
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by momx3

  1. momx3

    4 years ago today

    I married the most wonderful man on the planet for 4 years ago today. We have been through things that have tested our strength, our faith and our patience and I think we've come through with flying colors! One month after we were married Joe was hurt on the job (crushed a bone in the middle of his ankle) and was out of work for about a year. Financially this seemed like it was going to be impossible. We survived and came out stronger in the end. A year later and after several weeks on bed rest, I gave birth to a perfect little boy who is now the joy of our family (siblings included). Joe's mother passed away peacefully in a nursing home. Then in July of last year, just as things seemed to be settling into some normalcy I stroked. Joe has been my strength. He has never faulted me for things I thought I couldn't do. He always encourages me to try again and he doesn't let anyone try to take advantage of me. Without him and my babies I know things wouldn't be the same. After having such a bad experience the first time around, I didn't think I could ever love a man the way that I love Joe. He is my rock, my everything, my best friend. He has never taken me for granted and since the stroke he is even more protective of me. I want the whole world to know how much I love my husband and how much I apreciate him. I'm the luckiest girl alive :happydance:
  2. momx3

    not with it today

    Thanks jriva and Scooterman (neighbor). Glad to be here, took me a while to actually post a blog but I'm here reading quite often. It just helps sometimes. I stopped for the bus this morning :bouncing_off_wall: I feel more like myself today, I think stress is making me the way I was yesterday. Oh goes on.
  3. momx3

    not with it today

    Right after we left the house this morning I was singing along with the Wiggles and messing with my teenage daughter in the car and my 3 yr old was in the back seat laughing along when all of a sudden I heard this really loud honk. I focused in and realized that there was a school bus stopped on the left side of the street with it's flashers on. He was honking at me because I didn't stop. That is the first time in my whole driving life that I didn't stop for a school bus. I was so flustered after that happened. What if a kid was crossing the street and didn't look both ways first and I hit him. :yikes: Then when I got to my daughters school, its normal for me to roll the back window down so the little one can yell and wave bye to her I rolled the window down but just drove off after she got out and the baby was so upset and screamed all the way to the sitters house. He kep looking out the back window calling for his sister and was telling me to go backwards so he could say bye. I've just noticed lately that it is really hard for me to concentrate on things. My husband is half deaf from years of hunting and when he watches TV it's loud enough for the neighbors to hear. If I need to talk to him, I have to ask him to turn it off because I feel like I can't gather my thoughts with all the noise. I literally can't hear myself think anymore when its noisy. That's really frustrating.