
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Diana, I am so so happy for you.
  2. dstraugh


    Katrina sweetie first of al gorgeous picture! You just had to be one of the most beautiful gals there I bet. You make a sweet couple. Fantastic news on how great your job is going. What a terrific experience for you. Once again, Auntie Donna is very very proud of you. (((hugs)))
  3. dstraugh


    Ann, Enjoy your time away dear lady as you truly deserve this "Ann" time. I know you would not have gone if Bill was not doing well or was not going to have great care while you were away. Enjoy your time and thank you for updating us - 5 months huh? Time flies when you're so busy.
  4. dstraugh

    First entry

    Hi Diana, Great first entry dear. Taking the blog plunge isn't as hard as it appears. I'm sure, in time, you will be able to do the many things that you want to. My thoughts are with your sister's father-in-law and for Robin for a terrific recovery. I look forward to more entries from you. How's are the still newlyweds doing???
  5. I'm so happy to hear Jo that all turned out ok at the doctors; hope he can resolve your rash issue. I occasionally get an itchy rash on my affected leg from my afo and the itch drives me crazy. After 4 years, if a scratch the itch must be careful as the skin wil break down quickly and I'll have a greater mess to deal with. Enjoy your summer sweetie - look forward to hearing all about your trips.
  6. dstraugh

    Vacation 2009

    Terrific entry Wes and great account of vacation with the exception of course of American Airlines. Dynamite pictures as well.
  7. Terrific entry Sherry. I also think you should compile your entries into a book. You are awesome sweetie and quite inspiring.
  8. That is a terrific song Yolie. We all have our share of mountains to climb that's for sure. Thank you for sharing with us.
  9. dstraugh

    Time Slips Away

    Naomi, Hi there stranger! Yes, time does go speeding by huh. Why does it seem too that the older we get the further it flies? For me, it seems that since I have learned post stroke to appreciate each day, the days just motor on bye so much faster. I'm so glad you had a great visit with Wes and Debbie - that's super. even after 4 years, my family will see improvements in me as we don't see each other on a weekly or monthly basis. Toe comments do help to forge ahead. Just think how much more improvement you will see the next time you see Wes - that's super he is doing so well.
  10. Hi Sue and welcome home dear. Glad your trip went well and you are home safe and sound.
  11. The latest trip was last Friday (prior to Memorial Day) of going on a round trip to the library (4 miles total) plus cruisin inside the library. No problems encountered out of the ordinary. Weather since has deterred me as forecast has been rain and the forecasters were right so good thing I paid attention. When I spoke to my brother the other night, he let me know that he's heard reports of Donna sitings in the area
  12. dstraugh

    Morning Glory

    Beautiful poem Lisa. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
  13. Lisa, Welcome t the blog community. I agree, our lives are definitely based on balancing. I also have a child at home. My daughter was 12 when stroke smacked into me - she's now 16 - will be 17 in August.
  14. dstraugh

    Summer Break

    Katrina gal - Congratulations on your grades sweetie. Oh, and who said they were going to fail this year???? Do you know this gal??? I'm so so proud of you, You hung in there and it paid off for you. Super news as well about your extracurricular activities with the clubs and organizations. Will be looking forward to hearing about your summer job. Looking forward to seeing the prom pictures as well. Bet you were the best looking couple there. I know how badly you feel about your friend; try to take the quiet time though as a chance to regroup yourself. Before you know it, summer will have gone by and you'll be tackling college courses once again. (((hugs)))
  15. Cathy, Congratulations Grandma!! Exciting news. How cool is that that the children will able close in age. Grandma will be vey busy.
  16. Beautiful picture Woody and Susi. What a wonderful memory to have of your 15th wedding anniversary.
  17. Keep forging ahead Ken. Hope your docs in Aussie-land gain access to newer therapies. Foot drop does stink.
  18. Good for you Jeannie. I have done sports bras since right after the stroke. One day I still hope to be able to wear a real bra and not ones with Hanes Sportswear on the front LOL
  19. Sherrie, You've been quite busy dear. Never a dull moment for you for sure. Glad your day was better. Your new home sounds terrific.
  20. dstraugh

    My Loss and My Gain

    Fred, I'm glad you have received answers finally. As we know, as recovery does not end, maybe the brain will rewire itself and usage of your affected arm and hand will improve. Hang in there dear friend and keep on keepin on. Hooray on your use of your leg!!!
  21. Hi Cindy and welcome to the blog community! As Asha stated the road to recovery is so different for each of us. Your family could be "over-protective" of you as they are scared that something else will happen to you. When stroke first met up with me, my daughter (she was 12 then) and I were living 2400 miles away from most of our family. As it was just her and I, I did not really experience that watchfulness that you are. As I singe Mom I had to push myself hard in my recovery so I could be independent versus having to go to a nursing facility. I hope your shoulder improves so you can return to your therapy. For me, I still have to remain cautious as my good side has taken the brunt of 4 years recovery and adapting for my affected side.
  22. Sue, Hve a wonderful trip dear. You certainly deserve it. Enjoy!!!
  23. Karen, No matter what family says, please try not to let it get you down. Those on the outside have no clue what it's like. My family, at times, will remark on how so and so had a stroke and recovered rather quickly. It is difficult not to get upset but getting upset only brings us down more. I too, at times, become over-stimulated whe iin large crowds. I usually go off and spend "Donna time" to regroup You are a miracle to be here, hold your head up proud and :nana: to them
  24. Thank you all for your support and well wishes. BTW - 3rd trip out today to the beauty salon as my Bro couldn't ride me too and from as originally planned. He was going to send one of his workers, then I suggested going in my chair. I assured him I'd be careful on that hill down to the main street and off I went. Only glitch was sidewalk repair where I had to turn around and proceed on the opposite side of the street. Wasn't far to the next block to cross thankfully. The chair is charged and ready to go for next venture :happydance:
  25. I had another first today!!!! I was told that I best blog about it, so here goes - another entry in the same week. I left home and went to the local convenience store with my power chair!! First run on my own since I got it. When I first got the chair and relocated it to the basement (that's where ramps are to get out as I can't utilize the front of the house easily) I experienced difficulty getting it up the ramps and into the house as my ramps were not "professionally" installed. I was advised by family that I'd not be able to get out and back in on my own. That one and only time, Kristi had to lean into the back of it to give me the added umph to get the chair up the ramps. Today, I was home alone as Kristi was working. I was going stir crazy being cooped up and not totally independent. As our back yard was finally mowed (after all the rain we've had it had been a jungle and I would definitely not have been able to negotiate the yard) I figured, it was sunny but chilly - good time to venture out. I even put on a bit of makeup too LOL. Initially I was going to go out with my hemi-walker but thought to self, "Donna, why not try the power chair and see if you can do it" Not only did I get the chair out the door but locked up the house after and went on my merry way. I did need some assistance from a neighbor (kid that Kristi knows from school) to help me adjust the seat belt so I didn't slide off the chair going downhill. One handed I could not get the darn thing adjusted. He helped willingly (nice kid ) and off I went down through the yard to the alley way that runs behind our house to the main street and the sidewalks. Now, that main street in a hill and I had to go down it. Going downhill the first time was mighty scary as I was fearful the darn chair would take off on me. When I came to a stop, with the steepness, I could feel the back of the chair lifting up on me a little. As I was unsure how far it would go (it does have the added stopper in the front though - honest so not to tip over forward) I put my good foot on the ground to be an added brake LOL. After I got off the hill, it was clear sailing for the remainder of my journey. Coming back was even easier. I know as I get more used to it, I'll be a pro in no time. My first independent cruise and power chair 101 was exhilarating to say the least. Kristi was on break from work and called me on my cell while I was out and to say the least was surprised and happy for me. She wants me to meet her after work, when she gets off the bus from work and we'll come home together. Yep gonna go - 2nd outing and a bit farther of a cruise :happydance: . The chair is on charge right now to ensure I don't run out of "juice". A song comes to mind..."On the road again....." Later gators!!