
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Kristen, Unlike Sue, lol, who wants to sic the garden gods after you, I give you credit for trying. You don't know what those bulbs were - they could have been absolutely horrible - as we know everyone's tastes are different. Even prior to the stroke, I was terrrible at planting and growing things. I swear the plants died to get away from me. Good luck with your new garden.
  2. George, Fabulous blog!!! And so true - what goes into the body (like negativity) will be what comes out. It's the power of positive thinking vs. stinkin thinkin. If I'm having a pretty crappy day, I definitely work to dismiss it by the time my daughter gets home from school. It's not fair to her to bog her down with my "poop". Your neck of the "woods" sounds absolutely beautiful.
  3. dstraugh


    Yes Jean, you are 100% correct - that line was from Gone With the Wind and was said by our Miss Scarlett as the last line in the movie. As I had read what Betty Jean wrote, that was the first thing that came to mind That line is in the Trivial Pursuit game too - alot of people think that Rhett's comment was the last.
  4. dstraugh


    "Afterall, tomorrow is another day." Brtty Jean, and how many others remember which movie that line was from and who said it? The helicopter sounds really neat! I wish I could manuever something like that - would drive my poor cat insane like she does me :big_grin:
  5. dstraugh


    Phyllis, After reading your blog entry, I now thoroughly understand why I had a stroke - so I couldn't put anything together anymore. Being a single Mom, I've created my share of Big Wheels, Fisher Price One-Two-Three Bikes as well as an Entertainment Center (Yes.... A tall and wide one) and a computer stand. Thank goodness my daughter never got hurt on her riding toys. The Entertainment Center is now in dumpster heaven after post stroke relocations. The computer stand is still alive - not well - but hanging in there (Just like me :big_grin: )
  6. dstraugh

    A down day

    AJ That's what could be referred as old fashioned teamwork. It's super how she got right in there too. :Clap-Hands:
  7. dstraugh

    irish whiskey cake

    It is amazing what kids remember. My daughter can recall things from when she 2 (12 years ago) Me, on the other hand - lol - may not immediately recall things from 10 minutes ago. I did remember one thing though: Irish Whiskey Cake sounds yummy!!!
  8. You are certainly being placed in situations that are life altering. Be sure and care for yourself or you'll be of no use to anyone. I always heard and repeated it myself to others and myself that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I do think though there are times when He "pushes the button" like laying on a doorbell. Since my stroke - I try to "Let go, Let God". I'll pray that all goes well for you and your family.
  9. Hi AJ, You were able to attend which is a terrific accomplishment. And doing 3 hours for the 1st time is commendable :You-Rock: Recuperate and take care of yourself. I too have not been official classroom setting since my stroke. Focusing and memorization exhausting :Neeeedsleeep:
  10. dstraugh


    Mel, Glad it was such a success!!!
  11. dstraugh

    Still stepping

    Another GREAT blog Amy :Clap-Hands: And, I think I will have the Rocky theme song in my head all day too.
  12. Sue stated: "Then I can move on and start to rebuild. I AM grateful to the people that have stuck with us and the new friends we have made through the experiences we have shared in the past seven years. It is true "that which does not break us, makes us strong" but it doesn't say how battered and bruised the experiences sometimes leave you, but all bruises fade eventually." Sue, I too read each of your blogs with complete admiration. You are such a wonderful and expressive writer. I have a suggestion for you - why not compile your thoughts and words of wisdom into book form. It would provide you with a project as well as provide readers with a best seller.
  13. Mel, Sorry to hear about your Mom - I can understand how you feel. I could write a book on my Mother. She's one of those women who should never have had kids. She had 4 - there's my bro and I, a sister who was put up for adoption (long story too) and a sister who died as an infant (another long saga). Lives are so full of drama. Almost makes ya wonder how we came out so good? :big_grin:
  14. Wow Lady!!! What a week you've had - I need a nap just reading about it. Hopefully Trevor can give you a helping hand. And...hopefully Ray will liven up soon.
  15. Sherry, You are quite welcome for the support. We're here to support, encourage, and supply :hug: as needed.
  16. dstraugh

    Pete Rose

    I feel he should be allowed in the Hall of Fame - but like you what do I know - I too am a female survivor lol. I think it's dumb that AZ Diamondbacks changed their colors. But then again, what do I know lol
  17. dstraugh


    Yes, it does stink what we have to go through for whatever reason we're here. But, since we cannot change the past, even if we never were struck by the stroke demon, we've got to find a way to "cope" with what we have. Personally, I get tired of only having one side that works but I'd rather be here fighting my body than the alternative Some days are easier than others but at least I'm here for the good ones.
  18. dstraugh

    Thanks again....

    Yes, You're right - Can no longer say we're useless!
  19. Amy, That was a beautiful blog. In time you will care for the new you, it takes time. Yes, you will need to take your own advice. It is hard - believe me I knoiw. I have always been one to assist others. Prestroke I was in Social Services field. Years ago I was an EMT/Paramedic. I am still learning to take my own advice after 2 years post. I am still a work in progress but a whole lot better than I was when I first met the stroke demon. Take care of yourself and definitely welcome to the blogging world.
  20. dstraugh

    Pat me Back!

    Ellen, Can't wait to see your place on Saturday - sounds absolutely beautiful. I noticed a "glow" in the northern sky last evening - now I know why :blush:
  21. Being an "older" mom as I had my kiddo when I was 38, I've always been told she'll keep me young. I politely agree and then add "or I'll be spending big $$ on hair dye) lol.
  22. Sherry, Definitely revamp the room to "Sherry"-style. If and when you can, redo the entire living area. As Helen Reddy sang, "I am strong, I am invincible, I am Woman" You can do it. :cheer: :cheer: to you and to your Mom for being your cheerleader.
  23. Mel, Venting is the healthy way of coping with things in life that are really frustrating. Better to vent here than bottle things up, stress out, and end up with added health problems. We're here to support each other with :hug: and "shoulders" to lean on.
  24. dstraugh

    Sad day

    George, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sorry for your loss - your Auntie sounded like she was very special.