
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by MargaretMary

  1. I understand what you are saying Steph. I too am addicted to nicotine and I will quit smoking. It just has not happened yet. Good luck on your end and keep trying.

    Thanks for the chat by the way. I enjoyed it.



  2. Dear Butch,

    Please take into consideration what Jean, Amy and Lynn have said. I too am a caregiver and there are times it is very tough and I want to throw my hands up in the air and run as fast as I can from it all. Normal feelings. I love my husband, kids and parents too much to ever turn my back on them. There are many good people on this sight that will let you vent your frustrations and not put you down for it. Every now and then it is all right to have a self pity party as long as you get up the next day and begin anew.

  3. Dear Amy,

    Tornados are so scary! When I was little my family and I were caught up in the famous Palm Sunday tornado that hit Michigan so bad. One of my brothers classmates died in it. Thank God that all are alive and well. I will keep your family in my prayers.

    Bulls are kind of a dumb animal. Our barn went down a few weeks ago and our bull still can't quite figure out where it is.



  4. Dear Stan,


    I have two friends from grade school that are like sisters to me. We have stuck by each other through thick and thin. We are all three 29 for the 17th year in a row and all stick to the same answer. I would do anything for them and I know they would do anything for me. We have all gone out on a limb or two for each other as well as others. People need to be there for each other no matter what.



  5. Dear Janice you are going to be in my thoughts and prayers. I can remember feeling like you are quite some time ago. It is very hard to pick yourself up by the boot straps and get your head together again. Please keep trying. It wiil be worth it in the long run.


    MargaretMary (MM)



    Sometimes just being silly and doing things like that are well worth it. One of my girls favorite memories is the paper wad fight we all had one night. Even the in laws were in on it. 3 hours of non stop sillyness.


    MargaretMary (MM)

  6. You have the right to be mad. I call that the classic "parking lot cure." bop.gif Don't you just hate it ? It makes you look like you are making things up and being too overprotective to the so called profesionals. I get so frustrated at times because of the same reasons. Just keep trying, you are doing the best you can. MM