
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    Good News

    Bonnie, Glad to hear of John's good news from the doc. Glad you two also had a nice trip/lunch too.
  2. From the album: Donna

  3. dstraugh


    From the album: Donna

    Here is my 2nd daughter
  4. Sue, So glad to hear the Good news about Ray walking and you getting "Sue-time". It's good to see the "baby" steps are increasing with each day. Hopefully his nurses are always cognizant of the "drafts" that can occur when a patient is motoring around. I remember back to when, a few times, I "mooned" everyone. :giggle:
  5. dstraugh


    Marden, You have inspired me. I keep hearing and try to always believe myself that there is continued hope of additional recovery past the " year mark". I am 2 years post and have yet to feel the "normal type" sensations you were talking about. I dream about them but haven't actually had them. I have had to learn patience....but it's tough lol. Here's to more sensations :beer:
  6. dstraugh

    A New Adventure

    :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: This sounds absolutely super! Pleas keep us posted on your progress.
  7. dstraugh

    Sad News Today

    Bonnie, My condolences to you and John.
  8. Phyllis, Thank goodness you were not seriously injured or worse! Be sure to inform your insurance agent of your side of what occurred. Sounds to me too that the oncoming driver was guilty of something.
  9. Tina, I was in in-patient for 30 days as that's what my insurance covered. My therapists were patient, yet pesistent and I complied even with things I hated (group game of balloon volleyball- YUCK!!! LOL) It helped too that I made a friend (fellow patient) and we encouraged each other. My outpatient therapy continued for awhile until insurance company stopped it since I maxed out my quota. Like Bonnie suggested, maybe some counseling would be beneficial or talking to doc about antidepressants for Mike. I don't know what his deficits are, but do you relate to him the posts you read here? Is it possible for him to "vent" his feelings through posts/blogs? We're not professioals but maybe having "3rd party" to vent to would help him too.
  10. Tina, As a stubborn Irish/German/English Survivor, I can only respond to you from what my experiences were. When I was in rehab for 30 days I remember I was a stubborn "B----" as I tried to "cut" corners during therapy. I felt I would just wake up after a night's sleep and be back to myself. I had a wakeup call when the social worker wanted me placed in a SNF. She said I couldn't live in my townhouse as I would "never" climb steps to 2nd floor. Well, for me, my stubborness kicked in - I went home and between some home based therapy sessions and my daughter's :cheer: :cheer: I began to climb the steps. It wasn't pretty, but I did it after about 4 months. Until that was mastered I slept downstairs in the livingroom on a twin bed and used a bedside commode. My daughter really :cheer: :cheer: the first time I used the real bathroom on 2nd floor(she was the official potty dumper every day before/after school) Don't give up on Mike; hopefully, soon, he'll have a readjustment in his thinking. Keep your chin up but remember to take care of yourself too.
  11. dstraugh


    Sue, So glad to hear that Ray doesn't have to have surgery and he's trying to exercise as well as not "touchng" the cookies! The baby steps will lead to bigger steps ad this will all be behind you. Blessings to you both :cloud9:
  12. Sue, I wish, as I'm sure others do, that we could be with you in person to give you those much needed hugs. I send to you :hug: :hug: Here's hoping you receive some good news soon.
  13. Sue, I agree with everyone else, take the time for yourself too and relax. The mode of "hurry up and wait" stinks. But your honey is being cared for and his pain meds are keeping him "happy" for now. Take advantage of the opportunity and get that massage :hug:
  14. Yep I sem to look forward to kiddo having holidays off from school as much as I do for her to go back I then have peace and quiet again except for critters.
  15. Diane You go girl! :cheer: The letter was terrific and glad to hear you're making progress - as Asha said - baby steps come first but you can do it. I just love how insuance companies put stipulations on how long or what they cover for our stroke recovery. I fight constantly with my insurance company and they win :Tantrum:
  16. dstraugh

    The blank space

    Fred, You essay was beautifully written and meant so much to me. Thank you. I look to you as one of my role models on this site. You are so wise. And even though I'm sure you have rough days, you maintain your wonderful sense of humor too. Laughter is the best medicine. I think that's what gets my daughter and I through a lot of days is being able to laugh things off as well as "Let go, let God".
  17. My daughter was a Girl Scout for a number of years; I thinkI was her best customer LOL! I adore Tagalongs. Both my kiddo and I enjoyed Cookie Booths rather than door-to-door selling. W had many repea customers which made it easier each year too. Good Luck - hope you enjoy the experience.
  18. From the album: Donna

    This is the love of my life...my strength and inpiration.
  19. dstraugh

    New to Site

    Hi here and welcome to "our world". So glad you found us. Happy Belated Birthday to your Dad!. Like Jean stated before you know it you'll be clicking around this site like a pro. There's oodles of information available and plenty of support and encouragement.
  20. Hi Mud, I had a right-sided CVA from a clot. I was always stubborn in nature and at times impatient (which I always said I inherited from my Father lol). Post Stroke, I must consciously work on my patience and my temper. There are times I think I transform into this beast of a person. For me, I put myself into time out; there are times when I also take a large slice of humble pie and apologize for my actions/words. Be sure to check with your doc though to be sure your meds are ok to interact. Hope you have a great holiday season.
  21. Fred, Merry Christmas to you too!!! I truly enjoy reading your blogs and posts. It has been a rather crazy year for our Country. Hopefully, we'll face a brighter New Year.
  22. dstraugh

    Didja' miss me???!!!

    Robyn, Glad all is well and that you had a good Thanksgiving. I was wondering where you disappeared to. My daughter is doing a countdown until Christmas break. She's very ready for a few weeks off, as for me....I love her with all my heart and soul but I've gotten used to spending my days with the cat and guinea pig and the quietness LOL. I swear, a 14 year old girl is only quiet when she's sleeping LOL :big_grin:
  23. dstraugh

    I have a cold :(

    Hi Mary, Yes, on here we're considered virtual friends - I've also heard reference to cyber world. Hope you get over your cold.
  24. Happy Birthday Buddy!!!!! from Crystal - black & White Siamese Mix My Mom, Donna, told me it was your birthday. Hope it was a good one!!! meow Crystal