
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Doug, Us females call it a makeover - glad you are happy with the new you! Of course Teddy would recognize his Dad.
  2. Leah, both of your cats are beautiful!!
  3. dstraugh

    Leah's vacation

    Leah, Welcome to the blog community. Hope your vacation is fantastic. You and your #1 Angel/Caregiver deserve the time away. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Stu, Glad the move was successful though a tad aggravating. The Hired help these days - geez. Soon you two will have everything finished and it will never seem like you just moved in.
  5. Doug, I too have mixedd the 2 together for an inexpensive mocha. I've never heard of the "explosion" though on opening the vacuum seal. Perhaps easing the seal open a bit at a time might help (I have to do that with yogurt containers or I wear some of it lol)
  6. Glad to hear Chris is home. The visiting nurses will be able to relieve both of your minds as any issues can be addressed right away. (((hugs))) to both of you.
  7. Katrina, Glad to hear you and your roommate are are getting along - that's a definite positive. All else will fall into place. I understand you want to be totally independent; however, unless you ask for assistance, you are going to be eating food minus condiments. ASK for help. The other students or staff are not mind readers to know you need help. It doesn't make you less of a person because you do. Believe me, I know that firsthand - I'm sure others can empathize as well. A rollator walker may work for you as you could place the tray on top of the basket. I'm sure, for you (which I can understand), you want to be like everyone else and carry your tray. That's ok, if you want to be a :juggle: after you graduate. Yes, you are facing various obstacles at ther moment as everything is sooooooo new; but look at them as a challenge - which as you accomplish each one that's an added thing you you have worked through (even if it means someone is helping you, it's still been accomplished). I'm sure you've heard the saying regarding the only stupid question is one not asked - well, the same can apply here. Ask for help - I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised. First day of classes tomorrow, Wednesday - YEAH!
  8. dstraugh

    Good Summer.

    Bonnie, I'm glad that "Goldilocks" found the perfect chair. I'm sure the trying out process was becoming quite tiring. And a Sale to boot - YEAH!!!! Glad to hear Bill likes his new surroundings and is getting settled in. My kiddo starts on the 30th - she thought it was the 27th; will be adjustment as she is used to AZ schools wth "open" campus. Her school is HUGE building with 4 floors. She'll get a daily workout running to classes. Pickling party sounded fun. My cousin has a small garden and provided us with delish tomatoes.
  9. Fred, Dear friend you may not blog often, but when you do..........golly gee willickers...it brings a chill to me and a tear to my eye. Very moving and so very true. Right here, in our corner of the cyber world, we're doing God's Will. Thank you for reminding us.
  10. dstraugh

    Birthday Party

    Kiddo's 15th Birthday
  11. dstraugh

    Aunt Char

    From the album: Birthday Party

    Here is our dear Auntie - was so good to see her!!!
  12. From the album: Birthday Party

    Chuck thoroughly enjoys messing with people and it showed in this pic
  13. From the album: Birthday Party

    Lisa cutting cake.
  14. Sue, Thank you for sharing your knowledge. What great ideas when visiting someone or even spark up the home environment as a Caregiver.
  15. Greetings to Mum. I'm sure you will all enjoy the feastivities including the pizza and barbeque. When you have the opportunity, we need an updated pic of that sweet Tippy. It is a miracle how the generally nasty smelling food that is consumed works to create such a beautiful animal.
  16. Glad you had a great vacation. Utilizing a scooter helped maintain your independence. Great invention, huh.
  17. Susan, Sorry to hear about what your Mom has experienced. My thoughts are with you both.
  18. dstraugh


    David, Thank you for sharinmg the story. Memories are a thing to be cherished.
  19. Music is excellent therapy Girl - keep on playing!!!!! If I could sing "post" (not that I was that great pre but better than now), I'd accompany you. I too love the piano. When I was in elementary school, I briefly took up the clarinet in school - parents BEGGED me to stop LOL. Where my kiddo gets her violin playing talent I have no clue LOL. Enjoy playing and serenade the world.
  20. Kim, Thoughts and prayers are with you and Chris. (((hugs))) to both of you.
  21. Glad to hear you are doing well and are moving forward. I am 2 1/2 years post now; there are times when I am so involved with life now and the sights set on my future, that I almost (I said almost ) forget about my anniversary date.
  22. Butch, Hope you enjoy your golf trip and best of luck on the new house. Will your Mom be able to help out with some of the caregiving duties to give you a break? You have earned your "wings", as many other caregivers have.