
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by momx3

  1. That's our dream Fred, right after we win the lottery! He has it all planned out. The only thing I want is a saltwater pond because I don't care for fresh water fishing. They hunt pigs all year round. That's their reason to go up there during the off season. Turkeys too, but that's not as big of a deal as deer season! He wants me to go too, but I just don't have the heart.

  2. What would we do without our cards!? A few weeks ago I had to cancel mine because some unauthorized charges were appearing on my account, luckily I caught them all and I wasn't responsible for any of the charges (one was a laptop!). Anyway it was about 2 weeks that I was without my card and I thought I was going to go crazy. I typically don't carry cash since I've had the debit card and I HATE having to go to the bank. I feel your pain!

  3. I get like that too. Every little pain or strange sensation and I try to remember back to when I had the stroke and compare. It doesn't do me any good though because other than the neausea that morning I don't remember how I felt. I get headaches regularly and sometimes I think is that a normal headache or is it different? Am I having another stroke? Some days my left arm doesn't work as well as it did the day before, am I having another stroke?


    I think we are just super sensitive because of the experience that we had.


    I get very nervous when DH is out of town. I'm going to Florida next week for a business meeting and I'm already nervous about being in the hotel by myself. What if.............. What if.............


    It's all in my mind though because I was never like this pre-stroke. I guess if I had known what was coming I would have been, but we can't predict the future. All we can do is take it one day at a time.


    Take care and good luck with your surgery.




    Thanks Trina! I'll be sure to check it out. His resume was already on Monster, but I went out and updated it for him last night.


    He was trying to apply for some of the jobs that Toyota and their suppliers have open but, I guess unless your a 100% match to their profile checks then you don't get the "apply now" option.

  5. Thanks jriva and Scooterman (neighbor). Glad to be here, took me a while to actually post a blog but I'm here reading quite often. It just helps sometimes.


    I stopped for the bus this morning :bouncing_off_wall: I feel more like myself today, I think stress is making me the way I was yesterday. Oh goes on.