
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Sherri, Glad to see your future looks bright - it does take time for the "mental" effects to stabilize and to start liking youself once again. Your hubby sounds super - does he have a brother or Uncle? :big_grin:
  2. dstraugh

    Don't Quit

    Thank you for sharing your story - Your don't give up asttitude has gotten you far.
  3. Joanne, ((HUGS)) to you. Hopefully things begin looking brighter.
  4. dstraugh

    Looking Good

    Ann, You have every right to vent and throw a temper tantrum if you so wish too. You deserve a BIG Gold Medal or at least a Star for taking care of Bill the way you do. Generally, others only see the end result and don't give a thought as to how the results came into being in the first place. As to the trip - I've definitely learned that if something appears to good to be true, it usually isn't good and/or true.
  5. Good luck on the April therapy. I am 2 years post. Medicaide won't approve any more therapy even with my doc recommending it. PC was not in agrrement and filed an appeal - nope - still denied. PC then referred me to neuro (who was the biggest nincompoop I've ever met). Bottom line - I do what I can on my own and there is small improvements. This summer I qualify for medicare - maybe I get more assistance there. As to your snow - spring will settle in - Jack Frost just doesn't like to give up easily.
  6. Susan, Every little thing you do, every 1st post accomplishment proves the stroke didn't win! Yeah!
  7. George, :cloud9: Mere words cannot describe the feeling I got after reading your words of wisdom.
  8. dstraugh

    Easter Weekend

    Congrats on your successful adventure. I love horses buy never had opportunity to ride one. Rode a donkey once hehe - does that count?? (Of course he bit me afterwards)
  9. Bob, Great insight and reflection into the new you. Just think what the future has in store for you through your faith and positive outlook. It's a honor to be a staff member with you.
  10. dstraugh

    you are strong

    Kerry, You are doing one heck of a job just as all the other fantastic, terrific, and wonderful caregivers and family members caring for us survivors. Dear Friend, it only makes sense that you're feeling frustrated over the reaction of those not "in the know" regarding stroke - us survivors hear the same idiotic comments. Yes, you are tired; yes, the same things are done day in and day out - you need to take Kerry-time too so you get a break. Even if it's a short period of time, it's better than no break at all. It's not the quanity of time spent on you - it's the quality of the time that counts/what is beneficial. Chin up - :friends:
  11. Phyllis, I went to site, started registration until they wanted credit card info (that spooked me)
  12. dstraugh


    Nice lookin family
  13. Amy, Like anything else - if you don't use it, you lose it. I think, I lnow I've done this, looked at my recovery like I look at antibiotics. The doc presscribes them to be taken over a 10 ten day period. Yet, as soon as I feel a smidge better, it's a "chore" to take the remainder. Maybe you just need a "boost" so...................................................... :cheer: :cheer: GO G-O GO AMY GO!! :cheer: :cheer: Hope you get into a routine.
  14. Ann, Sorry to hear your back is flaring up. I hope you get some relief soon. Isn't there anyone who can assist you with Bill - even for short periods of time? Back pain stinks. I empathize with you as I experioence pain in my lower back on a daily basis. Kinda learn to live with it unless it goes into massive flareup mode. For an over the counter relief, I've discovered that Bayer Back & Body takes the "edge" off.
  15. Welcome to the Blogging world!!! We all experience the mixed bag of emotions - that's a natural part of stroke survival. But, we made it; our # wasn't up - He's not ready for us just yet. I too would suggest a job change if that's at all possible. It's amazing how rude and cold some individuals can be - they don't have a clue on how to care for others; they're self-centered. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.
  16. dstraugh


    Thank you Sue! That was beautiful. Hope your Easter is blessed.
  17. Yes, You are a SURVIVOR You are #1 - His Loss, Your Gain. Glad to hear things are going well. Happy Easter to you and your Mom.
  18. dstraugh

    good week

    Kimmie, Glad you had a good week except for the "legal" stuff. Happy Belated Birthday to Hubby! :yay:
  19. dstraugh


    One Step at a time up the ladder!!!! You Go Girl
  20. dstraugh


    From the album: Donna

    My Brother-dearest!!
  21. Bob, Glad to hear the lucid you discussed with your friends what to do should this occur again. I've been meaning to let you know too that I have tuned into your station; I like it alot. You've done a fantastic job with it.
  22. Phyllis, I too am a shorty 5'3" (used to be 5'4" - Shrinking already). Like Bonnie, prestroke I would do whatever it took to get to high places. I think you and I would be a funny pair as I too am extremely uncoordinated LOL. And...taking on projects with assembly involved.....nightmare!!
  23. Mary Jo, Welcome to the blog community. My deepest sympathies to you, your Mom and family. Hopefully you will find blogging as therapeutic as many of us do. Here in "cyber" world, we're among family. Take care.
  24. dstraugh

    My World

    Kelly, Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Many of us, including me, find this extremely therapeutic. Who would of thought we'd all meet this way and become a part of each other's lives. Don't give up on recovery - granted, it won't be 100% - but you're here with your hubby and children, far better than the alternative.
  25. Ken Happy 3rd year anniversary. Glad to hear your walking is coming along also.