
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Yes, Spring is coming - your gadgets look interesting and useful.
  2. Sue, I admire you even more!! You are a remarkable lady.
  3. So glad to hear Bill is ok. I think about the wobbly days I have, and always try to use extra caution. I've had a few "oopsies" where I've "landed" safely and manageably. No outright "down on the floor" for a year. It is harder, I think, to see diagnosis and prognosis in writing versus the doc just telling one what is wrong. It is amazing how our bodies try to rectify and "bounce" back from things we put these "vessels" through.
  4. dstraugh

    Day Off

    I've never seen that one. We have Netflix subscription and do see some pretty good movies. Sophie just sounds so precious
  5. dstraugh

    Just thinking today

    Amy, Writing and replying to blogs is indeed therapeutic. I can see a positive progression in your blogging - :wtg: . They all won't be all positive and smiley as that is not realistic. However, the therapy part of it lies in being able to see the upside (even through humor) of what our lives are versus the alternative. Frankly, since I've never been much of a gardner, I wouldn't be "pushing up daisies", I'd be fertilizing WEEDS. Take care and remember to S-M-I-L-E
  6. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :happydance: George, I'm so happy for you. If I wouldn't fall on my nose lol, I'd do a happy dance too!!
  7. Amy, Keep pluggin away. There will be good as well as bad, and the good will out-number the bad. I think that's what you're experiencing now. You're on the right track.
  8. George, So glad you had a good report yesterday. I agree with #6 as the reason why - ALL THE ABOVE :thumbs up: It's finally dawned on me (duh) I can only control what I do......my insurance company puts limitations on me for therapy and what they'll cover regarding the stroke...that battle I know I can't win....but what I can do and do try to do everyday is look to the positives of the day. Thank you for your continued words of wisdom......they help remind me to practice what I "preach"
  9. Lesley, In addition to the little box to your left as you're typing...at the bottom of that little box you'll see "show all". Click on that and another window opens up with the full collection of strokenet emoticons. Hope your shifts are not overly eventful. A steady flow of mild cases would help pass the time but not wear you out. It's nice that George is a "true" handyman with you lending a "helping" hand. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. I'm enjoying your blogging abilities as well. You keep in mind, if George wants to be "lazy" and not help you - jusk ask - we'll all help you - anytime (So there George)lol
  10. Hope you have a good time at the concert! Once you get your beans roasted, ground, and brewed, we'll have to come visit and have a cup of java.
  11. Carol, Beautiful blog. It does seem that our society tends to "judge" or "compare" diseases and illnesses. More though, is being said about stroke awareness. It's about time although still far behind. There is still so much "unknown" territory of the brain. I too sometimes have short term memory isssues when my brain far-s - at least it doesn't smell) Why not try to keep a daily journal - jotting down everything that happpens - good as well as bad. You might discover more good than bad if you're honest with yourself. Or....increase your blogging if you can. Good luck, chin up, and (((HUGS)))
  12. Marden, Like you, I enjoy posting and blogging as well as connecting with everone through their posts and blogs. Yesterday was a tough one - I for one felt like I was "grounded" until the site opened up in the afternoon. The site was down for updating purposes.
  13. :hug: to you. I wish I could wave a wand and make everyone's problems disappear. Since that's an impossibility, I would suggest too that you seek counseling in order to cope with the double loss. Keep in mind, the sun may be behind the clouds right now, but it will be sunny soon. See if you can obtain a body pillow to cuddle up with at night. It's a good sign if you're getting through the daylight hours. Work with your dog in learning how to "cuddle".
  14. dstraugh

    no appeal

    Kimmie, Sorry to hear about the status of appeal process. One positive thing though, you can now put all this behind you and move forward (after you get dental infection healed). You need a windy day to blow all the junk stuff away so you have bright cheerful days.
  15. Sue, Bless you dear lady. You are coping w/so much right now. You know what you need? (Besides a stiff drink? :cocktail: ) a :friends:
  16. dstraugh

    Death in Family...

    Mel, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhwhhhheeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww - I hope enough gets your way to get rid of all the nasty stuff around you. You will all make it through this just as you did when you experienced your stroke.
  17. George, Your blog is inspirational. Brought tears to my eyes as I read about Hope. You are a wonderful writer and I say to you what I've said to HostSue - you should write a book.
  18. Kristen, My "green" thumb is so "ungreen" that a cactus plant will shrink back into the dirt to get away from me lol. Depending on how warm your temps are, I'd pull those other apparently "dead things" if they should be showing some signs of spring growth. Only once in my history was I successful w/a planting area and the X got custody of it after the divorce!! lol
  19. dstraugh


    Marden, Your daughter's 18th birthday sounds like it will be fun. If your daughter has been involved in cheer for a long time, it would be great if she decided to pursue cheer in college. Like you, spring comes early for us in AZ too(Phoenix area). As a matter of fact, blink and you miss Spring as it's rapidly Summer temps.
  20. dstraugh

    This week....so far

    Hi there my sweet kiddo :hug: :hug: I failed to officially and publicly welcome you to the blog world with your 1st entry - bad Mom :BashHead: I'm proud of you and appreciative of all you do for me and your "4-legged sisters" even if I don't remember to verbalize a :thankyou: each time. If it weren't for you helping and caring for me, I'd have to be in a facility as there are things I can not accomplish on my own (though I try and make a mess - oops). You are my light, my love, my everything!!! You're still my miracle-baby although you're taller than me! :wub2:
  21. dstraugh


    Ladies, I hear you both loud and clear and whole heartedly agree. Of course, I'm saying this on a good day - but these good days are what carry me through the yucky ones. Yes, my stroke changed my life and my kiddo's life forever - but ahe has said, on numerous occasions, she is glad I had the stroke as it slowed me down (employment/burnout wise) and she has her Mom back. It doesn't matter to her (for the most part) that I walk like a penguin, or cry and look like a monkey puckered up - she has me here. For that I am thankful and blessed.
  22. Lesley, Kia Ora to you as you join the Blog Community. I don't envy you doing all that shoveling :cold: but your part of the country sounds absolutely beautiful.
  23. dstraugh

    Been too long

    Bob, I second that motion by Phyllis about the web site and the petition. I'm definitely interested. We're scheduled to get some thunderstorms in AZ mostly on Friday. Being in the Valley, the lightening is viscious and the thunder seems to roll forever. We do desperately need the rain - the lightening just causes too many problems ie wild fires.
  24. dstraugh


    Congratulations on Sophie. She sounds beautiful