Mary Goldberg

Stroke Survivor - female
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Posts posted by Mary Goldberg

  1. Hi,

    I am 3 and a half years post stroke and in my first year I worried I would have another all the time. It will pass. I was alone also so my husband and I thought it good I join a senior center two days a week. I was the youngest person there but at least I had someone to talk to and are they wonderful. I have a friend who is 87 and as young as ever when it comes to talking. You need to find something you can do at least two days a week. I don't know how your stroke affected you or how young you are but try to find something out of the house. Help your mother in some way. Make it a date for a hour or two. It will make you feel useful and take your mind off thinking about having another stroke. I also go to Curves to get some exercise 3 days a week. Good luck and hope to see you on chat.


    Mary Goldberg

    Stroked May 5, 2005

  2. I was very lonely for the first year. It's been over 3 years and I feel I am much, much. better. I joined a senior center and go twice a week to get out of the house. I had a very good friend that I truly miss but I guess I'm not the same so only see her occasionally. I forgive her for her ignorance. I drive a little so go to a place called Curves 3 times a week for exercise. That fills my week. I watch too much television but it keeps me company too. My family is very supportive so I guess I am loved and blessed. I guess it gets better as we grow older. I had my stroke at 58 years old so I am the youngest member of my senior center. Recently I became voted in on the Advisory Board. I was truly shocked but accepted the position. Another step to my recovery I guess.