
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Lucy, Sorry to hear what you're going through. That is pretty crappy. Maybe you will be better having your own apartment where you could decorate how you want. You do such a great job here explaining how you feel, why not type up your feelings and present them to your son. Would you be able to live on your own ok?
  2. dstraugh

    We survived!

    Glad you had a great time. Now, you can catch up on sleep :Zzzz:
  3. Mel, I don't want to be redundant and say what has been said previously. But they're right. I know, from personal experience with my daughter, life is disastrous if I'm not around to oversee. I few hours here and there is one thing, but longer than that I want to pull my hair out upon my return. While I had been in rehab for 30 days she had stayed with friends but kept going home and attempting to care for things.........it kept me busy when I did come home. As to friends, you have the right idea to "write" those nonsupportive ones off and concentrate on ones who won't compare the new you to the old you. Even though I've never met you, I think the new Mel is way cool. :You-Rock:
  4. Congrats on the "jogging". I too, have had to result to hair color in a bottle. Why is it that men look distinguished with gray hair yet we ladies look like @#@%#@ with it! Not fair lol. Post stroke, I have to rely on my daughter to color mine for me.....sometimes good...sometimes notsogood As for freckle popping - heck - that's my tan every year when they pop and all go together :big_grin:
  5. Hi there, I agree 100% with Kristen - especially since he said you would fail. The grieving process is normal. He's human (sotospeak) so focus on the times he behaved like a real sh-- (prestroke) and hopefully that will make things a tad easier. Allow yourself the grieving process but try not to wallow there for an extended period of time. Something that may help too - writing him a letter (which you never send) but gives you the chance to vent.
  6. Kristen, Thanks for sharing - moving blog. Both you and Tom are fortunate to have found each other's friendship.
  7. dstraugh

    Showing Off!

    WAY TO GO!!!! You're doing great Diane.
  8. You will survive this. He's the one with issues. It is said that things happen for a reason........handsome or not, he's a big dummy just like my fiance was.
  9. It is so true that stroke affects so many more than just the patient. You are blessed to have the support of your hubby and sons. It is just as difficult for them as it is for you. I'm sure, if she could tell you herself, your Mom would fill your day with accolades as well as hugs and kisses for what you are doing for her. Angels are not just in Heaven - sounds to me like you're an Angel here on Earth. :cloud9:
  10. dstraugh

    We're Home

    So glad to hear you two had a great time! It's ironic though how nice vacations are to be able to get away and yet we have that period of readjustment when we return home. Guess the brain takes a "longer" vacation lol.
  11. dstraugh

    Flying Solo

    Happy 2nd Anniversary to you and Happy Birthday to your Sister. Hope you have a great trip as well as a great time! ENJOY :big_grin:
  12. dstraugh

    He's Home!

    Sue, If I was able to do so, without falling on my nose, I'd be doing a :happydance: right now, Since I don't want rug burns on my nose, I'll just extend :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :cheer: :cheer: that Ray is home. You'll be a pro in no tme with the insulin injections, I'm sure. Sorry to hear though about your sad news. It's super you'll be getting some "helpers" too.
  13. dstraugh


    You are not going bonkers! Either that or I'm right in there with you :big_grin: My Crystal and I have conversations throughout the day. Her favorite seems to center around "treats" lol. She is so expressive in her facial features that my daughter and I will verbalize what Crystal could be saying if she could actually speak. Crystal too loves to watch the birds. Does Clea so to speak "bark" at them?
  14. dstraugh

    Donna Straugh

    I was born 3/31/54 and was raised in Pittsburgh, PA. In 1994, my daughter and I relocated to Arizona. We were survivors of Domestic Violence. I was 50 when I stroked on January 1, 2005. What a way to bring in the New Year. New Year's Eve I felt "weird" but couldn't figure out why. I thought I had an inner ear infection because I couldn't keep my balance. My daughter and I had planned a quiet evening . We rented movies and purchased party food. My New Year's Eve was spent in bed, trying to shake off whatever was bothering me. When I awoke on New Year's Day, still having equilibrium problems, I showered, woke my daughter. We drove to the hospital. I drove myself to the emergency room, about a 20 minute ride. When I got to the ER I was still walking and talking, but not very well. It was early evening by the time my room was ready. Late in the afternoon, I fell and that ended my mobility until rehab began. My daughter, fortunately, was picked up by a friend and her family. Little did we realize that for the next 34 days she would be a guest in their home. I was in the hospital for 4 days then transferred to a inpatient rehab where I stayed for 30 days. Tests showed the stroke was from a clot in the right side of my brain. My days were filled with rehab, blood tests, and horrible food. Looking back, I believe my stroke was the result of my life circumstances. I had been working a very highly stressful job for 8 years. I left that job in August 2004 - realizing if I stayed any longer I would probably have a heart attack - chest pains were prevalent until my last day. I started another position in October, 2004 - with insurance beginning in November. When I was discharged from rehab and sent home, I was greeted by my department supervisor. You see, I was still on probation and, since I could not return to my duties, I was let go. At the time of this life altering event, my daughter and I were residing in a two story townhouse, which we were buying. I had in-home therapy for about two months (they came 2-3 days a week). Kristi and her friend re-arranged our living room to allow for a twin bed and port-a-potty for me as I was not able to climb steps at that time. I came home outfitted with an AFO, hemiwalker, quad cane (to advance into), wheelchair, and port-a-potty.After I was home, we obtained a bath bench. The social worker at the rehab was helpful but had told my daughter and I that I would never get any better and that I would never climb steps. Well.....It took 3 months but I did climb those steps and slept in my own bed AND showered!!!! As my mortgage company was not patient and would not work with me until SSDI kicked in, we had to sell our townhouse. We're now renters. Now I'm able to motor around our apartment on my own each and every day. There are good days as well as bad. On the good ones I motor around without my hemiwalker. I don't go outside walking without my walker as I feel quad cane don't give me enough support. I haven't fallen on my nose for about a year (YEAH!!) I'm able to get my meals and tackle daily chores (trying not to break things :big_grin: ) My left arm has no functional movement. On the bad days I hold private pitty parties. These have become less and less over time. I am medically disabled, but I'm still somebody - I'm a Mom. My beautiful daughter has told me on numerous occasions that she's almost glad I had my stroke - at least now I'm home and not working too many hours. In July of 2007 my daughter and I, along with our cat Crystal relocated to Pennsylvania to be closer to family. I'm gaining more mobility thankfully as I'm spending more time alone as my daughter is always with either family or friends. Guess I'm in training for when she turns 18 in two years and goes off to college. I have no clue as to what the future holds for me.....well....that's me - Donna/dstraugh known formerly as onesided me
  15. dstraugh

    About Bob

    Cindy, Glad to hear Bob is talking but sorry to hear about the cancer. It's a blessing they found it though. You know, life is like a big Merry-go-round as it's chock full of ups and downs. Remember to smile and keep your spirits high, You and Bob will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. George, Welcome to the world of blogging. Now that you made the "plunge", continuing will be a piece of cake.
  17. Sounds like you had a fantastic week! Good for you!! :big_grin:
  18. dstraugh


    From the album: Donna

    You just think I'm sleeping!
  19. Bonnie, Glad to hear ear infection is gone. Also, your rennovations sound fantastic. A dear friend of mine from back home recently went through same thing as her hubby was "redoing" rooms in their house.
  20. Sue, :hug: to you for all you've been through. Be sure to be rested up for when Ray comes home. I too look forward to the blog about his return home and how he's doing.
  21. Bonnie, Super report. Your grandson did a terrific job.
  22. dstraugh

    Not a good day!

    Mema, :hug: :hug: :hug:
  23. dstraugh


    :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: Congrats on the walk to the library. I wish my library was within walking distance. Hope your tests come out ok.
  24. Phyllis, These were great :big_grin:
  25. Your talk about Mugsy made me think of the Dr. Dolittle movie when Richard Preyor has the dog at the vet and the vet took his temperature! :big_grin: Sorry about your "snow" day. I heard lhat night on the news here, Phoenix area is in for early Summer. In March we're to hit 90's and in April will hit 100. Ouch!! Look out electric bill - we even keep thermostat set at 85 during day. When Kristi came home from Cheer practice, I told her....she (the stinker) predicted we'll hiit 130 as a high. Yikes and Yuck. I hope she's wrong.....