
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by merichsen

  1. Sue, Apologies accepted for your technical difficulties, but your absence is felt and we really miss you. You surely are a gracious and entertaining hostess, roos on the barbi sound interesting. You may just have inspired us to get a group rate and come over as a crowd. 24 hours too short you say? Glad you enjoyed your visit with Babs and Eddie. You deserve it Maria :friends:
  2. Stu, I think the vision of the pages of the faceless people that this board has helped was the vision that Steve had that gave him the passion and drive to make it a reality along with the blessing of Divine intervention. The number of members that we have says nothing to the incredible difference it means to be a member and the wondrous difference that makes to so many. For that Steve is responsible and I agree I hope he knows the enormity of the difference he has made.
  3. Cathy, That was always my concerm with antidepressants. My doctor always anted to put me on them, but I felt like they just deadened you from the issue and once you stopped them the issue would still be there. I think therapy is a much better way to go. It would really do me a world of good too. I'm still hanging on a lot too. I've never really made enough of an effort to find a good one in my area and keep procrastinating it. Need to get my act together about it. Maria
  4. Anne, As with you can pick your friends but cannot pick your family. Despite Choe being family her inner beauty,strength, and character you describe make it clear that you lost a cherished friend, whom you would have carefully chosen. I am truly sorrow for your loss. I know what a rare treasure she must have been. Although her physical organs were donated in death, what she gave of herself in life through her warmth and love will continue to live on as it is clearly alive and evident in your words. Love you, Maria
  5. Cathy, The plot thickens.... Seems it's a bit more than just about losing weight. You want your groove back. Gotta tell ya. I spent a lot of time and energy not wanting to let go and trying to be who I was. After much beating myself up, frustration, and far too many tears I came to the realization that I would never walk as I once did or move as I once did so I 'd never get my groove back. Didn't mean I didn't know what it took and I couldn't reinvent myself. Stick with the weight thing ~ that's always good, but develop you new style and find your new groove. Maria :friends:
  6. merichsen

    I hate it!!!!

    Bill, Sorry you're feeling so bad and having a rough time. Ditto what the other ladies said. Better days are coming and you know we'll be anxiously waiting for the scoop. Maria
  7. Marie, Sorry I missed your first chat. I was dragged along with my husband to go suit shopping under the guise of his wanting my opinion and input, of which of course I was permitted none. I was allowed to pick out some socks, so bone tossed. I'm sure it was a great success. You have the key element - a winning personality! My suggestions are more along the lines of support related themes. In which case I would suggest looking over the board to see issues that appear to be hot or most prevelant and offer a specific chat based on that issue. For example families not understanding seemed to be big about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The major issues are always there and will cycle. Newbies will come for help veterans will come to offer support and share. You can also look through Classic Postings and Advice for major common issues although as a 24 year survivor I'm sure you know them quite well. I already got tickets to your next...wouldn't miss it. Maria
  8. Cathy, The issue I have with food now is that as a result of stroke it is just another thing that has taken control and taken advantage of my vulnerability. I never really had to watch what I ate because I always was active, able to exercise and burned it. I don't like the idea that I have to make meal choices based on my ability to burn them. I was never a comfort food person so fortunately I don't have that issue. I think the being thin part feels good but more than that I think it feels good to be in control of yourself. I bet you felt good about yourself when you made it to curves 4 days in a row. Being down in the dumps is usually a byproduct of feeling badly about yourself and constantly letting yourself down will do that. It becomes a vicious cycle. Having a doctor precribe drugs or having surgery might give you the end result weightwise, but it won't enable you to regain and earn the self respect you acquire through the self discipline it takes to get there. Sorry...not what you wanted to hear. You need to set small realistic goals you can attain put your mind to it and stick to it. In the end nothing will give you greater comfort than feeling good about yourself. Congrats on your upcoming new addition. Maria :friends:
  9. Sue, Despite the challenges of handling life out of your element it sounds as though it was well worth it. We miss you much here sweet lady. Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your trip albeit you're tired. Enjoy your upcoming visit. Maria :friends:
  10. merichsen

    I Fell Again

    Katrina, Sorry to hear you fell. Sounds like a good guy behind you to pick you up if you fall- where he belongs. Living on campus makes a world of difference socially and probably will be a big help with doing books too. Can't help with the colonoscopy thing ~ haven't been that fun route yet. As the other ladies have said...the prep is probably worse than the test. On the upside a good flush has to be worth at least 2 or 3 pounds. Good luck with the test, hope your knee feels better, and we still haven't seen pics of the cutie. Love, Maria :hug:
  11. He's not saying I tawt I taw a puddy tat. He knows he saw one and he'll never forget it. Can't blame him he was just trying to get in on the festivities. He thought it was a treat, but turned out to be a trick. He's determined now to get his Halloween beggar's share-afterall the rest of the kids did. Have a happy halloween! Maria
  12. merichsen


    Kathy, I'm sure your cupcakes turned out just as great as Elmo ~ sure that lost one wasn't a taste test It's great that you're getting out and doing things. I'm sure Miss Kimmie didn't tell you to snap out of it...she has the warm fuzzy gene unlike other people you know. No dipping in the bird bath chickadee. You'll do just fine with Barry away, you're far more capable than you give yourself credit for. Love, Maria :friends:
  13. Doug, I somehow sense Doug goes where Teddy can take him and your afternoon outing is the highlight of both your days. Nothing like new places to sniff and explore, mark your spot, and declare the entire complex as yours! Teddy Rules! Don't be surprised if he has his friends write to management for a name change to Teddy's Terrain. ~ he already has them paying for the favor of a pet with treats. smart pooch. Thanks for the Teddy anedote, he's always fun to hear about. Maria :friends:
  14. Katrina, Girls like your best friend are a dime a dozen and they just don't seem to get that I love you and I'm mistreating and want to control you just don't match up. Ther low self esteem keeps them hanging on to the hope that they can change them. This reverts back to your question about no one loving you before you can love yourself and my prior lecture. Fortunately you have self esteem, you're smart enough to steer clear of guys like him and he's shrewd enough to see it. Why do you think he wants her no where near you? Try not to be hurt by it honey, it's not personal. It's codependency and she has an addiction which her low self esteem does help her break free of. He says he's sorry and she actually believes that because she needs to-it's her fix. Not really much different than an alcoholic or drug addict. She may one day hit bottom and sadly that usually comes for these girls when they land in the hospital after "he goes psycho" and tosses her a good beating. Hopefully that's before he gets her pregnant- they're usually good at trying to establish a permanent tie first. When a guy cares about you he doesn't make excuses, ask you to give up your friends, change, or do anything to make him happy- HE TRIES TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. First red flag run fast there's always another one. That's the outlook and attitude about guys you can have when you have self esteem sweetheart, which you have. Never ever settle ~ or let anyone pull you down with them remember miser loves company. Working with at risk kids can be very emotionally taxing so your transportation issues may be a bit of a Divine Intervention buffer for a bit. We're all still praying for you about your license. I'm glad you had a good time at the parade and great anniversary. You deserve it! I got so fed up with myself for forgetting the camera that I got a small one to carry at all times- now I forget to charge it. Can't Somebody from the crowd often has pictures to share, if so please post them. Love & smooches, Maria :hug:
  15. merichsen

    The truth hurts

    Doug, As a teacher I can vouch for the fact that it's a near impossibility to get parents to see, let alone admit their children's faults it is like shoveling sludge against the tide. They in turn become defensive and attempt to deflect blame on us or others. Enablers (They enable their kids to never take responsibility) They knows and always have. You're wasting too much energy on something you'll never get them to admit. By the way... what are Teddy's latest escapades? Any girlfriends?rabbits? combos of the two? we haven't heard about him in a while. Be well, Maria
  16. Donna, Through this all you're worried about informing us? I knew you wanted to do this, but didn't think you'd be ready for it for some time. Don't beat yourself up about having moved back. It wasn't as though you knew and chose to ignore it. You know as we all do if it had been known that she was ill you would have been there all along. You can't change that. You did make amends and let her know you loved as did Kristi before you lost her. She possesses greater wisdom now than when on earth. She knows the beauty that lies within your heart as do we. I know how important it is for you now to get Angel here not only for Angel, but as a means of doing it in memory of your mom. Don't worry somehow we'll figure it out, we'll get her here. Right now work on unfrazzling your nerves. Take the Ativan and try to get sleep, relax, no Pepsi. I love you, Maria
  17. Congrats on Tootie's ribbon, great pumpkin. :clap: What a wonderful idea on the part of Taylor's school to combine Red Ribbon Week with Halloween, most schools don't. Doing so make it fun to be involved in an important campaign that they could have easily tuned out. :SLEEPING: Looking forward to the pictures. Maria :hug:
  18. Is Taylor more partial to one of the two? I always tried to go for costumes that weren't so cumbersome that my kids spent didn't most of Halloween trying to keep themselves assembled.How about a ride to the costume store where she can lokk around a bit, have some input, and will inevitibly pick out the most expensive costume which of course you know you'll buy. Maria :friends:
  19. merichsen

    kitchen tips

    Marie, Thanks I can get most things done. I'm just a bit too fastidious and want things to come out as they always did. I may just need tips for the terminally tight. Maria
  20. Yolie, I'm sorry to hear that Taylor' medication has increased. Try not to be too disheartened she still very well may outgrow them. Keep hoping and we'll all keep praying. She's far too young to discount that she hasn't outgrown them. Love, Maria :hug:
  21. Sue, You're not an old lady who doesn't give up-just determined and dedicated. We're having Sue withdrawals too! You may give us up for a technology or appliance support group, but you know we'd never give you up. We would find you and reclaim you. Very nice of your sister to do that. Lends new meaning to don't show up empty handed. Most visitors bring a little treat not a major appliance, but sweet none the less. You're so right chat is an excellent means of support especially for newbies and you are a Godsent voice of understanding and comfort to many. Don't fret you'll be up and running in no time. Love, Maria :hug:
  22. merichsen

    I'm Still Here

    Leah: Hope you enjoyed your trip. It wipes you out, but it's worth it, by the time you get home you need another one! You'll be an old pro at your new program in time. Maria
  23. Doreen, Glad you enjoyed your break. We'd loved to see the pictures. I'm sure Bill and Steve enjoyed their male bonding time. Great plan woman put them to work! Boys are always best kept busy-keeps 'em out of mischief :yukyukyuk: Maria
  24. merichsen

    10 sounds I hate

    I'm with you on most of them. I especially dislike #4. Somewhere along the way you must have had an insidious teacher like me who used #8 as a way to get a class' attention quickly. So I replace #8 with noisy classrooms. Maria
  25. What's to pity sweetheart? Your strength, intelligence, inner and outer beauty? I see all of your victories right down to the challenge you emerged victorious through the past 2 weeks. Don't sell yourself short that comes from the inner beauty you elude that others can see and are drawn to. It's clear as day right through cyberspace. Have a great weekend babe, you deserve it! love & smooches, Maria