
Stroke Caregiver - male
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Everything posted by slowe

  1. Sue, What a wonderful early Christmas present for all of you. Congratulations!
  2. Heck, the first weekend I was gone they had fresh dungeness crab without me! No need to remind HIM to eat good! (~_~)
  3. Yep, we're freecyclers here, too! Gotta love the good feeling you get when someone else is so appreciative of your "junk" (~_~)
  4. slowe

    My day from H#*&

    Ah. come on guys, if you tell me about your days like this, I won't feel so alone! (~_~) To top it all off, I burnt my thumb pulling the dinner rolls out of the oven. Needless to say, I went to bed early and watched food tv! (~_~)
  5. slowe

    my heart is crying

    Change in itself is hard. It is, however, inevitable! But combined with the complications of the stroke, it sometimes seems overwhelming. Hang in there, Sue. You're an inspiration to me!
  6. Rolly doesn't have speech problems, but he does frequently get tired. He usually will just go off and take a nap on his own. The one he has trouble with is when he gets tired he often gets snappy at me. He doesn't seem to make the connection between getting tired and getting groucy!
  7. slowe

    using our experience

    Sue, You said it all! Amen, Sister.
  8. slowe

    Stars on Ice

    Lucky you! Hope you had fun. Rolly and I got to go to the Stars on Ice in Sacramento last year, and it was just awesome. We've watched figure skating together forever, and it was so cool to see some of our favorites live. I felt like a kid in a candy store!
  9. slowe

    DR.s appointment

    Thank you for posting this: It is hard when you look fine, no really noticable deficits. It is hard to tell someone it is not fine inside your head. On a one on one coversation or day to day things I can function. It is when too much comes at you and you are trying to do several things. It is like a circuit overload and the fuse blows ***************************** You could have been describing Rolly to a "T". A couple of weeks ago I just "let go" from my preconceived notions of what he should be able to do (from my standpoint) and letting him set his own pace. As I speak, he is napping (yet agan) and hasn't really gotten going today. But you know what, that's all right. I think he overdid yesterday. For me, I got off, worked 1/2 a day, came home and changed, and am now off for an interview for a higher paying job. The $ would certainly help with him not working, but not sure I want the stress it might bring. Thanks for letting me see my hubby through you!
  10. slowe

    Pumpkins, TVs, and Stuff

    Wow, that helps to have someone on "the other end" explain it like that! Intellectually I "know" how he must feel, but a lot of the time, because he doesn't "look" like anything should be wrong with him, I think it's hard for me to remember that he did have a stroke and things will never be the same again. And I am the MOST unmechanical person in the world and we would have had problems working on a project like this before. The difference is, back then, "I" wouldn't have been involved in it! (~_~) But things happen, life changes, and you go with the flow!
  11. Sounds lovely! BTW, when our DD got married 8 years ago, they left the church in a limo, and cruised around for 45 minutes (first time in a limo for both of them). We had the DJ announce the the newly married couple would be there shortly, and had asked that they go ahead and serve themselves from the buffet (which DH and I had prepared). Everyone appreciated that, since it was a 4 pm wedding, and they got to eat before midnight!
  12. slowe

    CAT Scan 101

    I think that's not an uncommon wish, to wish it were all a dream and you were going to wake up in the morning and the stroke never happened. Ah, that it were. But since it IS real, the best we can do is make the most of what we're left with, and just keep on keeping on!
  13. slowe

    sweets for my sweet

    You nailed that one "the wife who takes all the fun out of life." I'm the one to remind him to take his pills, to go to bed because he's falling asleep on the couch, to be "careful", to call him everyday on my lunch hour to see what kind of day he's having, etc. Am I his mother or his wife?