Mary Goldberg

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Mary Goldberg

  1. Happy Anniversary Mary Goldberg!

  2. Sue, So glad to hear your son is moving closer. Your kids are so special. I enjoy reading your blogs. Keep up the good work you do.
  3. Enjoyed your comments this morning Sue. You are always so uplifting and positive.
  4. In your words Sue I can see you are healing. You are strong. I wish you only the best.
  5. Happy Anniversary Mary Goldberg!

  6. Have you ever gone to Spring Training? My husband, son, and I go every year for Angels Spring Training in Tempe, AZ. It's a lot of fun. We only go for three days but enjoy the getaway. I like NBA but don't go to any of the games. I live in So. Calif. so go to Angel games in Anaheim.
  7. My husband and I went to Tempe, AZ to see the Angels play the Cubs (which they won) and the second game to the Padres which they lost. It was a lot of fun. Where did you go? What games. Thanks.
  8. Happy Anniversary Mary Goldberg!

  9. Mary Goldberg

    Hi Everyone

    Bonnie, I'm glad to see you back. Sorry to hear about your husband. Be strong. Love, Mary
  10. I always enjoy your blogs Sue. You are an inspration to me always. Mary
  11. Happy 4th of July to all Veterans who have given service to our great country. Hope everyone is having a safe 4th. Mary
  12. Your blog was refreshing Sue - I always enjoy your writing. You should write a book. I'd buy it. My mother and father had 5 kids. We were always going on picnics rain or shine. I'm sure she had to get out of the house to clear her mind. I sit in my backyard alot to hear nature. Planes flying overhead, birds etc. Best regards, Mary
  13. Mary Goldberg

    50 more things...

    I feel the same as Asha. You're a good writer to put things down on paper or rather on Strokenet. And to know yourself like you do. Mary
  14. I've been wanting to see the movie Asha. I noticed it's playing at our theater nearby. Maybe this weekend. I'm glad you liked it.
  15. Just wanted to let everyone know that I talked to on chat that our 45th Wedding Party went off as planned. We had a wonderful time with our family and freiends of over 60 people. Everyone showed up and we had enough food and drinks to feed an Army. It was at our house which was nice. Mary Fahey-Goldberg
  16. Thanks so much. My husband and I are both Veterans. We met in San Antonio, TX and a years later we were married. Still married today.
  17. Mary Goldberg


    I'm thinking and praying for you and Ray also Sue. What a bunch of bunk. Hospitals! Take care. Mary
  18. has not set their status

  19. Hi everyone - hope you're having a great day. I am doing good today.

  20. Hi everyone - hope you're having a great day. I am doing good today.

  21. Mary Goldberg

    The Nook

    Ruth, I think the Nook is a great thing for us stroke survivors. I was given a Kindle as a gift and I love it. I have read sveral books with ease. I also have puzzles on mine too. Glad your husband is enjoying it.
  22. I have to share something. Since I had my stroke in May 2005 I had a hard time reading. Last December I got a Kindle as a present and love it. I wasn't reading like I use to because the books are hard to hold and heavy. The Kindle is light weight and easy to read with. You can change the font to a larger type too. You can also put your book to Audio. I use that once in a while when I am alone. I hope this is of some use to you. Mary Goldberg
  23. I saw the show about 5 years agao and loved it a lot!. Makes me want to see it again. I'm glad you enjoyed it Ruth. :Clap-Hands:
  24. I am defintely a bad blogger. It's been 9 months since my last blog. I still enjoy the Chat everynight........when I think of it. With the new site I had a time to find my name to do a new blog. New news: I have a new granddaughter who is 11 months old tomorrow. My husband and I are very proud to be grandparets. May 4 will be my 6 year anniversary since having a stroke. I am grateful I made it this far without a new ailment. That's it for now folks. Take care all my friends.
  25. Sue, I know what you mean when you mention your son. I too have a son who lives in Iowa with his wife and my two grandkids. We see him on Skype which is a help to talk with him and see the grandkids. I miss him a lot. He too was brought up with love. But we have lost that close bond we once had. Cheer up - you always cheer me up. I hope Ray gets better too. Love you - Mary