
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    A New Start

    Now I don't have to nag at you for a while to blog. Your back pain could also be attributed to lugging that backpack around all day. If it wasn't for the steps and all the traffic on them, one of those ones on wheels would be a good solution. On the other hand, as you are as "ungraceful" as your Mom, that could be disastrous. On the positive side, all that walking and stair climbing IS a great workout :kicking:
  2. Phyl, All critters are strange, be they dog or cat. I was just upstairs and discovered Crystal "perched" on Kiddo's chest-o-drawers because there was some reflected sun shining there. She was by all means uncomfortable due to the hard surface plus getting caught by Mom in a silly position. Snooty probably understood what you and your Sister were saying so she was gonna show you both that she was not a wimp LOL
  3. dstraugh

    My goings on

    Bob, Congratulations on your SSDI award. You should also be getting money retroactive to when you filed, which does help ease the "pain" that you were caused. Short term memory issues stink. With recently moving, we are still finding odds and ends that we need to obtain - one I found was a timer. The other day, I was doing some baking that I had promised my kiddo I would do. I had one heck of a time remembering when the brownies would be done :head_hurts: Fortunately, they were edible. Smart move to break down chores into daily tasks so not to become overwhelmed. Glad to hear all is going well with your projects as well.
  4. The oven looks fantastic!!!!!!!!! Great job!!!!! Tippy is just precious. I'm sure the weather is getting brisk for you. We've had a cold front coming in from Canada last few days - brrrr. Even sitting under a blanket, my bad hand is slow to warm up. Thoughts of being in an aluminum boat makes be shiver. Good luck with the winterizing.
  5. dstraugh

    Just Tooling Around

    Lucy, Congrats on the successful cruisin as well as getting the courage to do so. I miss not driving. When the stroke hit, I owned a mercury cougar. Due to financial concerns, I had to get rid of it. I got another car - a poor station wagon that was ready to throw its tires in the air and die. About 9 months into ownership, she did just that. It's now been 1 1/2 yrs. I hope to get wheels again - really miss driving. As I have to get re-used to driving in Pittsburgh, I'm not in any great hurry. Kiddo may have wheels before Mom does lol.
  6. Bonnie, Glad to hear you are doing better. I bet you were petrified (to put it mildly). Gonna have to find something else to help w/aches and pains.
  7. Phyllis, So sorry to hear about your friend. Life isn't fair at times, is it? It's a shame that the wife/survivor was not really trying to do more for herself. But then again, none of us really knows totally what another is experiencing. Her frame of mind could've been the same pre as well as post - or made worse post. Her hubby experienced a horrible ordeal; Bless him - he is at peace now.
  8. Hi Kristen, I agree with Sue; you should see a doc. Granted your heart rate was not too high, but you were on a treadmill which should've had the heart rate a bit higher. You are coping with alot with all that is going on in your life. I wish I had a magic solution for you with Brandon as pre I worked w/children and families. But there is no magic solution for any of us. And...money does not solve our problems. Brandon's acting out could be his way of getting attention from you as in being jealous over your work hours and doing for Patrick. You can only do so much dear- you're not Wonder Woman, Super Woman, or even Bionic Woman. Our God does not give us more than we can handle (although at times I think He pushes the limits). Try and hang in there; we all care about you and wish you well.
  9. Happy Anniversary you 2 lovebirds!!! Hope there are many many many more to celebrate
  10. Hi there BT!!!! :bouncing_off_wall: alias Mr. Bubble, Bubblemaster - oh yeah Stu. Costco always has such great deals, So. if you do pick up some things besides tires, you can justify the purchases by the savings you will be getting by buying in bulk. Enjoy the trip. I agree w/you, get it done before the snow flies.
  11. Ann, Thanks for the update on "our" Bill. Glad to hear he was having a good day - need to hang onto those days to get through the "not so good days". I hope you 2 are able to get out to a meeting. If not, there is always next week. I 2nd Sue's motion - take care of yourself - Bill is safe where he is at - so take time for you as well. Pamper yourself - then tell us all about it to satisfy all us "busybodies".
  12. Oh dear Sue, My thoughts, prayers, and wishes for a great trip go out to you and Ray. As you said, you need to seize the moment as we don't know what the future has in store. You have definitely been a busy bee packing and unpacking. One can only do so much and...the weather men can't even get it right 1/2 the time. Enjoy the family time, try not to worry yourself sick (this coming from a fella worry wart ) Love you and see you when you get back.
  13. Hi Billie Jo (BJ), Welcome to the blog community. Was great meeting you in Chat tonight as well. That diet doesn't sound like too much fun but hopefully it can be amended as you go along. For now, remember the taste of the no-no's. Perhaps a bite here n there would be ok - ask the doc. The doc just wants you healthy.
  14. You Go Ann!!!! If only we could all go with you and march in there and DEMAND better care for Bill and everyone else who doesn't have an advocate. When I was in rehab, fortunately, I was my own loud-mouthed advocate. Yes they were short staffed and underpaid - but they should have been expected to "earn" their hourly wage. The nurses I had were super, most of the aides were also. I had one aide though......I wanted to throw something at her....I literally had to nag and nag to get her to do anything. I'm sure she did a happy dance when I left :happydance: I hope the squeaky wheel gets oiled and Bill gets treated with the dignity and respect he deserves. I'm sure that, if he doesn't, you will continue to climb up the "food chain" and get things resolved.
  15. Hey Lucy! Congrats on the shopping expedition.....a size 6....in my dreams I'd wear a size 6 lol. I was a plus size gal pre-stroke and though I've lost alot, will never see size 6 except in my dreams :cloud9: I think another shopping trip is needed to find you some more bargains. Enjoy! Glad you were able to divert your sadness; please don't feel guilty though about having fun. Life does go on - you survived the stroke for a reason - live it to the fullest.
  16. Oh Kim, sorry to hear that old dumb black cloud keeps appearing over your house. It is great news about Dawson doing better - bless his heart. I guess his bouncing around his way too of showing how happy he is to be feeling well. Plus it doesn't sound like he's holding any grudges for being confined. That's the difference between dogs and cats - cats will get even. You definitely need that vacation with your sister - hope you have a terrific time up north. Hopefully the sewage problems are resolved quickly w/o you doing any of the digging - unless you want to be a local celeb on the news or newspapers - picture the headlines: Disabled Woman Operates Backhoe...Digs up Front Yard and All Else in Her Path :hahaha: :yikes:
  17. Greetings to our smiling Social Butterfly. Sorry to hear about your fall. I couldn't imagine trying to pull one of those rolling backpacks and maintain my balance. Of course, I'm not known for my gracefulness either. I'm so glad that you are making friends as well as having a date. All your Aunties here are going to want to hear all about him and the date. You are settling in well, which we all knew you would, and getting acquainted with the various campus organizations. Glad to hear things are going well for our college girl. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of you :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  18. dstraugh

    What I've been up to...

    Glad you had a good birthday and congrats on the jump!!! Keep up the good work - before you know it, you'll be jumping all over the place and we'll have to change your user id to "energizer bunny" Best of luck with the accounting class.
  19. Glad to hear Ray had a good birthday - 3 birthday cakes - definitely fitting for such a special person. We've definitely missed you on-site; hope the computer problems are over for you.
  20. Cindy, I was never on Zoloft or Paxil as my insurance would not cover. I agree with Kim and change his doc if need be. Or maybe dosage needs adjusted.
  21. Billie Jo, Welcome to the world of blogging. Sorry to hear about all that you've experienced. I sincerely hope ad pray that things start going better for you. When you first went to the hospital kinda resembled what I experienced. On 12-31-2004, I began experiencing dizzy spells as well as overall feeling "funny". I was stumbling around and kept falling into my teenage daughter as we were shopping for New Year's Eve. I went to bed thinking I'd feel better; but I sure didn't. I drove myself and my daughter to the hospital on New Years Day I was then classified as having an ischemic stroke. It was good that your Mom decreed you were going to the Emergency Room.
  22. dstraugh


    Lucy, You can never EVER say to a child "I Love You" too much as far as I'm concerned. The greatest fear, for me, as a parent, is to outlive my child. I know that too is a fear of many parents. It was a fear of my one grandmother and' she outlived her son, my Dad. Until the day she died, she carried that deep inside her as she developed Alzheimers several years prior to her death. Yes, right now, your friend must walk alone as you have not walked the same path as she is now. You can still be there to support her. If her son was suffering so much, his suffering now has hopefully ended. You do have in common with her the 5 stages of grief she will be traveling through, as all of us survivors have traveled that particular road. (((Hugs))) to you as you venture forth to help her.
  23. Yes Phyllis, I do believe you're on to something with your bonsai cantaloupe. This could become an instance of "we knew you when" as you become rich and famous for "hot-house" cantaloupe. Way to Go Girl :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  24. Ann, (((HUGS))) and prayers to you and Bill. None of us know what tomorrow shall bring - whether we're survivors, caregivers, or even a daughter of a survivor. The "hands-on" caregiving for Bill is being performed by the staff. But, as you know, caregiving also includes the decision-making and the "behind the scene " orchestrating that you are doing at this point for Bill. All is in His hands. I sincerely pray that it is His wishes for Bill to recuperate and be once again at your side. I also pray for your continued strength as you face the road ahead. Please keep us posted on how you both are doing. (((hugs))) again.
  25. Betty Jean, Missed you - glad you got your computer up and running. :congrats: to Jim on the 1st Anniversary and the progress he is making. Recovery is ongoing even though it slows to a crawl. When I had my first, my daughter and I both were on pins and needles waiting to see what would occur. Nothing did, Thank God, and I'm still trudging forward. Check out the following link: http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showtopic=7562 This was posted by a member on prescription help. It's worth a try. Good luck on your job interviews.