
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Katrina, :congrats: on passing your test girl!! Way to Go!! :Clap-Hands: Things are moving along for you and we want to hear ALL about your seminar - you see, we're a nosey bunch around here and get excited for someone when new things are occuring especially one of our cyber family members. I also look forward to seeing you in your cap and gown. Try to keep your chin up and smile no matter how family behaves.
  2. dstraugh


    Mel, Well said; welcome back to blog comunity.
  3. Sue, You have my wishes for all to be good in the land "Down Under". I'll too gladly send you sunshine and heat as well - we have heat advisories, warnings, and watches going on as our highs are over 100 (calling for 114 tomorrow). It's 10:04 am my time and it's already 94 degrees. One can prespire just sitting and not even doing any activity. This massive heat for here is several weeks early - I wonder if our monsoon season will also be early. Sounds like you will have much activity going on with company arriving. Way cool! Glad to hear Ray is on his bike. Please give him an Arizona hug :hug:
  4. Katrina, 1st - thank you.....and as you ask yourself why this crazy person is thanking me...and for what? Young lady, you have snapped my funk that I've been in for the past week. I've barely posted and even deleted my blog entries. I saw your picture and your sweet smiling face and I was rejuvenated and inspired. Katrina, you have your future in front of you. Best of luck tomorrow at DMV - remember, if you don't suceed, keep trying..keep pushing forward....all is in HIS time. You also have college not too far ahead of you. What an exciting time. As to family problems, they happen...I've thought about writing a book - As the Stomach Churns - :yikes: for some of the stuff that has happened in mine. But you know, take the experiences you've had, learn from them. and in turn be a better person. You've already got the beginnings of being a great grown-up. I am a better Mom to my daughter than my Mother has ever been with me - I broke the cycle - you can too.
  5. Thank you Denny. Is all ok???????????????????
  6. dstraugh

    Rehab Revisited

    Ross, My deepest condolences to your family.
  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  8. mcsaul, As has been said before me, you are not alone in your journey. I can empathize with you as I am a single Mom with a 14 year old daughter. The stroke I had was not her fault or mine just as the stroke you incurred is no one's fault. Life since 1-1-05 as definitely been an adventure, and frustrating for both of us. Whenever I'm down and wanting to attend my "pity party", she promptly tells me that she and the animals need me. Your hubby needs you, and we do too...you are a survivor - it's something to be happy about - honest!
  9. I like the idea of co-op caring also. I'd have to sign up for right-handed arm wrestling as my left is my bad side (with that arm it would be sad how terribly I'd lose. Need to start training soon :pepper: :big_grin:
  10. dstraugh

    not good at the mo

    Hi sinead, :console: to you my dear. You're are at your 3 year mark, I am 2 years. I too feel I should be further along in my recovery process than what I am. However, I am better than I was when stroke come into my life on New Year's Day, 2005. Most importantly, I am still here for my daughter who is 14 years old. I am a single Mom, which has made life even more interesting for both of us. My daughter and I are a great team. In your posts, you mention your daughter - where would she be without you? She needs her Mom. I hope you visit the blog community and message board often - I find it of great comfort to be active on-site (above and beyond being on staff).
  11. dstraugh

    wild nights

    Sue, You had quite an adventure. Glad you, your family, and residences came through it unscathed.
  12. Kakii, You've done great - Congrats on your motivation and enthusiasm :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  13. George, Good to hear things are moving right along for you. You are achieving your goals :Clap-Hands: :big_grin:
  14. I agree with Asha, all blog entries are with reading no matter how short or how long. It's therapeutic for you to get tthings "off your chest" if necessary and it's therapeutic for the reader as well. You're not alone - we're all walking beside you.
  15. Hiya RLT, So glad your projects went well - including getting the hutch to your Dad's AND getting the truck returned on time. Way to Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :big_grin:
  16. dstraugh

    My day in ER

    Vi, So called you're ok hon!!!! I'm undergoing pt for right lower back spasms that I've been getting. The goal is strengthen the rest of my back to relieve the wear and tear on the lower back. Talk to your doc about some pt - it's helped me alot...I'm now able to get up out of bed in the morning without the help of my daughter. Previously, she had to help me stand up as the pain and spasms were so bad. I still have pain but it's doable. Good luck.
  17. Susan, Look at it this way - are these kids problem kids? If so, even in that short period of time you may make a difference in one of their lives...like a diamond in the rough. 2 days down and 8 to go. I agree with Phyllis, do something special with the money, treat yourself.
  18. The Christian Camp sounds like the perfect getaway for all as there will be something for each of you to do. Don't worry about justifying the trip - call it needed family preservation and regrouping. As to your volunteering - sounds great. Is there someone you could turn to as in friends who could visit with hubby while you're gone? You need to take care of yourself too, don't forget. You'll be no good to anyone else unless you have "you" time. As to the "ex" - he needs to stop being so full of himself and follow the visitation agreement. That's my :2cents: worth :big_grin: My daughter's "sperm donor" is not part of our lives, thank goodness.
  19. Kakii, I do hope you are able to get the hyberbaric oxygen treatment with the assistance of your church. I've heard many good reports regarding the treatment - please keep us posted. Good doc report too. Personally I love hearing I don't need to see you for a year unless something comes up. :big_grin:
  20. Stu, Good luck in the move. My daughter and I are planning a move also for July, if all works out. I had owned a 2-story townhouse pre and had to sell it. We've been renters since. Unfortunately, rent is pricey here, plus no close family nearby (they're 2,400 miles away) in the city I was born and raised in. I wish you two the best.
  21. Stu, I hope you are able to remain in OT for as long as you wish. For me, I had no choice. My doc prescribed more, therapist agreed, but insurance refused even after appeals. Best of luck.
  22. Stu, Welcome to the blog world. Thanks for sharing your experience. Glad you are here with us. :big_grin:
  23. dstraugh

    quiet day

    Sue, Glad your birthday was good for you. You were able to spend your day as you wished. :Clap-Hands:
  24. My Dear Sweet Daughter, As you've told me and I'll tell you....You've got me, Crystal, and Tinkerbell who love you so very much. Your true friends will miss you and will keep in touch. With your personality, I'm assured you will make new friends. I understand this move is difficult for you; in the long run, I feel we will be better for it as we won't be 2,400 miles away from family. Right now, with things the way they are, we don't have family close by. As for you "bothering" me during summer vacation - You're just "doing" your job as a teenager, remember? :big_grin: I just have to find a hiding place like Crystal has :roflmao: