
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by dstraugh

  1. Sherrie, Your growth is obvious - both mentally and physically. Keep up the great work!
  2. Adorable Pictures!!! None of the little boys will be successful from the opposite team as they will be watching Tootie :cloud9: It's no wonder those ladies gave you extra moon pies - if it were my store, you would to get a truck to carry everything home.
  3. Sounds like you've got an exceptional green thumb - all will be beautiful in bloom.
  4. You have a well deserved weekend to veg out dear girl. Kudos to you for all you are doing and the progress you are making.
  5. Sue, I believe that your pastoral course is a good decision as you should be involved in what you like to do. You don't know what the future entails but you are making goals and looking towards the future versus remaining stagnant and in the "rut". Even, if for now, it contributes to your Sue time good for you dear. As you wrote about choosing everything for Ray, I had a flashback to doing the same for my daughter when she was a wee-one. My heart goes out to you as Ray is reverting back to that time in life due to the dementia. God Bless and loving (((hugs))) to you both.
  6. Very true and accurate description Jan.
  7. Gary, How super for Kyle to be finding his wings and gaining some independence.
  8. Hiya Jeannie, Thank you for the update. Glad to hear all is going well for you and Carl. Spring is such a beautiful time of year as all is budding and abnd read to bloom
  9. dstraugh

    long time no blog

    Clark, Thank you for the update. Your friend Hans must have been a truly remarkable man. May he rest in peace and may you be able to keep your fond memories of him close to your heart.
  10. Good for your Sherrie. Actual for real jogging???????? Fantastic!!!!! In addition to being able to walk the catwalk as a super model you will also be able to run a marathon. You are an inspiration.
  11. No wonder you were tired Sherrie. I got tired reading and visualizing it. Their therapy is thorough.
  12. God's love is everywhere if we open our hearts. Beautiful Jan.
  13. How precious - can't wait to see the pictures of her.
  14. Love the tatoo Wes. Pretty darn classy. Your co-workers deserve a slap-upside-the-head for what the pulled on you. How rude, ignorant and pompous of them. I'm sure the gift that you presebted her with will mean more to her than that lunch - I hope she gets even with them on Boss's Day.
  15. Glad to hear your day went well. Perhaps Larry shushing you up was his way of sayin you can change or relive the past. It's done and why reopen the old wounds. At one year post there is still probably a scab on that wound and picking at it can start the pain again. As time goes on that scab will fall off as the wound further heals. Of course we'd remember you Janine. We are f-a-m-i-l-y
  16. Janine, It's great to hear from you. I've been thinking of you and Larry and wondering how you two were doing. I remember back to the dark days where you did know where to turn or how you were going to get things done let alone what to get done. Bless your heart - you've come a long way baby - as the commercial goes. Seems hard to believe that it is a year. I'm sure you both are looking at the day with mixed emotions. While it's definitely not something to "party" over, it is a day to count your blessings that Larry and you together are conquering what you have both been dealt. The first year is said to be the toughest one; you've both made it so that is well worth it. As a survivor, I can fully understand how this site is a lifesaver - it was and still is mine. (((hugs))) to you both.
  17. For all the pain you have endured Jan, your pearl must be exquisite and priceless.
  18. Sherrie!!! Fantastic news as you are adjusting both physically and emotionally to the program. The sky is the limit. You are being challenged to accomplish more and that IS a good thing.
  19. Luckily Paul was able to call in reinforcements to help you. Be careful gal ok? Initially I had to contact EMS whenever I did a plop to the floor (those firemen were cute too ) Since we relocated to Pittsburgh in 2007 I have done a plop twice - the first time I was outside and my cousin and her daughter came to my rescue as I sat on my butt in the alley that runs behind our house (as I was not injured EMS were tied up on calls and I would have had to sit until the got to me). The 2nd time I was home alone and by scooting backwards on my back (with the cats curiously watching mom go by) I made it to my bedroom and was able to use furniture to get up. Both times I felt like Candid Camera was lurking somewhere nearby and can now laugh about the escapades. The stuff we can get ourselves into :silly:
  20. Good news IS good news Kimmie and must be shared. I'm glad that all is going well and you know that Stimpy is looking into the water at the Rainbow Bridge watching his family. Terrific news on the new medications that are helping you. We know one cause of the elevated blood pressure don't we girl. I can razz you of course as I totally understand. Love ya and (((hugs)))
  21. Sherri, I hope that each day becomes easier for you as your hips and affected foot get used to the regimen. Pretty soon you'll be sashaying those hips without anyone holding on for dear life to you. Next you'll be able to strut your stuff on the catwalk as a model. Well perhaps not LOL but it will feel like great to walk like a woman again. I know I would versus walking like a penguin LOL.
  22. Beautiful Jan - expresses all of our sentiments towards dear Joy.
  23. dstraugh

    ten years on

    Sue, Over these past 10 years, you and Ray have learned to take all one day at a time. We are given this day (today) as we do not know what tomorrow will being any of us. Your love and devotion to Ray is truly an inspiration.
  24. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Leah - Rocky Point - I was there once for a long weekend. A co-worker and I took our daughters down there and it was out of this world. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you are healing from the rib injury - it's amazing how long it takes for us to regroup and heal after an injury or illness. Before stroke we'd just keep on trucking. Between stroke and age it is frustrating but you are not giving into it - You Go Gal!!!! I'm sure writing your stroke history will be further healing for you dear.
  25. dstraugh

    After the storm

    Hang in there Doug. I know easier said than done but you have come so far - show em all you are the bigger person and will not let the negativity get to you. (((hugs)))