
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by ruthie65

  1. Happy Anniversary ruthie65!

  2. Happy Anniversary ruthie65!

  3. Happy Anniversary ruthie65!

  4. I walk solely on the quadcane now. not too much in public places as I am very slow.I walk in and out of the rehab facility on M,W,F and around the house all the time. I feel more confident and I am starting to feel more like my old self. It's about time. I have more happy than sad days now. Finally! I am looking forward to a trip home to Baltimore in June. I will get to see my niece dance in person for the first time in 2 years.I am sooo excited. I have missed my family terribly. Life is getting better! :bouncing_off_wall:
  5. ruthie65


    My story begins like this.... 2 years ago,in July of 2003. The company my husband works for relocated us from a suburb outside of Baltimore, Maryland to Southlake, Texas a suburb outside of Dallas. My husband and I were born and raised in the Baltimore area.All of our friends and family were there. Our daughters Emily and Samantha were ages 14& 11yrs. respectively. It was a difficult adjustment for the girls. I was not working so that I could be available to them at all times. Picking the girls up after school was my time to chat with them and hear about their daysI really enjoyed the time, it kept us close. Then in January of this year I became restless and the 2 girls had become expensive shoppers,so we decided I should get a part-timejobto keep me out of trouble I hadmade some great friends since moving here and one of them helped me find a job.I started on January5,2005and I loved it I was a personal assistant to a real estate broker/agent that owned her own company. Then on 2/23/05 I had a headache No big deal. I had them all the time, but this was like one of my migraines.I picked fhe girls up from school went home, took some Excedrine migraine and went about my business on the computer. At some point I started to feel really bad and I went to my bedroom to lie down .I felt really weird like I had taken some kind of drugs. My husband called and I told him I had a headache and wasn't feeling well and he says,but I don't remember, that I dropped the phone. I asked my daughter Emily to call my next door neighbor and bestfriend, Sharon. She came right overand after seeing me lying in bed and trying to talk to me,She called 911. I remember her talking to them and her rubbing my foot . They told her to ask me to recite the aphabet and I must have sounded weird because I remember Sharon getting upset. I made her promise not to leave me and she says, she asked me to do the same. That's all I really remember until sometime in late March/early April.Apparently I stopped breathing in the ambulance , after that, they had taken me to a hospital nearby. and they said they couldn't help me .They told my husband they didn't think Iwould make it through the night. My husband prepared the girls for the worst. Then I was rushed to another hospital in Dallas where they took a CT scan and realized I had a ruptured AVM they did an emergency craniotomy to remove the clot from my brain. They fully intended to remove the AVM within the next couple of days,but I managed to get infections and pneumonia while I lay unconscious in ICU for the next three weeks. The next clear memories I have were mid April when I was on the rehab. floor, my friend Sharon and her husband came to visit and my husband was there and they were talking about taxes.The doctors finally chose a date,May 11th for my AVM removal and craniotomy to replace the piece of skull they had removed during emergency surgery. I went to PT and OTand ST 5 days a week 2x a day for 1 hour each. On May 10, My sister's birthday, I walked with the hemi-walker for the first time.Tthere were nurses and therapists literally cheering me on with,"Go Ruth.....Go Ruth....". I was so proud of myself and I walked about 35 ft. I called my sister when I got back to my room and wished her a happy birthday and told her what I had done and that it was a present to her. The next day would be my surgery and I was really scared.The hospital pastor, a lovely woman, came to be with me and my hubby while Iwaited for my turn in surgery. Surgery went extremely well and I was fortunate not to have any setbacks. I went to the ICU for 3 days then to acute care for a short time, then back to rehab.,where I was happy to be "home."I loved my therapists in rehab especially my ST, I will never forget her, Stephanie Sanchez.She helped me through many anxiety attacks and even came to visit me in ICU after my surgery.She is a very genuine, caring, and warm young woman I was discharged from the hopital on5/26/05, after a long journey. It was very hard to leave the comforts and safety of the hospital. My house was a scary place initially. But after a few weeks it became home again.

    © ruthie 65 happy but can't smile.

  6. aj.- .I have to echo achandra Don't read side-effects they'll just make you worry. Besides hopefully they're all helping! ruthie
  7. ruthie65

    1st year tomorrow

    Vix- I just had my first anniversary a couple of weeks ago. Lots of mixed emotions. But it is good to see how far we come in that first year. Hug your hubby tight tonight and celebrate being together. :friends: Best of luck to you. Ruthie
  8. ruthie65


    hot curry is not a favorite. for me, I prefer sweet curries. ruthie
  9. ruthie65


    lovely poem. I see and feel it ruthie
  10. ruthie65

    peterc is dead

    If peterc is dead who has replaced him?
  11. ruthie65

    Irritated with OT

    NO S**T! I feel your irritation. :Argh: How thick can they be?That stuff is so frustrating! "But they're only trying to help",said with sarcasm in the voice. You go girl! Next time surprise her and do it withyour unaffected fingers. Then she'll either laugh or be the one whose irritated. Ruthie
  12. Margaret Mary- Ican not even imagine the disaqppointment you must be feeling. I feel especially bad for the children. How could they put those poor kids through such a loss. I'm sure they are heartbroken. I only hope you have some sort of appeals process you can attempt.Your plate is already so full with Dick and your parents. Did they give you a reason for their decision? :uhm: All I can say is fight! fight! fight! you sound like a good woman who is willing to make sacrifices to help those kids. Someone should appreciate that and all you have done for them so far. My heart breaks for all of you. Don't give up! :nuhuh: You are in my thoughts and prayers! Best wishes to you, Ruth
  13. Today at therapy I sorta graduated, I have been staying home alone during the day since Oct. But using my wheelchair to get around.Today my PT said, it's time for you to start walking. So now I'll be using my hemi-walker or quadcane to get around the house. My hubby is still nervous. So he rigged something up so I can wear my cell phone on a strap around my neck. He's the best. :wub2:
  14. Congrats on getting things done. It always seemed to make me feel better...back in the day: ) Ruthie
  15. Personally I am quite amused with your attitude. I only wish I still had my sarcasm and wit to share with you. Sometimes it feels good to be curmudgeonly! Ruth(previously a wicked b****).
  16. Sue- Iwish I was there.I would give you a big hug :friends: You always have warm kind words for everyone here, including me. So I waited a couple of days to get my thoughts together. I think loneliness is just a crappy part of life. I feel lonely and still avoid seeing friends. I am so much more comfotable on this website. I think I will make it a personal goal to come see you in Australia as soon as I am up to traveling long distances and I have more stamina.Til then I wish you the best. Give Ray a big hug from me too.Keep your sunny side up. :bouncing_off_wall: Ruthie
  17. On a day like todaythat is filled with so many mixed emotions,it was comforting to just lurk around the site. it made me feel like I spent the day with friends. I caught up on some blogs and postings and even spent some time in the gallery. It all just helped to ease my mind and helped me deal with the fact that there are many more anniversaries to come. Iadore this wonderful family here and you all have helped me to be happy to be alive ! :happydance:
  18. I used to love doing special things for my husband and kids for Valentine's Day. Now that I am trapped at home I told my hubby last night that I was happy to skip it this year! He shows me so much love every day now that I don't need a special day he says he feels closer to me then ever since the stroke and loves me more now. I sent them each an e-card and there will be plenty of one-armed hugs and kisses for all of them! May be I will attempt some brownies. That should be interesting.
  19. I went for evals. in PT and OT today and had a pleasant surprise, two very knowledgeable and experienced therapists! The OT is even trained in the Saebo and thinks I am an excellent candidate. We are going to start off with 3 visits a week in each discipline. I am excited! They have alot of great ideas. My PT was even talking about me walking more and considering going back to work. I am tired of being a bump on a log.I am looking forward to any and all improvements they can help me make. Bring on the hard work. I am soo ready for it!Look out world here I come!
  20. Well I have PT & OT evaluations on Monday 1/30. I am excited to get back to work. Maybe we'll get me a little more independant, that would be great . I feel bad that my husband has to do so much for me. Maybe we'll get my arm doing some more.
  21. ruthie65

    My Family

  22. From the album: My Family

    Our first parents only vacation in Bermuda.
  23. From the album: My Family

    My 2 beautiful daughters Emily and Samantha and their younger cousin Shani in the Shenandoah mountains.
  24. ruthie65

    Mr. Kitty

    From the album: My Family

    My warm sleeping companion