn't sound like you had many customers if you were bored. I too always liked the food demos as it was a good chance to grab a snack along with a coupon for the item being demonstrated. Of course, when I was still able to visit Costco at the right time of day, there were enough samples to make a complete meal :popcorn:
  7. Ann, God Bless you both. Yes the countdown begins. When you wrote what he said about coming home...the first thought I had was the big grin that was probably there as well and how he probably sounded like Tony the Tiger. Bill will once again have the dignity he so deserves - it is good he is still aware of that and somewhat of his surroundings. I've eaten at Lone Star 2 times in AZ and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience - sorry it was not good for you guys.
  8. dstraugh


    Glad to hear the shopping expedition was fruitful and included lunch for you and John. Hope your dishwasher is fixable as it seems it went well with your well water. Though sometimes the repairs are more expensive or close to being as expensive as a brand new one. And...with a new one, you can get a warranty. That's great news about Mindy. I'm sure your grandson will love his remote Hummer (wait till the day he wants a REAL Hummer lol).
  9. dstraugh

    battling on

    Ken My condolences at the loss of your friends. We are never sure when our time here is going to end...so we must live our lives to the fullest and be sure to express our love to those around us. As to your treadmill...I've never tried a treadmill yet though the opportunity did arise at one time when I was receiving therapy for lower back pain. As I'm not the most graceful creature on the planet, I'm sure a video of my attempts could end up on a realty show or a "how not to workout on a treadmill" training video. Best of luck...keep moving forward.
  10. dstraugh

    Yeah Friday

    Bonnie, Sorry to hear about the dishwasher "biting the dust". Hopefully it can be fixed - if not, may it rest in peace. Sounds like Mindy is doing good now - hope her blood work comes back satisfactory. Have a great weekend!!!
  11. dstraugh


    Marty, Just be sure to take an apple or two for the teachers lol. Glad you guys had a good time. What that one little guy did was priceless.
  12. Phred is quite handsome. Crystal says" Meooooowwwwww"
  13. dstraugh

    next weekend

    Are you 2 possible contenders for Dancing with the Stars???? :thumbs up: That's great therapy so I've heard. I do my version of boogieing to country or oldies whilst trying not to fall on my nose. Gets the circulation pumping.
  14. Sue, I got pooped out just by reading your "To Do List" lol. You definitely make the most out of your daylight savings time. I'm glad to hear you guys are able to take the time and relax on your veranda. There will be many of us, including me lol, who will be quite envious of you over the next several months as we cruise into winter.
  15. dstraugh

    Summer changes

    Vicky, Congratulations on wearing your sandals - I'm sure you looked quite spiffy. Enjoy your summer weather. Great news too on the progress you're making with recovery.
  16. You 3 shopped until you almost dropped - glad all went well. Did you try telling the girls what my Brother-dear tells kiddo anytime he takes her shopping? "Shop like a guy". Lol Apparently you did not tell them that - keep in mind for the next venture - not that they'll listen of course but you'll feel better :yadayada: . That's a shame about the hotel conditions though. I'd file a complaint with Holiday Inn Express.
  17. Fun mixed in with the work is good. Glad you had both this weekend. My daughter hopes to attend Penn State - school of Vet Science. There was a frost warning last night and we did reach below freezing.
  18. dstraugh

    Bad times

    Bill, I'm sure dear Bud has been a comfort to you. Your Mom is at peace now and her memories will remain in your heart. Your insurance company is really putting you through the ropes. Hope all is resolved soon for you. Hang in there...and...(((HUGS))) to you and our furry friend Bud.
  19. Marden, Yeah on the great get-a-way!!!! Glad to hear all went well. Perhaps your plop on the floor after you returned home was the after affects of the margarueritas :cocktail: - only kidding) Glad to hear the massage was relaxing and beneficial as well. Hopefully the company has more "spouse included" excursions in the future.
  20. Bonnie - glad you're healing from the goat encounter (a take off from science fiction perhaps? lol) I had to chuckle when I read the one little mouse looked like he was smiling. I don't think I would've been checking out his furry little face to see the expression lol. I agree with you about the snakes - I don't do them well either :nuhuh: I think you've hit on a good way though to rid yourself of the little varmints. I feel sorry for all the outdoor critters BUT that doesn't mean I want to share my home with them. It seems hard to believe that daylight savings time goes into affect this coming weekend. Since I haven't had to do it for 13 years, will take some time to adjust to it. But like everything else, we will :laughbounce:
  21. Hope you have a great rest of your weekend! Enjoy the time with your friend. Tell hubby Happy Birthday!!!
  22. dstraugh

    black friday

    Sorry about the fall dear and sorry to hear your baby is having a harder time getting up on the bed. Age is hard on the critters as it is us. I too never officially learned how to get up from a fall while in rehab though they tried. I just couldn't negotiate and implement what they were telling me to do. Added to that, I'm not the most graceful creature on the planet lol. A few tumbles after coming home, I had to have the fire department assist me (they were cute lol) But I did finally learn what to do on my own to get up. Fortunately, it's been a long time since I had to implement my skills - I know your frustration though.
  23. Janice, Yes, glad you're still above ground. Same here- still walking, talking, and pestering my daughter (that's my goal in life now) lol. Your renovations sound absolutely fantastic. I bet you guys are enjoying having the additional space. Before we relocated, we had about 950 sq ft - now we've got over 1300.
  24. dstraugh

    Dreary Friday

    Congrats on the loss!! Every pound loss is one less to worry about. Keep up the good work. Yes, it is dreary and wet...good time to get chores done...or...read a book :big_grin:
  25. dstraugh

    our home

    our home in Pittsburgh