
Stroke Caregiver - male
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Blog Entries posted by slowe

  1. slowe
    Here's another "I am From"...........this one a Christmas themed one. I redid the format and posted it below the essay.
    I am from aluminum christmas trees and colorwheels, from paper garlands and angels on the top.
    I am from artificial Christmas trees, from plastic wreaths and pine scent in a can.
    I am from the silk Pointsetta plant and plastic mistletoe hanging in the doorway.
    I am from new pajamas on Christmas Eve, opening one present on Christmas Eve, and milk and cookies left out for Santa. From writing thank you notes before you could use your gifts. From champagne bubble bath and bath oil beads. From Dad's gifts, always big red handkerchiefs and white painter hats and socks we'd later make monkeys out of. From waking up early on Christmas morning and opening your stocking, and then going back to bed.
    From "You'd better go to sleep, or Santa won't come" and "you HAVE to believe in Santa or he won't bring you presents."
    I am from Christmas Cantatas, Greg Thompsen singing "O Holy Night" and "Away in a Manager." From Christmas caroling, from hayrides and hot chocolate. From Christmas programs (when they were still called CHRISTMAS programs) at the fireman's hall, from chorus after chorus of Jingle Bells, from Santa arriving on a firetruck, from bags of hard candy, an apple and an orange.
    I'm from Nutty Nuggets and Butter Crunch Toffee and Confetti Bread, from sugar cookies and Agnes' chocolate dipped creams. From leftover Ice Cream Snowballs with candles and turkey dinner on Christmas. From popcorn balls and too many cookies.
    From the time Dad "rewrapped" Uncle Eddie's present to Judy, covering the impecibly wrapped gift with brown paper bags, and baling rope. From bicycles with streamers, from roller skates with black and pink pompoms.
    I am from boxes of Christmas decorations, carefully packed away in boxes in the attic, from ornaments carefully saved year after year, from green and red paper cut into into strips and Elmer's Glue to stick them together. From a Baby who came to save us and give us life eternal.
    I am from _______ (type of Christmas tree) from _______ (type of tree ornament) and _______(another type of tree ornament).
    I am from the _______ (home description... adjective, adjective, sensory detail).
    I am from the _______ (plant, flower, natural item), the _______ (plant, flower, natural detail)
    I am from _______ (family tradition) and _______ (family tradition), from _______ (more family traditions).
    From _______ (something you were told as a child) and _______ (another).
    I am from (representation of religion, or lack of it). Further description.
    I'm from _______ (food items representing your family).
    From the _______ (specific family story about a specific gift, holiday event, etc.) and ____________________(another) and _________________(another).
    I am from _______ (location of family pictures, mementos, archives and several more lines indicating their worth).
  2. slowe
    Seems as soon as I posted the last entry, things got better around here. Rolly and I are getting along pretty well, and he seems to have made peace with things (at least for now!) Yesterday he surprised the girls with "homemade doughnuts" for breakfast......refrigerated biscuits that he cut holes in and deep fried! They had a ball frosting and decorating them.
    Somedays it really is the little things!
  3. slowe
    I started what ultimately became a tradition the first time I held my brand new grandchild back in 1994. I had someone take my picture.
    "I must capture this memory," I thought to myself. And then I decided that I would always have my picture taken the first time I held a new grandbaby.
    What I didn't know then is the memory of that precious moment--all seven of them (so far!)--would be indelibly kept deep in my mind and heart forever.
  4. slowe
    I just bought two books from Amazon. I didn't realize they had come until Rolly went out the front door at midnight (long story, he smelled smoke, everything is fine! (~_~) But, anyway, he found the box outside and set is in the bathroom. A few minutes later I got up to let one of the dogs out and found the box. Thinking it was the machine for his sleep study, I promptly went back to bed where I tossed and turned for about 20 minutes. I figured I might as well get up and watch the video about the sleep study. Pleasantly surprised when I opened the box and found my books!
    So it's after 1am and here I sit, reading cookbooks from cover to cover (is there any other way to read a cookbook?)
    Dream Dinners...Life Just Got Easier! and Super Suppers Cookbook (both based on the popular "assemble-and-freeze" places that seem to be popping up everywhere these days.
    I can't wait to try them! (and you thought Rolly was the only cook in the family! (~_~)
  5. slowe
    For my last birthday, one my elder son's wife gave me a gift card to Michaels. I opened presents, cleared off the table, threw away the wrappings, etc. That was the last time I saw the gift card. Looked hi and lo, but to no avail.
    Fast forward nine months to this weekend's cleaning spree. And you'll never guess what I found in one of the bags of recipes, grocery lists, junk mail, etc. You betcha---my once lost gift card is found!
    Now to combine it with one of their famous 40% off coupons and go shopping!