Mary Goldberg

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Mary Goldberg

  1. Sue, I love reading your blogs - it makes my day or evening. Keep on writing. I know you are my friend since I met you on Strokenet over 5 years ago. Merry Christmas Sue. Love, Mary Goldberg :You-Rock:
  2. Wow! It's been sometime since I have blogged. All I wish to say here that it is my 5 year anniversary tomorrow, May 5th. I am so happy that nothing more has happened to me and I am a survivor. I have throughly enjoyed this site and made many friends. Thank you everyone.
  3. I don't know if anyone has missed me but it has been some time I have been on chat. I miss chat! My computer is working fine but for some reason everytime I go into chat it throws me off the internet. I can read the blogs and even send a email. Anyone know what is wrong? Mary Goldberg :Help: :Argh:
  4. Hi, I am 3 and a half years post stroke and in my first year I worried I would have another all the time. It will pass. I was alone also so my husband and I thought it good I join a senior center two days a week. I was the youngest person there but at least I had someone to talk to and are they wonderful. I have a friend who is 87 and as young as ever when it comes to talking. You need to find something you can do at least two days a week. I don't know how your stroke affected you or how young you are but try to find something out of the house. Help your mother in some way. Make it a date for a hour or two. It will make you feel useful and take your mind off thinking about having another stroke. I also go to Curves to get some exercise 3 days a week. Good luck and hope to see you on chat. Mary Goldberg Stroked May 5, 2005
  5. :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :friends: Like Wesley H. said if you find a quick fix let me know also. It's been 3 years for me since my stroke. If there is any advice from me I would say for you to find a new normal. This was on Oprah show one day, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired". I keep busy by going to my senior center. I am the youngest person there so I am always being told what a nice person I am. I just have always liked older people. My newe girlfriend is 87 this month. I was 58 when I joined. I needed socializing. I was home by myself for 10 hours a day so needed to get out. The center picks me up and drops me off for nothing. Good luck with the new you and hope to see you on chat. Mary Santa Ana, CA stroked May 5, 2005
  6. Sue, Again a great blog. You should be a writer as I have said before. I'll try to catch you tomorrow night on Chat. Stay well. And ---- Merry Christmas. Mary Goldberg Santa Ana, CA
  7. I was very lonely for the first year. It's been over 3 years and I feel I am much, much. better. I joined a senior center and go twice a week to get out of the house. I had a very good friend that I truly miss but I guess I'm not the same so only see her occasionally. I forgive her for her ignorance. I drive a little so go to a place called Curves 3 times a week for exercise. That fills my week. I watch too much television but it keeps me company too. My family is very supportive so I guess I am loved and blessed. I guess it gets better as we grow older. I had my stroke at 58 years old so I am the youngest member of my senior center. Recently I became voted in on the Advisory Board. I was truly shocked but accepted the position. Another step to my recovery I guess.
  8. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have seen your wife on from time to time. She was a wonderful person. Mary = Survivor 5-4-05
  9. . I live in Santa Ana, CA I had a stroke and am a survivor May 4, 2005. :Clap-Hands: Mary Goldberg
  10. I want to thank everyone for their comments. I got through the Holidays. We went to a New Year's party at The Elk's Club. I made it to about 10:30 p.m. and couldn't make it to midnight. We missed the champagne toast (not that I would have had any) and met some nice people. I am trying to keep in stream of life but it is hard. I felt like such a loser saying I needed to go home. We went home and watched Dick Clark on TV bringing in the new year. Getting back to the New Year I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. I will be seeing everyone in chat. Chat is very therapuetic! Mary :cheer:
  11. We called it "One Eyes" - my mom made this all the time for us as kids. It brought back memories. Mary Goldberg