
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. George, I'm so happy the therapy is helping. You'll be soon lugging that boat around with no difficulty whatsoever. As to puppy names, how about the original name - Oreo or Tux as in Tuxedo.
  2. dstraugh


    From the album: Donna

    "decked out"
  3. George, Sorry if we "made things worse" by suggesting getting both pups lol! Your point is well taken regarding stress and being a worry wort. I was not born one, but quickly became one in a reaction to "life experiences". Granted, it was "my" reaction to events and incidences that occurred. Just as physical changes take practice, I know these mental "stress-related" changes also will take progress. The biggie for me has been incorporating your 93% theory - that has assisted me immensely. Congrats to you and "Mike" for recent accomplishments. WTG!!
  4. George, Congrats on the new puppy. I like the idea of getting both pups like Dickons said. It all hinges, of course, if you and Lesley are up to adopting 2 "children". The buddy system is full of advantages as well as disadvantages. With regard to Mom in New Zealand. You well know the old saying, "Da--ed if you do, Da--ed if you don't"; only you, Lesley, and Mom can decide what is best for all concerned.
  5. Wendie, You will make the right decisions for the 2 of you. To help you, why not write a pros vs. cons list to help you weigh the odds.
  6. Lucy, :friends: :hug: to you as you face this ordeal. What is the doc recommending to do to take care of this calcification? I hope the therapy can assist you in your goal to go to Africa. From what I know about you here on the site, your positive outlook and attitude will carry you through any rough tiimes
  7. dstraugh


    I too have been a worrywort all my life (and that's awhile as I'm now 53). Stress too is my enemy. And although I understand there are things not in my control, that doesn't make it any easier. I put myself in "timeout" to force myself to calm down and b-r-e-a-t-h-e. I'm an avid reader; I've found this helps me too. Normally, the computer - web surfing is beneficial. However, I need to purchase a new mouse as mine is sticking and STRESSING me out! :Flame-On: I hope things go better for you
  8. Phyllis, Glad to hear you're driving is good to go. Glad you had good birthday dinner. As to petalsoflife, I will pm you my personal email address, ok? And...you're on page #1 lol
  9. Sue, :hug: :hug: to you dear lady. No, you are not walking alone. Even those of us who walk kinda funny are right there with you.
  10. Mary Jo, Congratulations on walking away from temptation!!!! WTG!!! Worry about you and Bill and no one else.
  11. Dave, If I could, I'd give you a standing ovation (standing and clapping comes under the multitasking lol) Way to Go on the accomplishment as well as having such a supportive family.
  12. dstraugh

    It works!

    Diane, Your blog brought tears of joy to my eyes! I'm so happy for you. Your world has opened up even more! :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  13. dstraugh

    Blizzard of 06

    Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! :cold: Gave me the chills just looking at it.
  14. dstraugh


    Beautiful scenery! Reminds me of some of the canyon areas in Arizona :big_grin:
  15. Dave, Even Prestroke, I always believed they wrote "how to" manuels all wrong. :uhm:
  16. Betty Jean, That is so fascinating! I also believe in the "ghostly presence". It would be interesting to track down the history of former residents of the home or property to get an idea of the "who" your apparition is and their story. It is said we all have guardian angels, maybe this person is your's and Jim's.
  17. dstraugh


    You're not stupid, just human. Even sometimes with family history of a medical condition we still have the blinders on and say "Not ME" :yeahrite: The good thing as that you are now aware and can take appropriate precautions so you can be around for a L-O-N-G L-O-N-G time
  18. What is my Dream? Hmmmmm........it has changed since the stroke landed in my life on 1-1-05. For now, considering attainable dreams, my dream is to be the best Mom I can be to my daughter; to guide her through her remaining high school years and as she prepares to attend college. I will be sitting at her college graduation, as she was at mine, cheering her on. I will support and encourage her as she pursues her career choice of veternarian. One day, I will attend her wedding, followed by becoming a grandma to her children. I'll continue to be a Mom to my furry creatures. What will I do after Kiddo graduates and is on her own? I dream that my recovery will proceed to the point that I can obtain a paid employment position - as I am still young enough to work.
  19. Sue, The :Angel: :Angel: :Angel: :Angel: are looking out for you and Ray. You will be able to make the best decisions for both of you. :hug: :hug: to you both
  20. Diane, Oh best of luck with the new device. That will be SUPER if it can help you talk.
  21. George, Faith and determination are key ingredients in recovery. There are also ingredients consisting of excellent insurance coverage and financial resources to cover what insurance does not. I am happy for you and support you in your drive to recovery. There are those of us; however, who find it difficult to maintain the basics of survival let alone venture out to "experiment" with new programs. Although I cannot fathom being able to utilize various programs at this stage of my life, I still gain hope from reading about others who can and hopefully find success. I guess what I'm saying, for some of us, our recovery choices fall into the 93% of what we have no control over. With the 7% I do control, I do my range of motion, weight bearing, and lifting on my own. Take Care
  22. Ellen, Three cheers :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: to Denny for his compassion and ability to remain passionate about what matters to him. If more in our society would "slow" down and realize the world around them, maybe life would be better for all. Ellen, thank you for sharing this inspirational story.
  23. Fred, I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  24. dstraugh

    Winter is Coming

    It is so sad how ignorant people are towards those of us who are "different". I'm sure though that's that way with all disabilities, not just stroke. Yhank goodness though, that with modern medicine, there are more of us able to be out in the world and not the alternative. We can live life, just differently.
  25. dstraugh


    Marty, Phyllis is right, Mrs 007 would probably get custody, you'd end up having to have only visitation rights plus have to pay kitty support - long run - keep both. They do have a way of "taking over". My darling, Crystal, is 7 years old and is 1/2 Siamese (Black & White). She just celebrated her 7th birthday wearing (of course for the camera) a tierra. She steals my couch, guards the refrigerator, and steals the covers - but we wouldn't have her any other way