
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    Autumn colors

    From the album: our home

    A nearby tree shows its true colors
  2. From the album: our home

    Autumn View from back porch of nearby park
  3. dstraugh

    What a mess!!!

    I think the phrase "Temporary Inconvenience, Permanent Improvement" definitely applies here. It will all be a memory hopefully very soon.
  4. Doug, So glad to hear Teddy is feeling better. Glad to hear his Aunties are agreeable to change in diet. Sometimes "family" don't want to cooperate all the time or try to stretch the boundaries. Animals do not forget lol. One time only Crystal got her little furry head into an empty bowl of cereal that still had some milk. To this day she will wait her chance. Cats and milk can = diarrhea so we're very cautious.
  5. dstraugh


    Oh Bonnie, Glad you were not seriously injured. You definitely had a busy day, and my woes did not help. But all is better for both of us and we can look forward to better and brighter days. Now that I can get to the basement of the house, I've discovered some potential problem areas the "critters" can get in. Crystal has never been up close and personal with a "critter" so I'm not sure what her reaction will be. That's one smart mouse to take the peanut butter and not get caught - wonder if it's related to Micky lol. Please do take it easy for a few days. Hopefully Yetta will not get tangled up again in the near future.
  6. Dear Sue, I wish you and Ray PEACE, JOY, HAPPINESS, LOVE, FULFILLMENT and whatever other Blessings may come your way. You are so right dear, we all need a break here and there from what we're experiencing on a daily basis as a result of stroke. Glad you both have gotten to spend time with friends - that does help to break the monotony of the day to day affairs at hand. By the way, I like the new picture of you you posted. You are a sweet sweet lady - I too hope that Ray is able to spend as much time with you as possible.
  7. Glad to hear you had a nice visit with your Mom. It's always fun to get away. As to being the farmer's wife? Can't help you there lo Never been there or done that lol.
  8. Hope your friend will be ok. Yes, we do need the reminders on occasion - life is too short and precious. We have so much to be thankful for.
  9. dstraugh

    quiet and lonely

    Kimmie, It does get lonely w/o the extra human contact. When kiddo returns from school she makes up for it lol - especially being a teenage girl. I'm sure your dog does have selective hearing - they all do, male and female alike lol I'm sure your male cats are looking at the female like she's daffy - perhaps curious as well. Glad you're getting rid of your dialup. Yes, we get spoiled. I could never imagine going back to it now.
  10. dstraugh


    John, I think here in PA as well as you in New Jersey that we're done with the warm warm weather. Will have to wait till spring for the really nice warm days to come around again. Shall we start a count down to their return?
  11. Marty, What an adventure you had. Glad the trip started off and ended good. The tire bit you could've done without of course, but you prevailed and you were successful. Hope you get reimbursed for the added expenses.
  12. Cathy, Congrats on your accomplishment! You Go Girl!! That's great too reaching out and helping others in need. It's a super feeling and does make one feel useful once again.
  13. dstraugh

    Teddy gets sick

    Poor Teddy. You might not like hearing this but the problem very could well be all the table food he gets. Table food in quantity is not good for any animal (dog or cat). We had an old neighbor who literally killed her dog because of all the "wrong" food. Teddy consumes quite a variety and amount of table food. Keep him to dog food and treats and you will hopefully see a difference. He may not be happy at first not getting table food but he'll learn to eat what he is supposed to.
  14. Hopefully it's a candy store filled with Chocolate. If so...you'd have a bunch of us there with you :party: Hope you have a great and safe weekend...will look forward to the fun report.
  15. dstraugh

    Fun place

    Technology is great if it is working properly and impossible if it's not. I remember using carbon paper and my daughter looksw at me like I'm a freak of nature or from another planet :insane: . Times have changed and continue to do so...can we keep up? Hang in there ctaylor!!
  16. dstraugh

    Ram Dass

    Thanks for sharing this with us Phyl. I'll check it out.
  17. dstraugh

    Fab fifties weekend

    Glad you had a great weekend. I too like oldies - more of 60's and 70's though. Sounds like it was a good time had by all.
  18. Ken, Glad Scruffy will be ok - poor baby - bet he'll twice before chasing something again. It is a blessing you all were home at the time.
  19. Doug, Sorry to hear that the "stuff" continues. But first hand, I can empathize with you. My father was ultra-strict...my mother didn't care but pretends she does. I have blogged a lot about my adult post stroke experiences with her. They stink; I've been given some good and healthy advice that I'm going to pass on to you. Don't talk to them if it hurts and pulls you down. Doug, we cannot change the past. What happened as kids we definitely have no control over. We can only control today and look towards tomorrow. Surround yourself with good and supportive people.
  20. I did receive a reply to my email. Unfortunately, for me, financially I cannot partake in it. I was quoted: "Treatment hours are 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily. The cost is $250.00/hour a total of 1500.00 per day and $7500.00 per week". Hopefully, at some point, insurance will cover the expenses. I also inquired about trials but did not receive any info on that. But it does sound like a great program.
  21. Hi Sue, I so enjoy reading your blogs, you're writing is so informative as well as entertaining and sharing. As you are getting ready for your Summer, here we're in Fall with Winter not too far away. Glad your shopping spree and lunch was enjoyable.
  22. Thank you for the info and link. I've checked the site out and I've emailed them.
  23. Hope you have a great weekend. Congrats on becoming Associate Member. Following is the breakdown of how the levels are achieved based on amount of posts a member accrues: New Member 0 Associate Member 25 Member 50 Senior Member 100 Mentor 150 Senior Mentor 500 Chief Mentor 1000 High Chieftain of Mentoring 2500 Maximus Mentorus 5000 Ceasar Mentorus 10000
  24. How funny Maria. Glad Benji was ok.
  25. dstraugh

    Damp weather

    John, You are not mental being affected by changes in the weather. For me, "normal" aches/pains/feelings associated with changes in the weather, have increased post-stroke.