
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Dave, Yes it takes practice, practice, and more practice. You are reteaching your brain. Although it seems like it is taking forever, it's probably not in all reality. My daughter had a recorder in elementary school, which eventually headed her into playing the violin (she's in her 6th year). Pre she tried to teach ME lol - I'm not musically inclined outside of listening/enjoying. As a matter of fact, my parents BEGGED me to stop playing the clarinet in elementary school.
  2. Sue, Busy Busy Lady for sure. Glad Grandparent's Day was such a success. The kids are just so proud to "show off" their family. I do wish my Mother was more involved with my Kiddo's activities. She has been playing the violin for 6 years and not once has Grandma come to a concert. Always an excuse. But then she moans when Kiddo doesn't want to spend time with her - it is a 2-way street - especially once they become a teenager lol.
  3. Way to go for Seizing the Moment. Best of Luck - Teaching in Washington DC - how exciting. My kiddo's Biology teacher just left the school to pursue a dream - RN - she's been trying to work and go to school at night. Before she ended up in divorce court, she opted to make some changes.
  4. dstraugh


    From the album: Donna

    Hi Mom - Happy Birthday
  5. My prayers and thoughts for all of you.
  6. dstraugh


    A little tough love never hurt anyone. Tell Jim you push him cos you love him so much.
  7. Dave, Here I was hoping your next blog would be about more music being played on your recorder. Maybe in the near future, Pain will leave you alone or at least give you a break. What about getting relief through hypnosis? I'm sure too that this hinders you in completing your "honey-do" lists.
  8. Sherry, :wtg: :You-Rock: Yes you do Girl!!! I never wanted to write the possibility of him cheating but believe me I thought it!! Were you friends with Michelle? You and her hubby have alot in common. I hope you can "get" him in court but good! I hate pond scum like that.
  9. dstraugh

    in my dreams

    That was touching and beautiful.
  10. Marden, Good luck to you. Like you, my insurance company has locked the door to approving anymore therapy. I was going to respond to the trial until I saw the panicked look on my daughter's face as we discussed it. If I wasn't a single Mom of a 14 year old, I'd jump at it.
  11. dstraugh

    Princess Crystal

    From the album: Donna

    "Yes dahlings, it is my birthday - you may worship me"
  12. dstraugh

    Just another day

    Amy, Congratulations on becoming more acquainted with the new Amy. Getting spruced up and enjoying it is a great and brave step. Glad to hear you're getting caught up on movies too.
  13. Ann, That blasted bleeping is enough to wake the dead. I experienced something similar last week in my apartment. Our smoke detectors are electric and the wiring went bad. Fortunately for us, it was during daylight hours. Just gave the cat and I a scare everytime it bleeped until maintenance arrived.
  14. dstraugh


    Phyllis, Times have definitely changed, unfortunately. I am glad though that you were able to stop the card without being charged. I generally use my debit card for purchases and in most stores I am required to show photo ID also.
  15. dstraugh


    So sorry to hear you're not feeling up to par - probably not even able to practice your recorder right now. Pain and nasuea are a terrible combination. Are you under medical treatment? Maybe med level nees to be adjusted. (((((hugs)))))) - here's hoping you feel better soon.
  16. dstraugh

    He's so strong

    Cindy, Best of luck as you two face this next challenge. Isn't the body and brain amazing at what it can do to persevere - that's the result, I feel anyway, of a positive attitude, faith, and determination.
  17. Phyllis, That was beautiful. You were probably trying to post when the system was crashing. The only thing really working through the day was our Blog Community.
  18. George, Great mind cleansing. I'll work on that one, that's for sure. You're so right about "picking" which battles to fight. I must learn to do that or drive myself loco.
  19. Bill, Congratulations are definitely in order for the 2 yearanniversary. I too feel it's important to focus on what you have right now. Granted, things are different than from pre. But you ARE here, you ARE a survivor, and you WILL have MANY more to celebrate. And, you have a vehicle that you and your lovable-looking sidekick can cruise in.
  20. dstraugh

    A Couple of Sundries...

    Hi there! And congratulations on your stroll. :wtg: . The conversation you had w/ your YS was enjoyable and moving. If he does any more searches and reads this one he'll probably :blush-anim-cl:
  21. Robyn, So glad to see your update. Things are going well for you; that is good, you deserve happiness. You've been able to obtain closure and open up doors and windows of your new life. I'm thrilled for you. Take care, Donna
  22. dstraugh

    I'm being herded!

    Sophie will get the hang of learning she must stay out of your way....the question remains though will she? I went through this with Crystal, my cat. The stinker knows to get out of my way and will, when she's good and ready. She's famous for having to stretch just as I'm trying to get around her. Best of luck.
  23. Susan, :congrats: on your upcoming 2 year anniversary! Here's to a great day and many many more to celebrate! :Clap-Hands: :cheer:
  24. Amy, So glad you two had a great time. Not only seeing great concert but having your daughter with you to share it made it doubly exciting I'm sure
  25. dstraugh


    Al Best of luck to you. Hope you're able to acquire your expert and all goes smoothly. Not that the word smoothly is ever found in the courtroom situation.