
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    new pictures

    Katrina, Super pictures. Enjoy the concert and Laser Tag. My daughter was just at one before we moved and she had a blast. It's good to see you jumping in and trying different things. Sitting within 4 walls is a bummer. Before you know it, you'll be an official college student.
  2. dstraugh

    home again

    Welcome Home Sue Glad your trip went so well and you were able to energize yourself. I too hope Ray doesn't catch that virus.
  3. dstraugh

    On the road again :)

    Hi Stu, Good for you - glad the outing was a total success. :Clap-Hands:
  4. Kakii, I'm so happy for you and glad things are working out. All is in His time, His way. Stroke entered or lives and it is up to us to make the best of the situation. Glad your house sitting was a good experience despite the rain. Your church group sounds wonderful. Will be looking forward to hearing about your new place as you settle in.
  5. Phyllis, I liked it, very well written. If I was in your area I would want to attend.
  6. Kakii I'm so happy for you!!! Enjoy your house sitting/mini vacation. Enjoy the barbecuing as well as the pool.
  7. I'm glad you had a great flight Sue. Hope the weather continues to be SUPER while you're gone!! Any snorkelling plans????
  8. dstraugh


    Katrina, No need to apologize kiddo for venting. Life is definitely different from what it was prestroke for any of us. But life now is better than the alternative - although sometimes we need a gentle smack upalongside the head to remind us of it. Depending on your insurance, why not check into getting a script from your doc and pursue getting a scooter? That would provide you with additional independence. Hopefully your brother learned his lesson after the accident.
  9. dstraugh

    spell check

    Fred, I hope you get the spell check problem resolved quickly as well as satisfactorily. I too am not a computer literate person - though with my Dell, I've got it pretty down pat. Getting a different computer will be a challenge to overcome. But, I must look at it as another challenge to face head on.
  10. Bonnie, I too am glad you did not get hurt. I have a problem with "someone" wouldn't know who lol booby-trapping my cabinets in the kitchen. I open cabinets and generally get clunked in the head with a plastic mixing bowl lol. She has promised that won't happen when we move as there is more cabinet space in the new kitchen. Aren't pets delightful in the way they get into mischief? Hope you have fun with your company.
  11. dstraugh

    A new tattoo

    Good for you! Wish I had the courage to even get one. Nothing big, but not brave enough Hope your summer continue to go well.
  12. dstraugh

    It's been quite a week!

    Congrats on getting the motorized wheelchair!!! That's Super!!! :Clap-Hands: I bet it was sad to see everyone go. Being with family is so important.
  13. It does take time and practice to retrain the brain cells. I know, for me, if I am flustered or tired it's like I have an idiot sign plastered to my forehead. I generally use my debit card rather than cash at checkouts to simplify the entire checkingout process for the cashier as well as me. Practicing with play money is a good way to get in the swing or groove.
  14. Kakii, That is fantastic news :congrats:
  15. Sue You have always been able to supply me with such words of wisdom and advise; I wish I could reciprocate. There are no set words of wisdom, only :Angel: :You-Rock: :farmer: :console: :worthy: :serenade: that can hopefully bring a smile to you. Have a safe and ENJOYABLE trip!!!!!!!!!!!! :beak: (((hugs)))
  16. George, I'm glad your expedition turned out on the positive side. Yes it was good that Lesley knew where you would be in case you weren't home by dark; however, the worrier in me thinks what coulda happened with you out in the area alone. Way to go for your accomplishment at doing something you probably did pre all the time without hesitation. Please use caution in the future - we don't want anything serious to happen to you,
  17. Yes Phyllis, the "whys" of so many things cannot be answered although it is human nature to want the answers. Nothing is a guarantee in this world of ours and it's a shame that bad things do happen to good people. I had not heard of her passing. I'm sure she provided for her children.
  18. dstraugh

    more pictures

    Katrina, Beautiful pictures and a beautiful smile. You are a very pretty young woman with an amazing future. I take it you also graduated with Honors by seeing the various adornments you were wearing with your gown. I can't recall the exact terms for them :Scratch-Head: but you know what I mean. Thank you for sharing.
  19. :congrats: on the one year mark. Yes, Independence day has a newer meaning for you; I can relate to that as I stroked on New's Year Day 2005. I too often wonder about some of the members who "vanish". There are some who are still visiting the site but not posting. Diane's passing hit everyone hard - personally, I was going through a "funk" period and her passing was hard for me to adjust to. The dear lady is at peace now, watching over her hubby and sons and I'm sure watching over her "cyber" family. Take Care and (((hugs)))
  20. Sue, I'm sure you'll have a great time - relax and enjoy. Ray will be well cared for in respite. I can understand the nervousness - I'm nervous about our upcoming flight. It will be kiddo's first time on a plane. :laughbounce: Enjoy - talk to you soon.
  21. dstraugh

    Cherry Kuchen

    Mema, Sounds delicious. :licklips: Thank you. The others you mentioned sound yummy as well - hint, hint
  22. dstraugh

    black cloud

    Kim, I hope all starts going better on your end. Today we had to go to Walgreen's to get me a script. Sprinklers were on at a business - darn it felt good.
  23. I was just like you, had the same risk factors plus highly stressful personal life job and workaholic mindset. I was a stroke waiting to happen. The workaholic part of the scenario was changed when I did change jobs. But even that job could have had an impact on the subsequent stroke I suffered with 6 months of the getting new job. I have stressed to my daughter the fact that she willl need to be cautious.
  24. I like the comparison to the compass; never quite gave that one much thought. But it does make sense. A scale could also be used to relate to as well.