
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Michael, That is terrific news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck with the unit.
  2. dstraugh

    Not a good day

    Doug, Animals will pick up on our emotions. Though it's hard at times during storms, I try to remain calm for my cat and my kid. Neither one likes storms and, even though I am as scared as they are, I am to be the brave one and console them. Now that Kiddo is older, I have explained my fears but old habits diie hard as she runs to Mom when there is a storm. Babies are special even though the timing of the pregnancy may not be the best.
  3. Stu, Glad to hear that there were no major injuries (cept to the bike). Yes, he shoulda NOT been riding on the sidewalk and YES he was of age to know that. But SO many times good old fashioned Common Sense is not a part of an individual's thinking. If the bike was actually stolen, perhaps he will think twice about performing illegal behaviors in the future. Perhaps this was a "warning" to him.
  4. Yes Stu, you're almost there. As stressful as moving is, it can be fun as well getting set up in a new place. Hope you and/or the cats don't go bald during the transition :Scratch-Head: Also, enjoy your vacation - remember the purpose behind a vacation - eat yummy food (no calories are in vacation food lol :Starvin: ) and relax.
  5. Doug, Teddy is such good company for you - he's a true blessing for you.
  6. Fred, A HUGE thank you to your email gang. That was powerful reading. Really gives you something to think about. Hmmmmm....wonder which type of cofee bean I want to be like - leaded or unleaded lol.
  7. dstraugh

    wow :]

    Glad you re-surfaced in the Blog Community daughter of mine. You were productive last night after I turned in lol. Have patience with your Uncle. I'm sure he's still adjusting to having us in the same city after all these years. Everyone has their faults and bad habits - the local bar is his. He has done so much for us which you are well aware of. As you are getting older, the difference between females and males is becoming more prevelant. Your dear Uncle, my Brother, has always been a procrastinator and a "typical" male (sorry guys). Daughter, you are like me in so many respects and want things done YESTERDAY. Patience is a virtue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Ken, Congrats on the walking. Like Bonnie said, remember safety first. You don't want to get injured and lose the progress you've worked so hard to gain. I also, mentally tell me affected side what I want it to do. At times I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall or a 2 year old with a temper tantrum LOL, but I do it anyway. There are times when the arm/hand and leg listen to me :happydance:
  9. Katrina, We love you as well young one. I will be thinking of you on Friday as you go to the pain management doctor for your wrist. I pray you find relief. Pain sucks big time. Glad to hear you are getting out and about with your peers - good for you - AND you're having fun which is so important. I hope you make "reliable and trusting" friends at school as well. Which I'm most assured you will. I tell my daughter the same thing as she will be starting a new school in a new city on Aug. 27th. So far, her spare time has been spent with cousins - which is also cool as she had only known them through internet contact - myspace. Glad to hear your dad is having more trust in you and treating you like the adult you now are. As a parent, I can honestly say, this is tough to do sometimes. Although my daughter is only turning 15 on 8-15, we have numerous debates about what she "thinks" she should be permitted to do. That's normal LOL - I was 15 once too, although it seems like a lifetime ago. You asked about tying bags shut one-handed. Others may have more orthodox ways of performing the task, for me, I have discovered that I use my teeth to tie bags shut. I'm sure the dentist would love me for that one lol. But I have found this to be effective and successful for me. Especially the grocery store or store bags with the handle. As you venture off to school dear girl, best of luck. Looking forward to updates from our college girl.
  10. Ann, So glad to hear your weekend was successful and that you and Bill enjoyed the fellowship. Many years ago (in my pre-life) I received a degree in Chemical Dependency Counseling. Through all my classes, I learned we are all in recovery in some way in our lives. The Big Book can be applied to so many aspects. I applied the 12-step philosophy to areas of my life such as domestic violence; and was able to assist others through my Social Services employment. And, yes, that same philosophy helps me today. Thank you for sharing your experiences as well as the words of wisdom. We're definitely in the One Day at a Time mode.
  11. George, Congrats on the progress you are making on the oven - makes my mouth water as you describe all that will be baked in it. Glad to hear fishing expeditions are also going well. I bet Tippy looks cute plucking berries of the bushes. How smart she is to know the ripest ones to pluck. Glad to hear that all is going well and you are progressing and living life to the "safest" max
  12. How precious - you're a happy tired Grandma! Congrats once again to you all
  13. So Kitty she shall be. Crystal goes through the hiding stages, particularly under the sofa near the wall where Kristi can't reach her. Crystal tires of her "Sissy" swooping her up in her arms like a baby and being carried and swung around LOL. She readily comes out of hiding when she hears, "Crystal want treats?" I do believe Crystal is more than ready for her Sissy's summer vacation to be over.
  14. dstraugh

    a good week

    Kim, Glad to hear you're feeling better and had a good week xcept for the "kitty in heat". We had Crystal spayed in Tempe (clinic that offered reduced spaying and neutering) I'm sure there's one in your neck of the woods - you could call around or surf the web. Glad too to hear your freezer is fixable w/o costing a small fortune. Here's to hoping for continued "smooth" weeks ahead.
  15. Poor Teddy....glad that all was resolved. Hope this kind of thing doesn't become a common occurrence or they might change their pet policy.
  16. :congrats: to all on the new addition to the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thr pic of Alex is totally precious. Shame that Tori got hurt - glad it wasn't more serious. Hope she learned a valuable lesson - as she is a smart girl, I'm sure she did. Soon, all will be quiet in your household once again - You and Ray will get back into your routine. Bless you 2 for being there for the kids - wish Kristi had that rather than a grandparent always full of excuses. But...life goes on.
  17. Rich, Glad to hear things are going better for you now. Hope treatment continues going well. I saw eeeewwwww to needles as well lol; plus I swear my veins try to hide from them (they wiggle and roll alot). Looking forward to the next update.
  18. Kakii, Glad to hear all is going well in your new "digs" and that kitty is doing well in her investigating and adjusting as well. It's great that everything is all coming together for you.
  19. Fred, Enjoy ENJOYENJOY your vacation. You deserve the time away. I've never been to the Big Easy - perhaps someday. Now that I've flown on an airplane post and "feel like a pro", I'd be ready for another adventure God and finances willing. Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em - as the song goes.
  20. Wendie, Glad you guys had some family fun. Is it possible that George is fearfiul of the jazzy chair as it locks in w/o all the straps he is used to? I hope you can can get siomeone to assist in caregiving in the mornings to give you some "time" away. Althought you've been trained in transferring George, please be careful - one oops - you could really get badly hurt.
  21. Glad you've gotten some answers and that Chris is able to have a sense of humor. Afterall, laughter is the best medicine. :Good-Luck:
  22. Where you see a person's user id with a line underneath it on the right side of their post - when you pass your mouse over it and click on it, there is a drop-down menu - you see send a message or pm. Or. you can go to a person's profile as well and send a message/pm.
  23. Cathy, So glad to hear you're getting the hang of the message board. Keep in mind too that any of us are just a click away via pm's. You worked hard getting ready for your successful party; you deserve the rest and relaxation afterwards.
  24. Sue, It is good to have the pics and fond memories of life pre-stroke. You're so right as things could be so much worse. One blessing is that you still have Ray with you after all he has endured. You are BOTH survivors when all is said. Those precious memories are only a photo away.
  25. Heh Bob, Thanks for the update; yes time does seem to fly by at times. Glad to hear things are going well with the radio station. I'm sure your voice-over project will also go well for you. Like Bonnie, my PCP completed the paperwork for me for SSDI benefits. You did a great job on your first Blog Community report; I know that you'll continue to do a great job filling in for Asha while she's on vacation.