
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by kkholt

  1. Hi Kristin,


    I enjoyed your blog. As a committed caregiver myself - it really hits home and speaks to me. I noticed a lot in common with you in relation to your work, teenager, and committment to your family.


    Thoughts go through my head - just like you, that flee through fast. I have no guilt for those thoughts, and just consider them as a part of my emotional adjustment.


    "I didn't sign up for this" thought might breeze through my head and bring a few minutes of anger. Sometimes this is just the thought I need that gives me the spurt of energy to roll up my sleeves and continue the hard work ahead.


    I saw in your blog a very big-hearted caring person. I applaud you!



  2. Throughout his therapy my husband when trying to move his affected arm has ALWAYS used every muscle in his body to get the arm to move - including all his facial muscles. We use to laugh when his in-patient therapist would say, "okay, now try to do that without using your eyebrows". I will sometimes hear my husband making funny noises - and notice he is trying with all his might to use his arm/hand to do something. It takes so much effort and he is trying so hard. Don't worry about the faces - use what ever muscles you need to get the job done. Even those eyebrows! -karen