
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. So sorry to hear about Bonsai watermelon. Will look forward to updates. Hope it RIP well in your tummy.
  2. Dear Katrina, :hiya: Yes you are definitely still loved around here :wub2: !!!! Congrats on the grades - I'm sooooooooooooooo proud of you. And the Homecoming Parade - Way too Cool!!! :Clap-Hands: Sorry to hear your fall break wasn't enjoyable. On the plus side, you have made friends, have been accepted for who you are and what you have to offer. And for those who can't or won't accept you - it's their loss. Each time I read your blog, I envision your sweet beautiful smile
  3. Hiya Phyllis or rather Mommie Phyllis. I got a chuckle outta your blog....then yesterday my computer wigged out on me and distorted everything no matter what I tried to do to fix it. I couldn't read a darn thing. Thank goodness all better except had to run recovery system and lost everything - working on reinstalling.
  4. Marden, Glad to hear all is going well with your daughter at school. Yes, it just seems like last week you were telling us about Prom. Time sure flies. Enjoy your mini vacations. I've never had a professional massage although my kiddo (when I beg) will give me about a 2 minute one on my back. Feels good. Keep us posted - I'd try it.
  5. dstraugh


    Amen to that John. Also important is pets. My cat, Crystal, provides so much unconditional love and laughter at her antics.
  6. Ken, Vent, Vent, Vent as you need to do. No one ever has said that recovery is easy. Unfortunately, the powers that be, when planning accesses, did not take in account those of us you cannot just run or easily walk over obstacles. Pre-stroke, I must be honest, I never really paid much attention to handicap accesses - but now is a different story. It is frustrating, hopefully there will be a change in attitude as well as design.
  7. dstraugh

    Another day

    Hiya John, Have fun celebrating your daughter's birthday and spending time with your grandson. Glad to hear your spouse is so supportive. That helps so much. My daughter is my main source of support and my cheerleader. Her sense of humor is also good for me.
  8. John, Glad you enjoyed our Friday night social time in chat. Denny is a terrific host and all the "goodies" that are brought are always enjoyed. Virtual food = no calories so that's always a plus :popcorn: .
  9. dstraugh

    kids moving out

    Kimmie, Brag away dear friend - you have plenty to be proud of with your sons. At least Matt and your "new" daughter will be close by. I hope you are able to look into adopting a baby. It's nice you will have "visitation" though with Dawson; the lovable baby-doll.
  10. Busy Busy Man you are. It's a miracle you found the time to even blog. Hope you get a break soon and get home for some R & R - You deserve it. Hang in there
  11. Hiya Phyl, Glad all went ok with new Doc, once you got through the threshold. It was super he was understanding. I've never been asked about wearing a seatbelt, that's a new approach but also important in the scheme of things. You had quite an adventure, but you did it! :thumbs up: :Nodding: :Clap-Hands:
  12. dstraugh

    My first chat

    John, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you as well in chat last night. We're there to answer questions plus "let our hair down" and have some good clean fun. Friday night's chats with Host Denny is definitely social time with virtual cappucinos and other assorted goodies. Look forward to hanging out with you in chat.
  13. Bob, So glad your financial worries are being reduced now that SSDI is coming through for you. The radio station is enjoyed by many plus the hobby of it has, I'm sure, helped you as well. I wish that you could discover a med that would help alleviate the CPS for you.
  14. :Clap-Hands: Pat - that is super - and even with the extra eating. You must not have overdone it as you thought you did. Plus the walking helped to burn extra calories.
  15. dstraugh

    A Little Up Date

    Bonnie, You forgot to add to all your other "duties" which you do here each and every day. I know, for me as well, it was hard to accept that medical retirement will continue. As much as I would like to come out of retirement, I understand that I'm not ready nor would an employer be ready for me. Employers do not generally permit "nap-time" . Glad you're feeling all better. The Stockman Zoo definitely keeps you occupied - your 4-legged children. Whitman sounds like a trip. I get those "looks" from Crystal as well when I'm doing something that doesn't meet with her approval.
  16. Hi John, Welcome to the blog community. Yes the sunshine and warmth was wonderful. I live in western Pennsylvania - today, cold front is moving in. As I'm typing this it's 52 degrees outside. Over the next week the highest we're to be is mid-60's. We may have had summer extended - just hope it doesn't mean winter will be early - brrrr
  17. dstraugh

    yo soy kristina....

    Hola Chica - tu es muy bonita. Ok, that's enough Espanol for this Mom; heck English gives me fits at times. Is it possible some of these girls at school are putting you through an initiation of sorts? Keep your chin up and don't let them get to you. I could always go after them with my walker lol. You will Survive this as well! Seriously, I'm proud of you. You're doing a terrific job in school. Keep up the incredible work :big_grin:
  18. Billie Jo, The ho-hums are quite normal. I'm almost 3 years post. I keep occupied primarily on the computer during the day plus listening to music. I to am home alone Monday through Friday as my daughter is in High School. I also love to read. Please do come to chat - we have a terrific time.
  19. Whew!!! I got tired just reading about your hub-hub. Sorry about your car - hopefully not too expensive. Perhaps it needed a holiday. Dear lady, you need to take care of yourself as well. What good are you going to be to anyone if you're down. Hope you feel better soon and can :stab: off the yucks.
  20. The :Angel: :Angel: :Angel: were definitely watching over you dear friend. Hopefully, when you see your PCP for followup, you can receive clarification of some of the things you were told. It was perhaps a blessing in disguise that the medics insisted on taking you to the other hospital. Thank God you are home with your dear wife once again. Take care of yourself. Your cyber family loves you :wub2:.
  21. Well, heard from my Brother-dearest in response to the email I sent him. He said we're NOT an added burden just sometimes he's running in circles. So.....a certain somebody is just causing more sh** for us. I'll ignore her and hopefully Kristi will as well. Kristi was buggin me to do my weekly "duty" and call her - I refused. I'll just read my books and work at staying calm AND uninjured :thumbup:
  22. George, Glad to hear all is well and you're getting prepared for winter. Sounds like you've got lots planned; before you know it, you'll be out on the lake fishing once again.
  23. dstraugh

    How Far Can I Go????

    Dear cyber friend, What a way to go - champagne and chocolate. Reading your aspirations and you wondering how far you can go - I'd say to you the sky is the limit. Continuing moving forward one step at a time. After all, I remember reading a blog where you weren't sure you'd be even capable of driving your car.
  24. dstraugh

    Not a terrific week

    Stu, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hope your back will be ok. Perhaps the turkey and all the trimmings will have medicinal affect - ya think??
  25. dstraugh

    Leah's update

    Leah, So glad to hear from you. You've been definitely busy - in a good way. Spending family time is so important. Once my daughter and I relocated, I was reunited w/family I hadn't seen in 13 years - way cool. Enjoy your water therapy.