
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    I am Canadian

    Dikons Cheers and :congrats: are in order!!!!! That would have been a very moving ceremony. Many years ago, I went to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls - beautiful. I wish you continued best wishes as one of Canada's own. :cheer:
  2. Susan, My thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved in this tragedy. Such a shame. :console:
  3. Ricardo, Happy posting!!!!!!! Thank you for the compliment; though my halo is tarnished much of the time.
  4. Allright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the pictures are great too I bet the chicken was fantastic.
  5. Bill thanks for the update. I was just thinking about him the other day and wondered how he was doing. He's one handsome puppy!
  6. Happy 9th Anniversary to a very special guy!!!!!!!!!

  7. Sorry to hear about your dental woes. I'll be thinking of you on Friday. I also wish you the best in obtaining an apartment; there seems to be several options available. You'll think you're a mansion after residing in the cozy travel trailer. You'll still be close enough to your daughter too. I hope the waiting list moves quickly. I know from past experience that, periodically, the waiting lists are updated which could result in a shorter waiting period even.
  8. Lisa, That's a beautiful poem; thank you for sharing. Your love for Rachel shines through each verse.
  9. dstraugh


    Kim, That's SUPER! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Recycling this topic to the top for awhile - Donna - MBM
  11. Ricardo, I'm so happy for you - Yes, that is definitely progress :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  12. Sounds yummy and easy to prepare
  13. Katrina, :console: Sorry your first college adventure was a flop for you.Try not to dwell on the negative aspects as you said there were good things too. It's healthier to look at the positives. Is it posssible to use a scooter during your time there? That would be much easier especially getting from one side of campus to other. I hope your brace gets adjusted properly. That will make a big difference. I'm sure the pain you were experiencing added to the negative experience. Chin-up dear - better days are coming!
  14. Stu, Congrats - what a super surprize! Sometimes the government does come through for us. Enjoy your new found freedom even if it is just to the local fruit stand. I bet that fruit tastes extra special. :Good-Luck:
  15. You are so right....this isn't how life was supposed to turn out! I don't think any one of us prayed for stroke to enter our lives. I know I sure didn't. But, this the hand I've been dealt. It's normal to slump into the "is this it mode". Try to remember how far the 2 of you have come since the 1st day stroke entered your life. Obviously, after a time, progress does slow down to a snail's pace or seems to be 2 steps forward and one back. Has there been any changes in medication or med levels? Or perhaps there has been a tolerance built up of a med. Check with a doc.
  16. dstraugh


    Susan, Missed you around too. I can understand getting "beeped off" at the world. Been there myself (more times than I care to admit). Glad things are going ok though on your end - any beach visits?
  17. Sweetie, Not only do I respect you...I admire you. Your wisdom, support, and encouragement are invaluable to me as well as many others. As I have heard in the past, there may be snow in the mountain but there's fire in the furnace. Sue, your furnace is full steam ahead. Sorry to hear about your Mom's decline. You will always have the memories of the "better" times in your heart. Please give Ray a hug from me and Kristi. Good and not so good days come with the territory - another side-affect of stroke that we are left with no matter what age.
  18. George Congrats on your expedition! I can picture the look on Tippy's face as she had to go potty. Glad Daddy and "daughter" had a good time with minimal repair costs to the motor.
  19. dstraugh


    Fred, Excellent!!!! :Clap-Hands: At first, I was stunned until I read further. Very true
  20. dstraugh

    good news

    Natasha, My best wishes in that all turns out ok with Social Security. It is frustrating going through the waiting period. Glad to hear your recovery is coming along also.
  21. Ken Glad you guys are getting some sunshine. Hope it continues - wish I could send you some of ours - here in Arizona (Phoenix Metro areas), we've had nothing but sunshine and hot. Of course that's life in the desert..I just smile as I'm wiping away the perspiration.
  22. Phyllis, Like you, I chose regular Medicare (mine went into affect June 1st). I am also, I hope, fortunate to also maintain Medicaid. They will cover what Medicare doesn't. They are even covering the premiums for A & B. I had heard how confusing all the insurance babble was but my oh my I was going loco. Hard thing to put these damaged brain cells through I haven't used it all yet - but hope it does run smooth.
  23. Gary, We'll be pros in no time. I too have been pushing buttons but my pushing got me all messed up. There will be some glitches, but like you said, Steve has vision.
  24. dstraugh

    Glad you guys had a good day - fudge - yuuuummmyyyyyy
  25. George, Sometimes I think my new middle name is :tired: . But ya know, your body is still healing and needs the rest to continue the healing process. We need to see some pics of the growing Tippy when you have the opportunity. Glad to hear you guys are having great weather - here in the sweltering southwest desert it's getting nasty. We could hit 114 tomorrow. AZ is great in the fall, winter and what spring we have - this weather is the downfall. We just try to keep cool and start the countdown to better weather conditions.