
Stroke Survivor - male
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Image Comments posted by hrotzal

    Hank Rotzal


    My fathers day gift from my son. This one was about 44 inches long. My son caught the largest 47 inches, 38 pounds.


    I am a 62 year old stroke survivor. I had my stroke on December 9, 2004. I did not have any symptoms before hand. I woke up at 530am as usual and my left arm felt as though I had slept on it. But when I got out of bed my left foot also felt the same. I told my wife that we had better go to the hospital. I was able to walk to the car and upon arriving at the emergency room 10 minutes later they had to get a wheel chair for me. While in the hospital I had total paralysis on the left side, unable to even sit up. Three days later I went to Gaylord Rehab Hospital for therapy. They worked wonders as 3 weeks later I was able to walk out with just a cane. My wife has been wonderful throughout the whole process. I joked with her as it was her birthday on December 10th. I told her it was a heck of a birthday present for her having to spend all her time with me in the hospital. She said that it was the best present as I was still with her. I feel blessed to have a wife like Helena as she has been great with me and my mood swings. I could not ask for anyone better.

    I have not been able to return to work as I get very tired and fatigued in a short time. I worked at Home Depot as a divisional trainer for the associates. I still have weakness in the left arm, and also still wear a brace on my left foot. I have tried walking with a walking stick instead of the cane around the house with some success.

