
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. dstraugh

    My Mom's funeral

    My condolences to you Doug. May your Mom rest in peace now and may former good times remain in your heart to comfort you.
  2. dstraugh

    Off on Vacation

    Leah Enjoy your R & R time. I'll be thinking of you and dreaming I'm there with you watching the sea gulls and the dolphins in the ocean - ahhh take me away - enjoy dear. Will look forward to hearing about your trip.
  3. dstraugh

    Life goes on

    I can't believe it was March 11 that I posted my last entry. Gosh 2 months. I'm such a slacker LOL. Much has been going on around here - some good, some not so good. But that's life huh - chock full of ups and downs. We must or must try to learn from the down periods in order to better cope with them in the future. I do count my blessings that the downs are not worse but it still does not make them any easier to handle. In my last entry I discussed issues that I was experiencing with my daughter. In some respects things have improved, in others not, in yet others a work in progress. Kristi did finally open up to her school counselor as well as the school psychologist regarding her behaviors. I too had conversations with both of the "professionals". For the most part, she is a great kid - super grades and looking towards her future. Her behaviors tended though to start a spiraling affect and needed to be addressed before there were serious ramifications for her. We were referred to the STAR program (serious teens at risk) in our area. We both had to appear for her 4 hour psychological evaluation. Results were that she is experiencing severe depression and she has bi-polar tendencies (inherited from her father). I was advised she may or may not fully develop bipolar; at least it's out in the open now and we can address it rather than guessing. Kristi has been assigned to a therapist at STAR for 1:1 counseling rather than group counseling. After speaking with Kristi and I together, the Psychiatrist agreed no meds at this point; that may change to mood stabilizers which do not have the same side affects as anti-depressants in teens. Prior to this, our PC had placed her on anti-depressants and they made her worse instead of better. Now, it's a day by day thing; fortunately she does open up to her therapist and relates issues to her to address them. As to me, as Pam has been studying changing beds 101, so have I. As I have a king size bed it was quite hysterical. I honestly felt that someone at any point was going to announce "Smile you're on Candid Camera". Can't say I've mastered the feat but it got done - not quite ready for my diploma yet LOL Also have been doing some spring cleaning as well as deep bathroom cleaning. I felt good to be able to maneuver and get things done "my way" versus the way a teen would do them. I've even ventured as far as to cleaning out litter pans (prepping myself for when Kristi is in AZ for a week in June and I'll be caring for my fuzzy ones on my own) Missions have been accomplished without me falling head first into litter pans :happydance: I once again discovered that weebles do wobble AND fall down at times and...do not bounce back up. I was in the kitchen taking care of the trash bag and smashing up boxes to put into the bag. All was going well until I began to lose my balance and kurplunk to the kitchen floor I went. In retrospect, I think the bad leg was the cause as it did not do what I wanted it to do. There I was sitting on the kitchen floor thinking no what do I do - of course I was home alone except for Crystal and Lili. I realized I was not going to be successful trying to use a kitchen chair to get up as the chair would slide on the tile floor. I scooted backwards (on my back as I couldn't scoot while sitting on my rear) into the dining room. Crystal appeared at my shoulder starting down at Mommy. When I asked her if she was coming to help me, she nudged me with her head. She stayed with me while I headed for my computer desk and chair. Fortunately I have a very old fashioned sturdy cherry wood desk. I was able to get up on my knees and place my left foot solidly on the floor. I was then able to boost myself upward from the bad leg (first time in 4 years) and get to my desk chair. Thankfully it did not move on the carpet (on wheels of course LOL). As I sat on the chair, regrouping, my "watch kitty" came over to me to be sure Mommy was ok. Not a feat I want to try any time soon but I did it!!! I was quite sore for a few days and did experience some bruises. A few days after that episode, I had problems as I attempted to walk to the local convenience store. Thankfully Kristi was home. I called her from my cell phone and she came flying down the street to help me and get me back home. She had been on the phone with my brother and when he heard I was having troubles, he got in his car and came to my aid as well. I did not fall but it scared the dickens out of me as I was so close to going down - again. I'm looking forward to attending a walkaide foot drop evaluation clinic on June 3rd. Oh to be able to get rid of the AFO and wear real shoes (slip ons) again would be heavenly :cloud9: . I know it will be a work in progress but it will be worth it if I can qualify and if my insurance will cover it. I just changed medicare supplemental insurance companies and it was (so far) the best decision I could make. I had heard an ad on my local radio station, wrote down the number and called. So far, I've experienced savings from what I've had to dish out of pocket compared to the old company. This past week I received a fantastic surprise from my Brother. I had asked him for a ride to and from a local beauty shop to get my hair cut and permed (makeover time :roflmao: ) He took me, not where I planned to go but to another salon where he knows the owner. As we walked in, he told Louie to give me the works and that cost was no option Bro's treat. I received a cut and a perm - was there for 3 hours being pampered - way cool. I go back this week for color and highlights. I tried to reimburse Bro for it and he told me it was "free" - yeah right LOl I'm brain damaged not brain dead. I heard the charges and saw the credit card being used. Once I'm all madeover, my profile picture will be updated. Another first for me, I'm walking a tad bit more outside the house without using my hemiwalker. Trying to step out of the comfort zone more. I have the walker with me though but carrying it and only put it down if I feel wobbly (as I've proven, this weeble can and does fall down :oops: ) So...that's what's new in my life. Until we meet again :beer: and :out_of_here:
  4. Sue, I too have had times when my blog entry totally disappears. I kinda look at it as a decision from "above" that the words and release, venting, etc was only meant for me to get things off my chest. Glad to hear you've got all worked out and that you will get away. Yes we will miss you dearie but will hold down the fort until your return. (((hugs)))
  5. Oh Fred what fun times planting with your granddaughter. Peach trees too? How cool is that. Hmmmmm I'm envisioning all the peachy things you can make. Hope your garden does well. I googled and found the following site - http://www.pickyourown.org/makingpickles.htm to make your own pickles.
  6. I will keep my fingers crossed and say prayers for your daughter - wonderful news!! Thank you for sharing the video with us - enjoyed it.
  7. Yolie, Adorable pictures. Fantastic program for the children. Thank you so much for sharing with us Tootie's accomplishments. As I looked at the pictures, I just wanted to give her a huge hug for her achievements. Could you please give her a hug from Auntie Donna?
  8. Karen, I'm so happy for you - you had a great week with family and now you can get into chat. Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!
  9. dstraugh

    My First Blog

    Hi Bruce, Welcome to the blog community - you took the plunge, started your blog and completed your first entry - super!! Blogging is great therapy for the writer and reader alike. It also provides another way to get to know each other.
  10. Wes, One day you will laugh at this scenario. You hung in there, on your own, and succeeded! Good for you!! Happy Mom's Day to Deb and your Mom
  11. dstraugh

    Busy Week

    Congrats to your daughter and best of luck to your son. Very talented family you have. You and Sam are having some great fishing. Hope that truck owner has good insurance - talk about expensive. If someone caught the escapade on video, it might appear on television or youtube :laughbounce:
  12. Sue and Ray, I so wish there was a way where I could actually visit and speak with both of you. My hugs, thoughts and prayers are endless for you both. I'm glad you had responses to your email and Ray received phone calls. Is there any possibility that Ray could participate in any of the medical trials?
  13. Hooray! Terrific pictures Jeannie and a terrific project. You all did a great job.
  14. Sherri - Super video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good plan for your continued therapy on your own - I know you'll succeed. I bet Bob will be more cautious in the future to be aware of you tiptoeing up on him :roflmao:
  15. dstraugh

    Just a quick update

    You both are both doing terrific with the weight loss - congrats. Sorry to hear about your back going out - were you trying to be a he-man? Glad you are doing better bubble-man
  16. dstraugh


    Good for you Wes that you conquered that silly bag!!! That's what ya call perseverance. Interesting pics. The "other" side of Wes; was Deb your motor cycle mama?
  17. Leah, Enjoy your garden dear lady! Bet it's gorgeous. As to the wheelchair anxieties; I understand. Try as we might, we may never get to the pre-stroke days of zipping around like energizer bunnies. In our dreams we still can and those days are a part of fond memories. Do I like that I can't zip around? Heck NO but it is better than the alternative and all could be worse for us. When I must use my wheelchair, I try to get it through my thick skull that it is for safety reasons. In a store for instance, if people are rushing, kids are running it's easy for us to knocked into. I don't know about others, if I get bumped, this Weeble topples over. I'm sure your story will come together for you. I sincerely hope too that it will allow you the opportunity to move further along in your recovery emotionally. I'm sure blessed that you made it through all of it - my life has been further enriched getting to know you. (((hugs)))
  18. Yolie, The pics are precious. Sorry you had the poison ivy and could not be seen . Hope you get cleared up so we can get to see your pic with your shirt on. That was a terrific idea you had for the shirts. You all have been fortunate to have Tootie's therapist to work with her and lay the foundation for her continued progress. I hope she is able to keep in touch with you and can know of Tootie's continued progress.
  19. Beautiful Jan and an excellent reminder. God is EVERYWHERE all we need to do is open our hearts
  20. Karen, Welcome to the blog community. You are totally safe here, as you are on the message board. That ignoramus from that other forum has no clue what a stroke does to an individual. I applaud you (or would if I had could get my left hand to cooperate LOL) for walking away from that jerk. No one needs that type of negativity in their life and you have shown you are the better person and have chosen to no longer feed into his negativeness. Here, in the blog world, we get to further become acquainted with our friends - and you ARE a dear friend. Blog away dear and we will be here ready to read. Blogging is therapeutic for all (writer and reader like).
  21. Hiya Rich, Great to hear from you. Glad to hear all contionues to go well for you. So...when are you having a dinner party to which we'll be invited????? Take care and continued wishes for recovery.
  22. Beth, Please please go to ER or to your doctor asap if not before. Don't mess around.
  23. Sherri, Congratulations to you for your "finish" of the program. You are an inspiration truly!!!
  24. Beth, Hope you start feeling better soon - great news that you are getting out and about.
  25. Sherrie, As this was a clinical trial, if you are asked to provide feedback, please be sure to discuss this therapist as well as the ones who did do a good job. It's a blessing you have not had her the entire time. On the other hand you may have been able to give her an attitude adjustment. And....tomorrow is the last day - whoohooo what an accomplishment. Bask in your success as you deserve it.