
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Hiya Sue, I saw you on-site and knew a blog entry would be coming shortly :happydance: So glad to hear the trip went well and, for the most part, all went well with Ray. The delay getting home was definitely out of your control - an act of nature? The memories will be ones to cherish. Even the kids, including Christopher I'm sure, will have playtime memories of being with his Grandparents. Cairns sounds like an absolutely beautiful place. Perhaps you can upload some pics to the gallery so we can ooohh and aaahhh.
  2. Pat Best of luck to you. You're off to a good start. Wouldn't it be nice to have a metabolism like the guys do and lose the weight quicker. You're eating healthier as well, which in the long run is a good thing medically. I can empathize with that genetic thing - I inherited my Dad's side of the family's tendency for weight gain. You'll do fine for the holidays - I've learned the best way to not let the holiday take control is to closely watch portion sizes. Keep us posted.
  3. dstraugh

    Happy Monday

    Anne, I hope your woodchuck doesn't decide to take a drink and plop into the pool. When I was growing up we had a pool. It was part of my chores to clean the pool - many times I was plucking out the critters that got in but couldn't get back out. Glad you guys had a good weekend, even though the "children" got stinky - yucky.
  4. Phyllis, You could be a candidate for America's Funniest Home Videos :yukyukyuk: Bless you for even attempting these jobs. In answer to your dilemma of growing taller, stilts would work; how about platform shoes?? :kicking: :Ask:
  5. Kimmie, So glad you and your Sister had a great vacation. You both needed the time together and away. Sedona is a beautiful place. I didn't spend much time there - but sights were spectacular. Glad all is fixed in the home front as well.
  6. dstraugh

    14 Months and going

    Thank you for the update! :big_grin: Progress can be at a snail's pace, but it continues. He's determined - which is excellent. (((hugs)))
  7. dstraugh

    Roberta Caton

    Just looking at that gorgeous blue water was calming to me - I can imagine being there :big_grin:
  8. dstraugh

    No more ot...

    Hi there dear college girl. Sooooooo proud of you :Clap-Hands: :happydance: for your fantastic grades!!!!!!! It is so good to hear you are being accepted and acknowledged for what you have endured and what you are enduring. And to possibly ride in the Homecoming Parade. Hope someone takes pics that you can post for your "Aunties" and "Uncles" to see You've got your priorities set there girl - you're having fun but still concentrating on your studies. Hey, how was the date???? Us nosey ones haven't gotten an update from then. With regard to your splint - remember the saying - no pain, no gain - it applies to us all hon.
  9. Susan, There does need to be a working relationship between the school, teachers, and parents. The "racial" stuff is so uncalled for - but these children have learned it somewhere (parents generally) and habits are hard to break. Instead of getting so upset yourself (I know it's easier said than done), but keep doing what you do...if you affect one child's outlook then that will create one future parent who will not teach their child racism. (((hugs)))
  10. Modern technology - ain't it grand?? But, when it's working....it's fantastic. Are you running the most current version of java (6.0) and the most current version of your browser? I was a die-in-the-wool user of IE until recently. I was getting bumped off line or "frozen" so much that I finally decided to try Firefox. It's been a blessing. Now, I just get to do battle with my ISP - tech coming today to determine why I keep losing internet connection as well as land-line phone. :Argh: It's hard to stay calm, but not worth the health risks. Hope your problem is resolved dear lady.
  11. Marty, Sorry to hear about your kitty - that is so young. But like us, there is no age attached to being struck down or rather struck upon. I hope you guys have a great trip. Enjoy all the shopping and sight-seeing. I wholeheartedly agree with you about donating to this wonderful site to keep it up and operational. Even on extremely fixed incomes, it's possible to manage something. Heck, I squeeze Lincoln so hard he screams for mercy, yet I was able to help out. As to annoying one's children - heck that was favorite hobby pre, now it's my JOB :big_grin:
  12. Ann, Hope you and Dave have a good weekend as well :big_grin: I love your sense of humor!! Post stroke, I lost a sh**load of weight, which was a good thing as I was a plus-size gal (definitely attributed to stoke along w/other things). But, now, what I am left with disappears when I lie on my back. There ain't nothin there, yet they sweat during the night. Instead of a revolving door - it's revolving covers for me. No wonder when I get up in the morning it looks like a war broke out in my bed
  13. Kristen Please tell Patrick Yippee and Yahoo! That is wonderful news. I'm hoping to get myself independent access into and out of the house we're renting in the near future. That's great that Patrick enjoyed volunteering and he was accepted by clients. Bless his therapists for the recommendation.
  14. Anne, You both got through the paperwork filing ordeal. I'm glad the lady was helpful. It is dynamite that the 2 of you have a great sense of humor. They say laughter is the best medicine. It's a good thing, for me, that I am am able to manuever and cut my own toe nails. My daughter, like you, hates feet and toes I can't even get her to assist with finger nail clipping either - that is trickier for me to accomplish but thankfully I'm able to get it done. Hope you hear good news from VA quickly.
  15. dstraugh

    paperwork... :)

    You'll soon have all that paperwork behind you. It's a pain, especially when governmental agencies are involved. That's great that Dave goes to work with you. Not only are you able to look after him, but it's keeping him involved - must keep the brain cells active - helps in the healing process.
  16. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: Congrats on the walking. One step at a time. When I get frustrated with myself, I think back to when stroke first entered my life. Then I couldn't even really stand on my own. We forget how far we've come when we focus on how far we still want to go. Keep on keepin on!
  17. Ann, Welcome to the blog community. As Asha said, do not feel guilty. Having guilt is not healthy for either of you. Has the CPS been diagnosed by a doc as of yet- if not, be sure to bring it to the doctor's attention. If it has, then possibly your hubby could benefit from seeing a pain management specialist. Stroke has entered his life and yours, but there are definitely blessings to be counted for each day. (((hugs))) to you both
  18. Rich, Sorry to hear things have not gone well for you in China and with that organization. Thank you for providing us with updates. Enjoy your trip to Korea and be safe. Also, best of luck with your acupuncture treatments. Best of luck in getting the financial issues resolved.
  19. DeAnne, I wish your Mom well with the pump. Keep praying and continue your faith. All is in God's time. Recovery does not stop although it seems to slow down to a snail's pace. I am 2 1/2 years post and still have improvements though not yet functional ones. I have progressed farther than docs ever said I would from a massive ischemic stroke.
  20. dstraugh

    Just Tooling Around

    Way to Go - I'm gonna use you as my inspiration to get wheels and start cruisin once again.
  21. dstraugh


    Your brief sentences did appear Deenie. Let Asha know if you're having problems.
  22. Hi there, Glad to hear all is well. Hope you have a good visit with your sister, although it's short. Glad to hear kitty doing well too doing what cats are known for - trying to get in closed doors. Crystal has a fit when doors are closed LOL. She's known to pull open bathroom door if not closed all the way.
  23. dstraugh

    The 3 of us

    Brando is handsome but NOT as handsome as Bud :bouncing_off_wall:
  24. Lily will always be in your heart, her memory will live on. Thank you for sharing your tribute to her.
  25. Wendie, Thanks for the update. It's great to hear that George continues to make improvements. Even the small ones add up and never end despite what some medical professionals say. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: