
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Ann, What can I say? :console: We're here for you.
  2. dstraugh

    about me

    Natasha, You were lucky and it sounds like your progress is coming along. Don't get discouraged if progress plateaus - this is normal. Recovery is ongoing and everlasting.
  3. Phyllis, So glad Snooty is ok. Just like kids they have selective hearing lol. Crystal and I spent today fighting over my computer chair. Anytime I moved out of it, the princess stole it. As I was hurting from lower back PT today she was not going to win. She'd leave the chair but sassing me all the way. Dogs AND Cats - gotta love them.
  4. dstraugh


    Diane - Another word - FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I 2nd that motion - decent health care for all! I'm petrified about mine as I'm currently on Medicaid and switching over to Medicare next month.
  6. Ann, Change always takes getting used to - there's a normal adjustment period filled with "I don't know about this". Good for you - You need the time. You'll both adjust. (((Hugs))))
  7. Butch, Welcome back to the blog community! Lisa may have it a plateau but don't give up. Progress definitely slows down. I am 2 years post. There are little things that do progress for me - nothing functional yet but still reason to celebrate :Clap-Hands: . It's more than I was able to do right after the stroke. I can understand the move once kiddos grow up and move on. I still have my daughter at home as she's 14 - thr high school scene is coming this fall. Best of luck and looking forward to future updates.
  8. Susan, Keep up with the count down in order to maintain your sanity so you're not like the rest :insane: . Things are getting pretty :dribble: at my kiddo's Jr, High too. Hang in there - peace and quiet is around the bend. :big_grin:
  9. dstraugh

    Living day to day

    Natasha, Welcome to the Blog Community! The frustration you are experiencing is common. I still have my moments, and I am two years post. I get frustrated with my Mother based on her persistent denial of the stroke. I think my frustration has diminished somewhat over time; however, on a bad day I keep a very low profile. It will get easier.
  10. dstraugh

    Prom report

    Marden, Thank you so much for Prom Update. Barbara must have looked like a gorgeous princess. I have something else to look forward to with my daughter. Your detailed account of the day and evening was top of the line journalism :thumbs up: . Looking forward to detils on awards dinner and graduation too :big_grin:
  11. Ellen, Tell Denny I send a big Congrats and :wtg: on his environmentalist pursuit. I'll be looking forward to seeing his Community Video Blog. Bet your "Green" car is nice.
  12. dstraugh


    Marty, Isn't it a shame how such idiots continue to roam? I've come across quite a few post,
  13. Even with the added duties, you sound like a proud Papa. That's super Tippy has learned her name as well as "come". As with most of our dear 4-legged family members (lol), who is training whom? At least with a cat, they are easily trained via litterpan - the "boss" let's kiddo know when she wants it changed. Crystal is strictly a house kitty - she wouldn't survive one full day in the outdoors. Best of luck to your "family".
  14. How absolutely positively precious. ((Hugs))) from me....Meow from Crystal :big_grin:
  15. George, Glad Tippy is with her family. Looking forward to seeing pics of her. With regard to recovery programs. As much as I concur with you that one must be the coach among the team of players, it is rather difficult to do that when the payer of said therapy (insurance) will not approve the sessions saying you have maxed out your benefits and continue to deny appeals filed by myself, my doctor and the rehab team. I wish I had someone to fund therapy for me, I would jump at the opportunity. As a single parent being financially responsible for maintaining a roof over our head, and doing so only receiving SSDI, it is an impossibility at this time. Thanks to your reporting, as well as the reporting of others, should things change, I know which programs could be beneficial. .
  16. performing some recycling.....Donna MBM. Give us something to think about and take stock in.
  17. Sue, Do you keep a date planner for all appointments? If you do, I'd suggest even including the scheduling of your free time. Of course, you then have to find the time to look st it so you don't miss things. Just goes to show how you are so unused to taking Sue time. I hope Camp Breakaway will be a good experience for you and Ray both. It brought a tear to my eye as you talked about an old friend reminising about Ray. Made me think of my Nan (my paternal Grandma). She passed Sept. 06 - she was in a nursing home with Dementia. I miss her terribly since she passed as well as how she was before taking ill. I can still hear her laughter as she cracked jokes. She is with others now, I'm sure laughing and playing bingo on a daily basis. Thank goodness I have the wonderful memories. You are in a doubly tough situation with coping with stroke/falling issues and dementia. You are doing the best you can under the circumstances and will continue to do what is best for you both. As to your game regarding whichever way the wind blows....sometimes I'd like to be like Dorothy and be taken to OZ :big_grin:
  18. Susan, Happy to hear Gatsby is sorta back to his ol self :big_grin: My thoughts and prayers are with your 2 students as they cope with the loss of a parent. I'm glad to hear your Mom is seeing a specialist; it's a shame her dioc is so laid back with her symptoms cobsidering her history. I must say though I'm also concerned about you and the stress you are dealing with in coping with what's occuring with your Mom. You need to take care of yourself too. Prolonged stress is a risk factor of stroke as you are aware I am sure. Please take care of yourself, ok??? (((Hugs)))
  19. Phyllis, Thank you sooooo much for the link. As Bonnie did, I will be doing - sending it to people I know with cats or dogs.
  20. Marden, Congrats on the 3rd anniversary and to your daughter for the scholarship. Hope she has a great and safe time at Prom. And Congrats to her on upcoming graduation. As to Northstar....everything happens for a reason....and maybe it was not meant for you to participate in the trial. Something better will come along for you.
  21. Susan, (((hugs))) to little Gatsby. Poor baby. He will be fine but will probably sulk around for a few days to play on your emotions. I once had a declawed male cat who years after the declawing would sit and hold a paw up in the air like he was in horrible pain....then 2 seconds later would be chasing his brother around the house like a madman. They work us lol, just like kids do. I've never gotten a cat declawed since then either. l Is he biting his hair? My Mom has a Shitzu, Angel, who has skin allergies and will bite at her hair. Mom has to bathe her once a week with a special shampoo.
  22. dstraugh

    my issues

    Kerry, I am so glad to hear you have an appointment with a therapist to work on codependency issues. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: to you. That's the first step towards being a happier you. Here's a link for you also: http://www.codependents.org/ . This is Codependents Anonymous. Best of luck and (((Hugs))) are coming your way.
  23. Janice, Hope Joe starts to feel better soon and the docs give you answers. :console:
  24. George, Let's just hope and pray that no "wild" critter gets close enough for you to have to use spray or for Tippy to get attacked.
  25. dstraugh


    Susie, So glad you are quickly closing in on your summer vacation. My daughter has a bit longer than that - closer to end of May. Yes, teenagers can be soooooo mean. My daughter (k_2010) has experienced the mean streaks this year big time as she was selected for the cheer squad. My daughter is not the "stereotype" cheerleader body style. Some of the students were horrible to her; but she stood up to them and didn't quit the squad as other girls may have done. She said to those who were cruel! - That's my girl :big_grin: