
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Way To Go Steve!!!!! Congratulations!! :cheer: :cheer:
  2. dstraugh

    Farhaan at home

    Zain, There's no place like home...... So glad your son is making good progress.
  3. What a great birthday surprise for your sister! :happybday: Glad you had a great time.
  4. Happy 9 month anniversary to both of you. I agree with Robyn - things will be ok - it feels right.
  5. dstraugh

    Three Years

    Hi there sklwsk: Your family has definitely weathered the storm. I agree, my heart was warmed too reading your blog. You and your wife, I'm sure, are very proud of your kids. It's amazing what some kids will do - how they will adjust to the change in their lives. My kiddo amazes me every day. We are blessed!
  6. Healing - both physically and emotionally does take time. Right now, you both are in a healing process. It will take time. Sounds like the love you have was really strong prior to the stroke. One can never go back in time - although a lot of us would love too. But it can't happen - just have to keep on plugin forward and make the best of what we have. Me....I'm kinda getting used to walkin like a penguin (it's what I remind my kiddo of). We both try to look on the brighter side of everything and keep positive. Hang in there lady!!!! Time does heal
  7. Healing - both physically and emotionally does take time. Right now, you both are in a healing process. It will take time. Sounds like the love you have was really strong prior to the stroke. One can never go back in time - although a lot of us would love too. But it can't happen - just have to keep on plugin forward and make the best of what we have. Me....I'm kinda getting used to walkin like a penguin (it's what I remind my kiddo of). We both try to look on the brighter side of everything and keep positive. Hang in there lady!!!! Time does heal
  8. dstraugh


    Nema, The Notbook was a dynamite movie. Nicholas Sparks is a great writer. Many of his novels have been made into movies. A Walk to Remember is another good movie too.
  9. Sue, Welcome back! Sounds like you had a fantastic vacation. It seems like yesterday my 14 YR OLD WAS
  10. Robyn, You do sound pretty busy - which is good in many respects. Just remember to take care of yourself.
  11. dstraugh

    I feel alive again...

    Robyn, And...remember - especially when you're feeling down, that easier days are coming - just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other (or in my case, LOL, ) my kiddo saya I walk like a penguin. Looking forward to going to see the movie Happy Feet!
  12. That was beauytiful. It may not seem like it now, but happier days are ahead. Hang in there
  13. dstraugh

    I feel alive again...

    Robyn, Glad things are going better for you! Hang in there.
  14. dstraugh

    What a week!

    Hi there Sounds like you've had loads of fun and merriment. Good luck to your hubby at the Marathon!
  15. As I have never been the shy/backwards type of person, I'd hold up a sign with their names on it. I would stay near the entrance of the restaurant to make it easier to connect :big_grin:
  16. dstraugh


    Heather, Congratulations on your progress! Remember though, every little bit helps - no matter how small. We have to be our own cheerleaders sometimes. Maybe we need a page on tjhis site that resembles a refrigerator - we could post our accomplishments. Glad too you were able to celebrate!
  17. Congrats there DOC - wy to go!!!! As presented- quite an honor!!!! :Clap-Hands:
  18. Hi there. Glad to see you've decided to blog - it really helps. Keep in mind - the ups and downs you're experiencing, he's also experiencing - just in a different way. As you're so far apart, it makes it difficult to communicate other than at certain times. On a positive note - daylight savings time will be kicking in soon for you and that may help a bit. Hang in there girl - you're doing great and it sounds like you honey is too!
  19. From the album: Donna

    Cool - just like her mama
  20. dstraugh

    My kiddo

    From the album: Donna

    My :cheer: Incognito in her shades
  21. Phyllis, It seems hard to believe that people would take the chance and not wear a helmit. I live in Arizona and helmits are not required by law here. Like you said, it makes the job easier for the docs - just scrape them off the pavement. At one poinr I had to fight my dughter about bicycle safety and wearing a helmit. I had a policy though - no helmit no bike.
  22. Tina, Glad to hear Josh is doing better. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I'm a stroke survivor - experienced mine on-1-2005. Left me with left sided weakness/paresis. I hope Josh continues to make excellent progress. When progress seems to slow down (which it will), remember to keep positive and...remember to visit the web site often!
  23. Hi Ken, I can understand what you're going through. Given more time, hopefully she'll calm down - she just worries about the man she loves. I go through the same thing daily with my 14 year old daughter. It's always been her and I against the world and our world experienced a life altering change 18 months ago. If I don't answer the phone during the day she goes into panic mode at school. Even when she's home she's on guard. Although she'll moan, groan, and generally act like a teen when there are extra chores to do, she has said many times that she honestly feels my stroke was the best thing to happen to us - now I'm always around and not away from home working long hours. (I was working in Social Services prestroke). So...hang in there...give her ime and as much reassurance as you can.