
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Gary, Thanks so much for sharing the article. Great pics too. That was truly an honor for you. Glad you shared it with all of us.
  2. Katrina, I give you all the credit in the world for even attempting to attend a fair. I don't think I would have been as brave. Unfortunately, there are those who just do not understand when someone cannot move as quickly as them. And that does not mean those people are mean, they just have not walked in our shoes to grasp the entire concept of our disabilities. My daughter who is my #1 supporter and by my side daily will lose site of the fact that I cannot quickly move around; she's 14. Was your Mom getting upset waiting for your friend being a protective Mom? Don't place yourself in hybernation because of the actions of a few. There are so many people out in the world who are compassionate and understanding. You have alot to offer the world young one.
  3. dstraugh

    Welcome Back Bob

    Welcome back to the community Bob. You needed dusting off - a little dusty around the edges :big_grin: Glad to hear things are going good but busy with the radio station. You can't say you are bored that's for sure. Social Security Disability is really taking awhile for you to receive the word. Hopefully the no news is good news. From what I've heard I was lucky to get approved on the first go around as well as in within the 6 months time-frame they provided. As of June 1st it will be 2 years on SSDI - I then go onto Medicare also.
  4. Dear Daughter of Mine :mwah: , You are not a lazy bum, procrastinator yes, lazy bum no! :big_grin: Just remember ALL the promises you made to me in order to obtain permission for that HUGE sleepover - I must be :insane: to have agreed. You are a good con artist - someday you will have a husband wrapped around your :thumbs up:
  5. :hug: :hug: to you both as you battle back from this setback.
  6. Kristen, Glad to hear you're slowly recovering from the "ups". I do hope the evaluation is a favorable one for Patrick. Yes, I agree, it would be smart to take the car keys with you so he doen't get any grand ideas. You know how men can be.
  7. Sue, Dear Lady, you've done it again - gave this brain of mine something else to ponder :uhm: about. Which is a good thing of course as it helps to keep the brain cells stimulated. From our IM chats, you may recall that I have come through alot of "stuff" in life. Granted, I am a stubborn, bullheaded Irish/German/English mix - but I'm sure too that genetics plays in there. Family history shows much willpower also - but I tend to lean towards the survival genes also. I'm glad you're receiving good information from dementianet too. In addition, there are similarities between our organizations that are beneficial to members. You give so much of yourself - wish we could reciprocate more than :hug: :hug: Thanks to you for challenging my brain cells today.
  8. I will definitely pray for the "downs" for you. Over this past weekend, I had a case of the "outs". Any which way you look at it, the toss up (no pun intended_ between Ups vs Downs or Ins vs Outs isn't fun. Hope you feel better.
  9. Susan You Go Girl - Whoooohoooooooo :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :big_grin:
  10. Susan, Sorry to hear about your friend's loss. The Lord does work in mysterious ways - quite possibly that man had a guardian angel who intercepted on his behalf. It was not his time. It's sad though the Minister had a mini pond in his house. I bet you are counting down the days. My daughter has 4 days this week - Thursday is their last. She informed me giggling today that soon she'll get to pester me everyday for an entire 2 months.
  11. Welcome to blogging! You did great for 1st time ever doing something like this. As a Survivor, I can understand how, at times, it is hard to remain optimistic. Do you have a support system? Are you able to take "Me" time away from caregiving so you get a break? I feel you were wise to not push the shower issue if he was weak. Neither one of you need broken bones to deal with also. You still have your dear sweet husband - just a different version. Hang onto the memories created on lucid days - those memories can help you get through the "not so good days" (((hugs)))
  12. dstraugh

    Pretty Good Week

    Sounds like fun - John should have had a camera to get a picture of you getting pulled along :big_grin: . Leave it to kids. We need to put out our hummingbird feeder - I have one who daily comes onto our patio to visit.
  13. Phyllis, Sounds absolutely yummy! :dribble: And...Yes you do sound like one of the chefs on Food Network.
  14. Bill, Great update on that sweetheart - he's such a brave boy - xtra hugs!!! :friends: :friends: :friends: Better watch making fun of his haircut - he's so smart he can probably read what you are typing and will get even with you :nuhuh:
  15. dstraugh

    more company

    Kimmie, That's GREAT news all around!! :big_grin:
  16. George, Glad to hear the :fishing1: trip was a success. Sounds like the weather was perfect. Good to hear that fire is being gotten under control. We have a few wildfires going on here in AZ right now. Does Jassie appear to correct Tippy if she is doing something wrong like she is teaching her the ropes? It's good to hear they are adjusting so well together. Bet they enjoyed their outing with Lesley too.
  17. Sue, I like Anne's idea about "home based" vacation. You do live in a beasutiful country. I'm partial to Koalas myself and could sit and watch them hours on end. It is indeed sad that the medical professionals place unrealistic timelines on everything. I wonder if it's a class they are required to take - Timelines 101. You would be a definite asset to the new website you joined with the knowledge you have to share, but you are priceless to us. ((hugs))) to you both
  18. I'll 2nd those thoughts. :big_grin:
  19. That's great - :congrats: As recovery is neverending, proceed full steam ahead and focus on where you can be by the next anniversary - You Go Girl!!
  20. Karen, Sorry to hear about Rob having another stroke. On the upside thank goodness no horrible deficits from this one. He will be in my thoughts and prayers that the occlusion issue is quickly resolved. (((hugs)))
  21. Thanks for the update. Good medical reporting. I'm sure you will be walking unassisted and doing everything you want to do very soon.
  22. dstraugh

    Bud's Surgery

    Oh Bill, Poor lovable Buddy. I wanted to give him a gentle hug and kiss. Glad to hear he is making good progress. He'll be back to his old self in no time. (((hugs)))
  23. dstraugh


    George, My thoughts and prayers are with you guys for your safety as well as your home remaining untouched. Glad though that Tippy is adjusting well and she and Jasmine are adjusting to each other. Be Safe.
  24. dstraugh

    now I know!

    Sue, I'm so glad your "vacation" was a good experience. Now you are assured Ray is being properly cared for and treated special. Plus, you were welcomed and treated nicely too. How often is this available to you?
  25. dstraugh

    Bad News...

    Susan, It is good that you have received answers rather than just wondering "what if?" Not knowing can be much worse. I sincerely hope the meds will keep everything in balance. (((hugs)))