
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by kkholt

  1. AJ - I too love numbers, excel spreadsheets, charts, and data; so I understand your passion. You must tell me tho, how is it that reducing your heart rate, burns more fat???


    I haven't learned to take my interest in data to any personal hobby or interest -- it is all very much work related, and I'm pretty happy with that. I'm wonder now if there is a way to get my flowers to grow faster, or produce more blosoms with an excel spreadsheet......



  2. Rob has some good movement in his arm/hand. He can open and close his fingers, and move his arm up high enough to touch the top of his head. This is done using a lot of his shoulder muscles and also very slow and not very controlled.


    He has been using his right hand as a tool quite a bit lately, such as holding his bowl of cereal while standing and eating. He just has to really "think" about even considering using it.


    The plan is to limit the range of motion in his elbow on his unaffected arm, allowing him access to use his hand and fingers. I understand it will be inconvenient for him to use the left arm, and in doing so it will encourage use of his right (hopefully). Being left handed, he is at a disadvantage to even "wanting" to use his right arm/hand.


    He will probably be spending so much time doing basic things... that he shouldn't get into too much emergency type trouble.


    We tried the oven mitt, and it didn't work. He just pulled it off. We're both very much interested in this therapy, and it was us who brought it up to our OT as something we want to try. I say "we" as all you caregivers know when he is imobilized, it will be increasing the amount of help he needs......


    He isn't getting his cast on for a few days - and I'll let you all know how it goes.


  3. Phyllis,


    Try logging into the site with a different browser. For example if you normally use internet explorer, try going in with netscape (or for mac users try netscape if you normally use safari).... just a thought. This sometimes helps me - there are certain sites that I've noticed sometimes don't like it when I go in with netscape.



  4. Hi AJ - I checked out your daughters site. I don't know her, but the site has an artistic creative feel -- interesting.


    So, when you mentioned that you are on the phone with her and don't know what to say -- you could ask her about what she is doing, ask her opinions on things -- if she will open up about this stuff. Figure out what she really likes to talk about and keep the conversation there.


    My son, when he started Junior High stopped talking as openly to his Dad and I. What I found interesting is he and his Dad can now sit at the table and talk for hours about societal politics, world war history -- things I know nothing about. If I ask how his day was.... he clams up.


    Sometimes I was a little insecure about talking to my Dad, and was concerned he was going to have an opinion about what the decisions I made, and what I was doing. For some reason kids are very sensitive to parents comments and sometimes view them as criticism, regardless of the intent. As I got older and became more confident with years those insecurities lessened.


    Take Care!



  5. Mary,


    The hospital case manager encouraged us to apply for social security almost immediately upon Rob's admission. If she hadn't and we didn't do it at that time, I doubt if we would have done it later. Rob's application went through and he qualified without question. Rob definitely associates his SS with defeat - and no matter that I explain it is simply early medicare retirement - he still doesn't like it.



  6. T,


    I wondered myself how he did it.... You can see in the picture his guide wouldn't leave his side, and they wouldn't let him pack it more than a couple hundred yards. That is pretty much how he has dealt with this diversity - he tends to over-compensate with his left side for right side weakness.


    I'm just waiting for him to do one-handed push ups because he wants to do a push up so bad......


    Sure humbles me when I see some of the things he does.



  7. Hi Sheila,


    There are quite a few resources on the web and on this site about SS disability - perhaps there are some information out there to help you. If you haven't been denied, perhaps no news is good news.


    It took us seven months to hear anything about Rob's application - and then it was through a deposit in our bank account, no letter, no nothing. It was kind of strange to get a check, before we received any written notification.


    Keep your chin up Sheila.



  8. Here Here Sue....


    I find it interesting how so many of us move through these circles with similar thoughts, and feelings. I dare to bare my soul here sometimes -- it's scary, yet therapeutic.


    I had a friend today explain that to her, a relationship was like a bank account. Sometimes we invest sometimes we withdraw. I see the same going on here.



  9. Hey Sue,


    Humor is so important - it is an essential component to many peoples life. Mine included. Reading your blog reminds me of my parent-teacher conferences when over the years my sons teachers disclose the areas he needs to work on, the weaknesses that I as a parent already know. It always comes with a twinge in my stomach. Information that I don't like to hear, that I already know, that I'm not sure what to do with, or where to go with it.



  10. Is this a new habit since your stroke of letting your piles of stuff get out of control? I would be curious to know.


    Before his stroke my husband was very efficient about keeping a few areas of the house clean - it was like his pet peeve. He always kept the entry way tidy, and that ment sweeping and mopping our tile floor often. He also was the "dishwasher" and not too bad about cleaning up after himself when he cooked. Well that was all before stroke because he doesn't do any of it now, and I can't figure out if it is because he doesn't notice it needs to be done or it doesn't bother him..... or it is too difficult to do it one handed. I've tried asking him but he kind of looks at me like he doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about - as though he doesn't even see there is a change in his attitude toward cleaning......



  11. Kim,


    I had a "deal" with Rob in those first few weeks. He had to first try to do the task himself before he asked me. It was my "deal" not his. This was of course within reason and never intended to compromise his safety.


    Maybe trying what Sue did will help, do you have a bus stop close by to go sit at? My icons don't work.... so I have to give you a written hug.......




  12. Mema,


    The lobelia baskets downtown Anchorage are a true sight. The city has made a lot of nice improvements over the years, and in that particular section they put in these beautiful plant hangar posts, and hang these gorgeous baskets on them every year. I didn't realize this was something particular to Alaska but know there are classes on how to make those flower baskets. It's quite a site.


    I keep myself to only two houseplants and they are smack in the middle of my window that gets the best light. Also common to Alaska are frequent power outages, which are very hard on house plants. My mom used to winter her baskets at a nursery - I myself am content to just rebuild each year. It is fun, and seems cheaper.


    If you want to see what the Alaska daylight does to plants check out our state fair website. -Karen



  13. Hi Ann,


    I wanted to share something about the extra weight concern - and my related experience. When I have some extra pounds that I need to take off and have found when I'm at that point, I feel really icky about myself -- and it has the opportunity to seep out and affect my relationships with my family (especially my husband). My husband no longer address my extra weight through an appearance issue but as his genuine concern for my health. That helped us tremendously. Another avenue that works for me is weight watchers. I'm an avid fan. The program requires a lot of accountability to your friends/members. It's a pretty sad life that I will let myself down, but not my friends...... If you are feeling better about yourself - some of the other issues may be easier to cope with. (p.s. - I have a sister in law who carries some extra weight - maybe as much as 20 lbs or so. She exercises faithfully every day. What is so interesting is even though she is carry extra weight, she is incredibly healthy. Her BP is perfect, her glucose is perfect, her heart rate is great, her blood work is great... she really is a testimony to what exercise can do for people.... course I've not followed her lead.) Take care Ann. -Karen

  14. All the flowers that I am not familar with in your posts, I checked out on the internet - and fell in love with them too. I was born and raised here in Alaska and am not familar with some of the normal flowers in the lower 48, our growing season and ability to winter-over is very different. So, one day I saw a packet of flowers in the store, and fell in love with the flowers - they were morning glories - and I decided to give them a try. A co-worker said they grow like a weed where she grew up, and could be rather pesky. I had to grow them inside and was so proud of my morning glories, that she throught were a pesky weed. Just goes to show one persons trash is another persons treasure. :)

  15. Sue,


    Such good news! I hope you have plans that allow you to regenerate while Ray is at camp. You took me by surprise when you talked about an autumn day -- and I had to think a minute to remember you're on the other side of the world. Fall in March just doesn't compute :)


    Take care sue.

