
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Mel, I tend to agree with Asha; hubby has stuck by your side throughout this ordeal. I'd say he's a keeper as well. You said you can walk to the library - how about volunteering at the library for something to keep you occupied as well as human interaction. Depending on the size of the library and the number of patrons, they may have programs like story hour for the smaller kids. Eventually, volunteering could possibly lead to a paid position which would help you guys out as well.
  2. Hope your next jaunt to the VA goes better than this one did - especially the transportation part. At least the music was good, if you like The Beatles. Transportation issues seem to be in every state. Bet Teddy was smiling when Dad got home. :big_grin:
  3. dstraugh

    not much better

    Kim, I hope you can beat that stupid kidney stone. You get pain in your leg, I get pain in my lower back - Great pair we are. I work on stretching it out, sometimes successful - sometimes not. That's a shame about your freezer. Appliances aren't made like in days of old when they lasted forever. Kiddo had hoped for some good monsoon storms before we left - her friend has filled her in on them. We've had a few storms here though nothing like a Phoenix monsoon storm.We're to have a few more days of dry weather, then rain is to move in again. Good sleeping weather though (for us at least lol) though locals say it's too warm. How do the critters like the thunder and lighting?
  4. 2 handsome fellas! :big_grin:
  5. Glad you didn't get hurt - what a brat!!! lovable brat but brat nonetheless.
  6. Sounds perfectly yummy Phyllis :Starvin: Would be also good for Friday nite chat...hint hint :bouncing_off_wall:
  7. dstraugh

    Teddy's day

    Teddy sounds like a real social butterfly. And, liking baked beans? Hopefully he did experience the side affects from the beans
  8. Glad you had a great trip. Such an adventure!!!! :Clap-Hands: My baby, my one and only, turns 15 in 2 1/2 weeks. :yikes: Time is moving by much too fast.
  9. I sincerely hope you receive good news from the test results and, at the worse, news that can be easily treated. Best of luck on the computer class. Try to keep calm, I know that's easier said than done, but fretting will do you no good. (((hugs)))
  10. Linnie, Please remember, you are not trying to climb those mountain ranges alone. We are with you - all of us whose lives have been affected by stroke. You have survived all the trauma in your life for a reason. You may not fully understand the reason(s), but there are reasons. Obviously youi are a fighter as you have worked hard to overcome diversity. (((HUGS))) to you.
  11. Hi, I am 53 - 2 1/2 years post. Just moved to Pittsburgh with my daughter and our cat, Crystal. Moved from Mesa, AZ. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh - feels good to be back home.
  12. dstraugh

    As My World Turns

    Glad to hear all is going well with you and the family as well. Glad too to hear the cat has been spared getting runned over. Last night my daughter decided it would be good therapy for Mom to walk from the livingroom to diningroom while caring Crystal, our kitty. Carrying her one armed and handed like a baby did not thrill her or me as my balance was thrown off by carrying her. Needlesstosay kiddo had to rescue poor Crystal fairly quickly. Looking forward to more family updates.
  13. Hi Sue, Please be sure dear lady to take a bit of time for you each and every day. Something to unwind and relax. Even if it's slow deep breathing. You work so hard at being Wonder Woman - remember, it's ok to ask for help. No one has declared that you must take on each crisis (large or small) all by yourself. None of us can predict what the future will hold, it is not mentally or even physically healthy to worry about what has not occurred. As long as proper precautions are taken to meet health and safety issues, you are doing just fine. You will be busy with the little ones, that's for sure...I've always been told that kids keep you young. You are there for them - let them be there for you as well. Perhaps they can help with small chores - make them feel important to be piked to help you and Ray out.
  14. Hiya Mystery, Great suggestion although I too can not work on that at this point. I try to pet my cat with my bad hand - bless her, she remains patient as Mommy bops her on the head.
  15. dstraugh

    Cute Dr.

    Lucy, So glad to hear about your doctor's appointment. That's wonderful news - enjoy being on Cloud 9 - you deserve it. I wish for you too to be able to drive your Miata once again.
  16. :Clap-Hands: Happy Birthday as well as :congrats: on the 3 year mark.
  17. dstraugh


    Katrina, our dear sweet Katrina, I have been a survivor for 2 1//2 years compared to your 6 years. I have my vision bit do not have usage of my left arm or hand or left leg and foot. I can motor around the house without my hemiwalker as long as I'm wearing my AFO. I did have a successful career in Social Services - I admit I was a workaholic. At the time I had the stroke, I was and still am a single Mom. My daughter was 12 when the stroke hit. Honestly, it stinks at times being the disabled Mom as I can't do the things with her I used to do. But, we've actually grown closer in the last 2 1/2 years - she always knows I'll be here when she gets in from school. Just as I and many many others, you were chosen as a SURVIVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have a purpose here on this earth that you need to fulfill. Please seek professional help AND change doctors if need be. Remember....we love you.
  18. Lisa, That is so SUPER for Rachel and for the family. Yes, Rachel is starting a new chapter and it's great that she was given the opportunity to do this. Who knows were it could lead for her. My continued best wishes.
  19. Sue, Glad to hear that Ray is home. As you 2 settle into your daily routines, I do hope that you are able to have "spare time" for you so you don't feel bogged down again.
  20. Thanks for the advice Bonnie.
  21. dstraugh

    the dull gray fog

    Linnie, Glad you were successful - some days are definitely better than others. There are days when I'm so foggy, I wonder if I need a fog-horn. To help myself early on, I kept notes on things I did in order to refresh the brain. I refer to notes less frequently now.
  22. dstraugh

    Me and my Teddy

    Glad you and Teddy are such good friends. Animals are such a joy to be around and a valued part of the family. My daughter and I belong to a cat, Crystal; she's my guard-cat as well as my 2nd daughter. We just relocated 2,400 miles and I could never have gotten rid of her. As we are renting a house, we'd like to get a dog...but we're not rushing into anything. Looking forward to hearing more about Teddy.
  23. Bonnie, Glad to hear your lap top woes are resolved - I wouldn't let that Tech anywhere near your stuff - Growl at him grrrr as a warning lol. Kiddo is pretty much "broken in" by now to not change any settings unless she consults with me or changes users as we share the 'puter. Now I just have to "train" her on the computer chair adjustments. This morning it was changed - lol. Shame it had to rain on your clean vehicle windows - that has occurred with me many times over the years - like you said at least you were able to eliminate the road crime.
  24. Rich, Not that I could even fathom heading to China for treatment due to financial and insurance restrictions, but thank you for your honesty in reporting what you have experienced during your stay. I sincerely hope things go better at the new facility for you.