
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. George, The shoulder will come in His time I do believe as everything else. Congrats on the changing Tippy. I'm sure she is just as sweet - you're definitely right about the training process and "accidents" with females vs. males. The bear spray sounds awesome but what about deterrment for wolves?
  2. Fred That was very touching. And Miss Asha, you try to leave this site and a whole bunch of people will be chasing you down :chase:
  3. cyndi Great welcome back blog. So glad to hear you are where you want to be and things are going well for you. All blogs are not going to be upbeat and cheery. They are a tool for venting and working through issues that maybe burdening us. Let's face facts, our lives are not ones that are perky 24/7 even with a positive attitude.
  4. J My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hopefully, the fond memories you have will help you through this time. Your Dad is now with his "Lady" again. :hug: to you.
  5. Katrina, Welcome to the Blog Community. Your poems are fantastic. You should pursue getting your poems published.
  6. Bonnie, Congratulations on hitting the 4-year mark :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: . Yes, you have come a long way in the four years; you are truly an incentive for those of us looking ahead to our "own" 4-year mark.
  7. Sue, So sorry your trip was a nightmare. I hope, after your soreness dissapates. you can find some humor about your "stroll" through the cow paddy. It will take Ray physically longer to totally heal due to the fracture and his age as well. Even for myself, as I'm climbing the age ladder, I notice it takes a longer time for the healing process to complete. Added to that the fear of taking a nose dive to the floor again is probable spooking Ray and understandably so. I know, it's been a year since I've actually fallen, but I've had close calls. I would definitely let the group leader know of the difficulty you endured on the trip. In my opinion, that was descrimination. Also, your intentions were good, remember that. The scooter idea is good. Here, in the States, there are programs to assist in the acquisition of one. Hopefully, there is such programs for you. For your own sanity, you may need to take trips without Ray but remember to leave your guilt behind - I'm sure Ray would want you to "enjoy" yourself even though he can't verbalize it. (((Hugs))) to you both
  8. Mary Jo, So glad you had a good Thursday. You're so right, this site has so much in common with AA. Pre, I acquired a degree in Chemical Dependency Counseling. We all are in some form of recovery - pre I was in recovery from life experiences.
  9. dstraugh

    so close

    Marden Here's to all going well. I work at: Let go, Let God. All is in His time, His way.
  10. Hey Susan, thumbs up!!!!!!! Enjoy!!
  11. Phyllis, I get a headache even contemplating that far into the future. But on the flip side, we've come a long way in 100 years - some good some not so good.
  12. Kelly, So glad you've gotten some answers. I don't have a PFO (as far as I know) but have heard of many successes in the closure process and people are happy they had it done. You're in my thoughts (((((Hugs))))
  13. dstraugh


    Kimmie, I understand how you feel. It's a shame we're on opposiite sides of the Valley. My Crystal (alias dumb dumb cat) and guinea pig Tinkerbell (carrot queen) keep me company during the day while Kiddo is at school. Strokenetwork has been my salvation as it keeps my brain cells challenged. Hope your days go better! :hug:
  14. I'm sure I'd recognize Ode to Joy. I remember my kiddo playing it on her recorder prior to taking up the violin. Pre she tried to teach me to play as part of an assignment from the orchestra teacher. The stroke was good in that regard as she doesn't pester me anymore to learn (until she can devise a way for me to tackle it one handed lol) Keep up the good Work!!!. We'll have to schedule a virtual concert.
  15. Mary Jo, I too am for cremation. In addition, if they can find anything to salvage at the time, I'm an organ donor. I've convinced, I think, my Kiddo that this is a good thing. It's nice you have your yard to "lose" yourself in - I bet it's peacful with birds chirping. I too am an Idol fanatic. I'm rooting for Jordin too. The guys haven't totally impressed me this year with their singing. I do like Chris and Blake's smiles :big_grin:
  16. dstraugh


    Betty Jean, Loved your blog. I wished my kiddo had the opportunity to learn from our older family members; however, the majority have passed. Of course, to her, I was around when the dinosaurs roamed lol. I don't want to be around at 102 either, but hope I am around to enjoy grandkids one day - I'll spoil them and send em home :big_grin: Happy Birthday to your Dad!
  17. Tippy is precious. Suggestion of chew toys for when he's going through the "teething" process. For sure I hope my kiddo doesn't see these pics lol - I'm having a tough enough time. Before you know it Tippy will be home with his family. Good going George on strengthening the left leg.
  18. Glad to help out......just shows that, at the time, my healthy brain cells were in control..... :big_grin:
  19. dstraugh

    The Wonder of Life

    The wonder of life......includes the wonder of you!!!!! We are so fortunate to have you among us, spreading your words of wisdom. Your "construction" story had me going for a bit - guess the damaged brain cells are in control today. I look forward to seeing robins again in Pennsylvania. Didn't think I'd miss those little birds but I do. Never knew they were that creative with their nesting material....or maybe the normally dominate brain cells did but didn't tell the others. :big_grin:
  20. dstraugh


    Dear Daughter, I can't wait til the talent show Thursday evening. I will do my best not to blubber as you are singing "Hero". I am so proud of you for all your accomplishments. :mwah: You are focused on your studies now, which is necessary for future education and employment. You can't "buy" a Vet or Marine Biologist Degree. You Go Girl!! :cheer: :cheer:
  21. That sounds like soooo much fun!!! You'll have to fill us in with fun details. Here is the full link: http://www.merlefest.org/ :music_band:
  22. Can't wait to see pics of Tippy. He can be our mascot! Of course, that's after you and Lesley have properly trained him lol! I have to make sure kiddo doesn't read any blogs regarding Tippy as she's whiny about wanting a dog too. :big_grin:
  23. Carol, We are still smart. It is just those "smart" cells are overshadowed by the ones that are reeling from experiencing the stroke. Like you, pre I always did for everyone else; to the point that I worked in Social Services - always giving to others as well as giving to everyone outside clientele. It is difficult being on the receiving end now - something that has taken getting used to. But...look at it this way - we're still "giving" people - just do it online now as we reach out to others with guidance and experience.
  24. Sue, Glad you had a good visit with your Mum. And....the news that Ray walked into church! It may not be pretty but he made it, that's what's important. Your thoughts on acceptance got me thinking - where am I regarding acceptance? Hmmmmm...........thank you for the subject of a future blog.
  25. Ann, We are trully grateful to having you with us in our world. We may be coming in at different angles (survivor/caregiver/family/friend) but a stroke has brought us all together and fortunately brought us to this wonderful website. None of us know for sure where this journey will lead us. But we we did know one thing - we are not traveling alone.