
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Fred, Absolutely loved this. Printed it up too - I really needed it today, helped to lift my spirits back to where they should be.
  2. Bonnie, I agree with Jean, take care of yourself. Ear infections are nothing to mess around with....and be sure to take ALL the antibiotics. I know...Yes, Mom LOL Seriously, hope you feel better soon.
  3. dstraugh


    I just did a search every November is National Caregiver month! I think that's fantastic - of course I will not be broadcasting that too loudly LOL - my 14 year old would just love that. I agree with Mema - without our caregivers, where would we be................ :thankyou:
  4. dstraugh

    The Princess

    From the album: Donna

    Kiss the Paw of the Princess
  5. dstraugh

    my best friend

    Kimmie, I am sorry to hear about your best friend/buddy. He's running and playing now.
  6. I vote Vegas too. I havent' been there in about 3 years. We had a blast just walking around and taking in the sites.
  7. dstraugh

    I'm walking!

    Mema, I'm so happy for you! Way to Go!!!
  8. Denny, Since you've been flogged a few times with a wet noodle or 2, I'll pass on that. Thank goodness you had no side effects from taking on such a task.Yeah, it's nice to earn a few bucks, but your health is much more important. Instead of a flogging, here's your punishment: hold onto the back of a sturdy chair while facng the back of the chair....next, lean over a bit. Next, bend a leg at the knee and kick yourself hard in your A-- with the heel of your foot. And the next time you get a hairbrain idea like shoveling, remember the self-inflicted A--whooping you got. :big_grin:
  9. Kristen, That's way cool! Where are you going though? Have a safe and enjoyable trip!
  10. Sue, I don't know if I would have had your restraint in only purchasing 2 books There you are there getting ready for cooler weather and here in Arizona we'll probably be soaring into the triple digits before we can blink. We don't seem to have a real spring season here and ease into summer. It seems like it's one day nice, the next scorching!! Be sure to take Sue-time as you will be so busy when your sweet Ray comes home.
  11. Bill, I'm sooooo happy for you and Bud!!!! :big_grin:
  12. Sue, So glad to hear of Ray's progress and his visitors. Your discussion of the "fairies" in the trees made me smile. I love reading your blogs.
  13. I'll add a second to that - beautiful song for Grandma :hug:
  14. dstraugh

    Thought for a Day

    . This time, LOL, Jean beat me to the punch in her viewpoint. Couldn't have said it any better myself
  15. Amy, My sympathies are with you and your family. Keep in mind.....memories of your family from the home town will be good to share with your daughter as well as to keep the memories "alive" within you.
  16. dstraugh


    Bonnie, That's super your grandson is writing his report on stroke awareness. He sounds like a thoughtful young man.
  17. Kristen, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  18. Fred, Your writings are so moving and so so true. People tend to be so wrapped up in their own daily lives that they don't often take the time to really "think" about how lucky we are. Not just as survivors but as citizens of a democracy. Our young men and women are fighting for us everyday of the year. It would be wonderful to live in a world full of peace and harmony; wonder if we'll ever see it? Will war or global warming get us?
  19. dstraugh


    Lucy, I'm sure you will work this out, although it is a pain in the A--. Maybe it's so you don't get bored with having nothing to organize.
  20. Carol, You are definitely not alone in your journey.
  21. dstraugh

    A Good Day!

    Betty Jean I'm so happy for both of you. No matter how small the progress, it's still progress. It all takes time - not "our" timetable but His.
  22. dstraugh

    Tony the tiger

    Bonnie, You Go Girl!!! That's Super!!!
  23. Amy, Guess I'm a liberated gal too LOL. I hardly ever wear makeup around the house except for chapstick - dependig on where I'm going when going out determines what I add. I still have a hard tme getting on eyeliner so that's not worn often.
  24. dstraugh


    Hopefully they caught the little booger.