
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by merichsen

  1. Marie,

    Sorry to hear you suffered undiagnosed for so many years. I'm glad you are feeling better now and hope things continue to look up. I'm sure they will now that you have finally been accurately dianosed and it is being addressed.


    Maria :friends:

  2. Jan,

    You can't really double space and font sizes are limited when you're typing here. The only suggestion I can give you is to type it in word then copy and paste it here, just don't copy and paste it as double spaced from there or it will be huge on here. It will most likely come through as though you hit return twice between each line. Maybe type it double, select all change it back to single then move it here. Sorry- best I can think up for you hope it works.

    Sorry you're still having issues with your eyes.


  3. Miss Kathy,

    Congrats on your anniversary. September 16th! must be something with that date. Was my first wedding anniversary - although I do have 2 great sons and you as a friend as a result~ the Pollyanna syndrome strikes again.

    How could a few wayward snips do anything to detract from that beautiful face? Please don't get any ideas about getting a Flowbee and vaccuuming your hairdo. I'd rather come up there and drive you before that. However desperate you get do not attempt to wax your own eyebrows with one hand it's not a good idea with 2 with 1-there's a good chance you'll never see again.

    I'm glad you've finally come to the realization that you need to cut yourself a break. You can still be a perfectionist. We just have to be more realistic and reassess what is perfect for us now. Most times that's just doing the best we can. Life after stroke changes the dynamics. The only expectations you need to live up to now are your own and they need to be different than they were prestroke. It seems you are finally coming to realize that which is great! Now you will see what the rest of us are still very intelligent, capable, interesting, warm, sweet and strong.

    love you, xoxo

    Maria :hug:

  4. Katrina,

    It's not that no one can love you until you love youself, it's that you can't love any one until you love yourself. What that means is that to be able to love someone and just love them without some self serving codependent purpose like trying to fill a void or need within yourself you must be mentally healthy enough and love yourself enough to just love the person without trying to feed off them. The other side of that does actuallt tie in to what you said, but it's not that they can't love you. It's moreso that mentally healthy people tend to steer clear of emotionally needy ones because they know what they receive in return is not love but rather a roller coaster ride based on the instability of the other's ill mental health. So it's not a can't but more a prefer not to.

    You seem to be wrestling with some very difficult issues in your head lately and based on your previous post it seems some may stem from home. I wish I had some answers for you honey but I don't. It would probably be a good idea to speak to a counsler on campus who is trained to help and work with you to get through some of this. You know we love you and are always here for you, but you really need some one on one interactive couselling and assistance.


    Maria :friends:

  5. Happy Anniversary honey :cocktail:

    If you'd like to see how well he does comparatively. I'll be happy to send Michael down who now is into making scrambled eggs as a snack. He, instead of adding a drop of milk, adds about a 1/2 cup of milk to a half dozen eggs and winds up with egg soup. Then becomes very hurt and insulted if you don't don't to taste them. If you'd like a box on when he's going to get salmonella the pot's getting pretty big.Part of the ante is that you have to be ship a tasting.


    I'm happy to hear he's doing so well. The house and your new spacious environment seems to have really agreed with you both.


    Love you lots,

    Maria xoxo

  6. Little Chicklet,

    The stress of trying o jump back into the grind and going from the ease of summer to pressure of a full schedule is tough on the main stream population added to already having your hands full with the challenges you have and you start off almost on the edge. Know that when you look around on that campus very few would have the guts or courage to have even ventured going to college aside from achieving what you have. I know you're tired of hearing the accolades and at this point, it's probably just an annoyance, but you are a very admired, intelligent, admired, and well respected young lady on that campus.

    It's a new year and you can't pick up socially, academically, and emotionally from where you left the game in May. Holiday breaks are very different than 3 months and a new school year - give the year a little time to settle in and establish. Don't forget last year you were a freshman..this is the first time you are returning to school so much of what you are feeling... you had no prior knowledge of and weren't prepared for. Last year you weren't concerned about schedule conflicts and not seeing your friends you were making new ones. Relax - you'll establish a new life this year, new friends, see your old ones too. You can't continue last year for all 4 years ~ you just expand upon it and that becomes your whole college experience. Enjoy this - it's really the best 4 years of your life just have a great time meet as many people as you can and keep smiling that beautiful smile.

    Love Maria

  7. Kristin,

    Welcome to blog world! Sorry it took so long for me to catch up with you, I've been a bit behind on my blog following. It's great that you've figured out and are utilizing so many of the site's feature in such a short time ~ enjoy it's a great site with much to offer.

    Another challenge we may share...two teenage boys 2 years apart - makes life interesting - doesn't it?

    Maria :friends:

  8. Doug,

    I don't think you really learned much that you didn't already know. Maybe just the slap of the reality of having it verbalized which no one has had the guts to do before which certainly has to hurt to hear because there's no longer even the sensitivity to spare your feelings. That might not be such a terrible thing may just be what you needed ~ it may be the rock bottom reality you needed to hit with this so there's no more wrestling with it in your head.

    I'm sure you know what you think of yourself is most important. You've proven to yourself to be a very strong man. Stay on the wagon Good luck with the job prospect and be seem to know best when you are.


    Maria :friends:

  9. Doug,

    this is the first time you seem to have thought along these lines in a long time. You seem to be doing so well buddy. Keep looking forward don't look back. You're moving in a positive direction keep going that way. Keep blogging and telling us about Teddy, we love to hear about him and it will keep you focused on something you love and makes you happy.


  10. Donna,

    Such a beautiful girl...rather obvious why she's a heartbreaker.


    I'm so with you dear. This 16 and junior year thing is a bit too much reality for me. Just steer very clear of the baby pictures, it's emotional suicide - nothing like the power of suggestion right? Well at least in 2 years we'll have each other to commisterate. Maybe we can hook them up and keep them forever. Let's see mmmm a dog, a dead hamster buried in the backyard, he's clean, not much of a dowry, but a real good kid and in 2 years I bet we'll be distraught and desperate enough to give it a shot. Well be fine. We made it through kindergarten graduation we can do this.


  11. Sharon,

    Sounds great! Where is it? I'm the queen of avoiding these monster roads and can navigate both these states and the island with nice relaxing country roads. Another alternative is the LIRR will take you into Penn and from there you can catch the train to Pennsylvania or NJ transit buses leave from Port Authority on 42nd and 8th. They have a pretty extensive service line. Depending on where you are going they may have service. Either way no driving, no traffic, relax, read a book. I know dear from way out there Pennsylvania is another country - remember I've seen it from where you're standing and know it's like do I need a passport??? LOL It's really not that far and will be well worth it.


  12. Sherry,

    I remember you well dear! You were upset because you put your cat in the cupboard and your therpist Anne helped you get in to the rehab in Texas. You were very overwhelmed, frightened and felt like you needed to explain to everyone about your stroke because they stared at you.

    I kept trying to convince you that it would get better and despite the fact that you've had a tia, you seem to have come a thousand miles from where you were. We're still here, didn't forget you, are still your friends and will continue to be here for you. We're not that easy to get rid of we strokers stick together!

    Maria :hug:

  13. Kristi,

    I'll tell you the same thing I tell my 16 year-old son so you can roll your eyes and tell me to mind my business and cut the drama like he does. Keep in mind all advice from your friends is usually motivated by making sure you don't end up with better than them and that you are still around and available at their disposal. Trust your mother she's the only one who loves you unconditionally and has no ulterior motives...doesn't seem like that now because you fight alot. You'll see as you get older she'll always be your best friend. I'm an only child too and fought with my mother horribly when I was your age. She's still my best friend, we go get our nails done, go shopping, she's still the first person I have to tell when something happens.

    As far as boys give them a run for their money always remember ANY GUY THAT'S EASY TO LOSE ISN'T WORTH HAVING.He wasn't that into you to begin with it's always better if he loves you more than you love him. Enough drama I'll shut up.

    Maria :hug:

  14. Kimmie,

    You've got a lot going on girlfriend, but it's all good grandma!! What more could you hope for :) Glad to hear Matt is doing better even though his method of therapy is a bit rough on you beats moping around. Better days are always ahead.

    Maria :hug: